Reason To Celebrate, Cause To Complain


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

I have always loved the 4th of July. Easing into the second month of summer just as the first waves of Texas heat shimmer miraculously up to render sacred the innate beatitude of ice-cold beer for the benefit of the faithful and the free, it is a holiday in the finest sense.

Hot dog! This anniversary of enlightenment and celebration of human freedom from the long burden of priest-ridden fallacy and aristocratical incompetence is one big party for multiple generations finally liberated from the blind ages of medieval superstition and unwarranted authority, all to the sound of John Phillip Susa marches and rockets' red glare - with sparklers!

Released at last from the withered traces of imperious, in-bred, nit-wit monarchism, done with divine-right and clerical autocracy, finished with slavery and subservience, we are all out now, turning toward the promise of 1776 and ready to revel in a new freedom that is fused with the best of ancient republicanism and the healthful fruits of endemic democracy for everyone. It is a hopeful saturnalia of colors, cultures, and creeds that all arc toward the best aspects of our common humanity - with hamburgers and watermelon!

Then came tRump.

Words cannot convey the depravity of such a scum-guzzling, drain-sniffing, noxious, festered specimen of spiritual malignancy, ruptured and emerged like a diseased and stinking lesion on the butt-crack of stupidity itself, that would even consider ruining such a fine day. But there it is: an angry orange boil, a sub-human chancre that will not be satisfied until it has infected everything good and decent with its virulence and contagion. What kind of gold-plated imbecile would want to ruin the 4th of July?!?!

Of course there is also the kidnapping and the torture of children, arguably even more contemptible than the assault on the values that lead normal people to regard such depravity as a damnable stain.

Run of the mill perverts, predators and child-abusers are not so much to blame as tRump and the Republican leadership for the present debasement of the once civil society that we long to celebrate on the 4th. Denying the stranger, abusing the weak, victimizing the poor and defiling the innocent, these pipsqueak would-be autocrats have added to the list of their perversions the smug imprimatur of earthly power and the blessing of their awful god. Such depravity is unsupportable.

I think that the time has come for a willful deafness to the sound of anything even rhyming with bipartisanship. Engagement is a practice outworn which has had its day and is, for now at least, a thing of the past. I want a Democratic candidate and a Democratic party that will work to rid the polity of those who have for so long represented nothing but pollution itself. I will vote for whichever her or him that vows to work most passionately toward making the Republican Party as irrelevant to present concerns as are the ghostly leavings of the Tories, the Federalists, Dixiecrats, or Know-Nothings.

There once may have been but now can hardly be any defensible reason to advocate the continued existence of the GOP. Only after this awful and dgenerate version of "conservatism" is plowed under, salted down and pounded flat, might someday a worthy opposition be allowed to begin to reform and rebuild itself as a legitimate political party, but again only after the present outfit is relegated to practical extinction.

Then we have ice cream and balloons.

Happy 4th of July!

Reason to celebrate, cause to complain.
Words cannot convey the depravity of such a scum-guzzling, drain-sniffing, noxious, festered specimen of spiritual malignancy, ruptured and emerged like a diseased and stinking lesion on the butt-crack of stupidity itself, that would even consider ruining such a fine day. But there it is: an angry orange boil, a sub-human chancre that will not be satisfied until it has infected everything good and decent with its virulence and contagion. What kind of gold-plated imbecile would want to ruin the 4th of July?!?!

Of course there is also the kidnapping and the torture of children, arguably even more contemptible than the assault on the values that lead normal people to regard such depravity as a damnable stain.

Run of the mill perverts, predators and child-abusers are not so much to blame as tRump and the Republican leadership for the present debasement of the once civil society that we long to celebrate on the 4th. Denying the stranger, abusing the weak, victimizing the poor and defiling the innocent, these pipsqueak would-be autocrats have added to the list of their perversions the smug imprimatur of earthly power and the blessing of their awful god. Such depravity is unsupportable.

I think that the time has come for a willful deafness to the sound of anything even rhyming with bipartisanship. Engagement is a practice outworn which has had its day and is, for now at least, a thing of the past. I want a Democratic candidate and a Democratic party that will work to rid the polity of those who have for so long represented nothing but pollution itself. I will vote for whichever her or him that vows to work most passionately toward making the Republican Party as irrelevant to present concerns as are the ghostly leavings of the Tories, the Federalists, Dixiecrats, or Know-Nothings.

There once may have been but now can hardly be any defensible reason to advocate the continued existence of the GOP. Only after this awful and dgenerate version of "conservatism" is plowed under, salted down and pounded flat, might someday a worthy opposition be allowed to begin to reform and rebuild itself as a legitimate political party, but again only after the present outfit is relegated to practical extinction.

Then we have ice cream and balloons.

Happy 4th of July!

Reason to celebrate, cause to complain.
^^^^^^ Terminal case of TDS .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Then came tRump.

... followed by a hyper-partisan tirade that would embarrass a three-year old.

I have to admit, when we elected our President, I never thought he would keep inspiring the kind of non-stop schadenfreude with which the losers have gifted us. But, President Trump truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

I just hope you guys have the stamina to keep it up for the next four years.

