Reckless Hillary Hacked by China as Sec. of State Putting U.S. in Danger

So Barry knew in 2014 about Russian Interference and did nothing to stop them...

Now evidence shows the FBI was told about Hillary's server being hacked by the Chinese in 2015, & the FBI did nothing.

To be more specific.....

Fired Anti-Trump fired FBI Agent & Conspirator Peter Strzok - at the center of every criminal step taken in the Conspiracy - with the CIA / Brennan, with the NIA / Clapped, re-writing the final Hillary report, protecting Hillary and her aides from indictment - is once again at the center of more Hillary crime....

HE was the FBI agent told about the Chinese hacking of Hillary's server in 2015 AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT .... EXCEPT LET IT HAPPEN!


We have Diane Feinstein and her husband getting filthy rich working with a chai comes and her own personal Chinese spy for 20 years....

You've got ex-president Bill Clinton who sold the Chinese military missile technology that allowed them to develop missiles capable of striking the United States...

.... and years later, Hillary Clinton being given $145 million dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation while Bill Clinton gets $500,000 for a one-hour speech from the KGB Bank in exchange for 20% of the US supply of uranium in 2014...

The Democrats, especially the clintons, have been selling out United States to this nation's enemies, specifically China and Russia, for decades....

Meanwhile the head Witch Hunter Robert Mueller is connected to a Russian oligarch who some believe might have been the author of the Russian authored fake news Trump dossier that the Obama Administration CIA, niaa, and FBI used illegally to try to take down candidate and now president Trump....

MEANWHILE ... AGAIN .... US AG Sessions is still AWOL when he should be calling for a second Special Counsel!
What an irresponsible dumbass. Her server got zapped by China. Lock her up!
Chinese company reportedly hacked Clinton's server, got copy of every email in real-time
FBI let this slide because they were too busy at upper echelons with their “get Trump” campaign.

That slobbering piece of dog crap Hillary has been hacked and sacked by just about everyone and everything on this planet now except the ONE THING that should be getting it!

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The problem is quite complicated. Do we know how many people would be in those emails? The entire DEEEEP state. Includes the DOJ, IRS, FBI, secret deals, RINOS included. That is why the DOJ etc do not want anything to do with them, and that is why hillary is so comfortable in her situation. She will bring down the entire apparatus. So much so that there may very well be calls for executions.

An example. The great obama claims credit for killing bin laden. Somehow, some way we found out where he was hiding. A short time after that, the same SEAL TEAM VI was shot out of the sky by some brown asshole with a shoulder propelled thing. They were riding in what amounts to be a giant school bus in the sky.

The cynical side of me sees a nefarious deal made with someone. Pakistan? A skin for skin deal? They give up bin laden and they get the our guys.

How did some brown asshole know where to be and when to be there? Why were they all put in that vehicle? We know that the SEAL TEAM members use stealthy helicopters and fly low etc.


Like those.

They do not run rapid deployment missions in these. They are for transfer, not rescue missions.



The families of those fallen demanded justice. Never got it, and never got an explanation that they were promised they were going to get.

All buried to history. Under the lies and buried with the operation fast and furious. Another thing promised but never delivered anything by obama.

Sooooo, what was in those emails? How many people have the motivation to keep those things hidden? How many people would be executed for high treason?

hillary, the kuuuunt is counting on the fact that too many people would be brought down if they were ever revealed, and she is right.

Meanwhile, the left complain about Trump who never had any sort of inside access to anything.

So Barry knew in 2014 about Russian Interference and did nothing to stop them...

Now evidence shows the FBI was told about Hillary's server being hacked by the Chinese in 2015, & the FBI did nothing.

To be more specific.....

Fired Anti-Trump fired FBI Agent & Conspirator Peter Strzok - at the center of every criminal step taken in the Conspiracy - with the CIA / Brennan, with the NIA / Clapped, re-writing the final Hillary report, protecting Hillary and her aides from indictment - is once again at the center of more Hillary crime....

HE was the FBI agent told about the Chinese hacking of Hillary's server in 2015 AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT .... EXCEPT LET IT HAPPEN!


We have Diane Feinstein and her husband getting filthy rich working with a chai comes and her own personal Chinese spy for 20 years....

You've got ex-president Bill Clinton who sold the Chinese military missile technology that allowed them to develop missiles capable of striking the United States...

.... and years later, Hillary Clinton being given $145 million dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation while Bill Clinton gets $500,000 for a one-hour speech from the KGB Bank in exchange for 20% of the US supply of uranium in 2014...

The Democrats, especially the clintons, have been selling out United States to this nation's enemies, specifically China and Russia, for decades....

Meanwhile the head Witch Hunter Robert Mueller is connected to a Russian oligarch who some believe might have been the author of the Russian authored fake news Trump dossier that the Obama Administration CIA, niaa, and FBI used illegally to try to take down candidate and now president Trump....

MEANWHILE ... AGAIN .... US AG Sessions is still AWOL when he should be calling for a second Special Counsel!
This thing needs a special counsel to investigate.
I'm seeing reports that our Human Intelligence agents in China went silent between 2010-12. If I can corroborate it, I'll post it.
Probably killed because of “Reckless Hillary.”

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