I have always loved the 4th of July. Easing into the second month of summer just as the first waves of Texas heat shimmer miraculously up to render sacred the innate beatitude of ice-cold beer for the benefit of the faithful and the free, it is a holiday in the finest sense.

Hot dog! This anniversary of enlightenment and celebration of human freedom from the long burden of priest-ridden fallacy and aristocratical incompetence is one big party for multiple generations finally liberated from the blind ages of medieval superstition and unwarranted authority, all to the sound of John Phillip Susa marches and rockets' red glare - with sparklers!

Released at last from the withered traces of imperious, in-bred, nit-wit monarchism, done with divine-right and clerical autocracy, finished with slavery and subservience, we are all out now, turning toward the promise of 1776 and ready to revel in a new freedom that is fused with the best of ancient republicanism and the healthful fruits of endemic democracy for everyone. It is a hopeful saturnalia of colors, cultures, and creeds that all arc toward the best aspects of our common humanity - with hamburgers and watermelon!

Then came tRump.

Words cannot convey the depravity of such a scum-guzzling, drain-sniffing, noxious, festered specimen of spiritual malignancy, ruptured and emerged like a diseased and stinking lesion on the butt-crack of stupidity itself, that would even consider ruining such a fine day. But there it is: an angry orange boil, a sub-human chancre that will not be satisfied until it has infected everything good and decent with its virulence and contagion. What kind of gold-plated imbecile would want to ruin the 4th of July?!?!

Of course there is also the kidnapping and the torture of children, arguably even more contemptible than the assault on the values that lead normal people to regard such depravity as a damnable stain.

Run of the mill perverts, predators and child-abusers are not so much to blame as tRump and the Republican leadership for the present debasement of the once civil society that we long to celebrate on the 4th. Denying the stranger, abusing the weak, victimizing the poor and defiling the innocent, these pipsqueak would-be autocrats have added to the list of their perversions the smug imprimatur of earthly power and the blessing of their awful god. Such depravity is unsupportable.

I think that the time has come for a willful deafness to the sound of anything even rhyming with bipartisanship. Engagement is a practice outworn which has had its day and is, for now at least, a thing of the past. I want a Democratic candidate and a Democratic party that will work to rid the polity of those who have for so long represented nothing but pollution itself. I will vote for whichever her or him that vows to work most passionately toward making the Republican Party as irrelevant to present concerns as are the ghostly leavings of the Tories, the Federalists, Dixiecrats, or Know-Nothings.

There once may have been but now can hardly be any defensible reason to advocate the continued existence of the GOP. Only after this awful and dgenerate version of "conservatism" is plowed under, salted down and pounded flat, might someday a worthy opposition be allowed to begin to reform and rebuild itself as a legitimate political party, but again only after the present outfit is relegated to practical extinction.

Then we have ice cream and balloons.

Happy 4th of July!

Reason to celebrate, cause to complain.

I have no problem admitting I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,,

but I have to say, watching the TDSers is just fun,,,,and pathetic at the same time,,,
but mostly fun,,,

I have always loved the 4th of July. Easing into the second month of summer just as the first waves of Texas heat shimmer miraculously up to render sacred the innate beatitude of ice-cold beer for the benefit of the faithful and the free, it is a holiday in the finest sense.

Hot dog! This anniversary of enlightenment and celebration of human freedom from the long burden of priest-ridden fallacy and aristocratical incompetence is one big party for multiple generations finally liberated from the blind ages of medieval superstition and unwarranted authority, all to the sound of John Phillip Susa marches and rockets' red glare - with sparklers!

Released at last from the withered traces of imperious, in-bred, nit-wit monarchism, done with divine-right and clerical autocracy, finished with slavery and subservience, we are all out now, turning toward the promise of 1776 and ready to revel in a new freedom that is fused with the best of ancient republicanism and the healthful fruits of endemic democracy for everyone. It is a hopeful saturnalia of colors, cultures, and creeds that all arc toward the best aspects of our common humanity - with hamburgers and watermelon!

Then came tRump.

Words cannot convey the depravity of such a scum-guzzling, drain-sniffing, noxious, festered specimen of spiritual malignancy, ruptured and emerged like a diseased and stinking lesion on the butt-crack of stupidity itself, that would even consider ruining such a fine day. But there it is: an angry orange boil, a sub-human chancre that will not be satisfied until it has infected everything good and decent with its virulence and contagion. What kind of gold-plated imbecile would want to ruin the 4th of July?!?!

Of course there is also the kidnapping and the torture of children, arguably even more contemptible than the assault on the values that lead normal people to regard such depravity as a damnable stain.

Run of the mill perverts, predators and child-abusers are not so much to blame as tRump and the Republican leadership for the present debasement of the once civil society that we long to celebrate on the 4th. Denying the stranger, abusing the weak, victimizing the poor and defiling the innocent, these pipsqueak would-be autocrats have added to the list of their perversions the smug imprimatur of earthly power and the blessing of their awful god. Such depravity is unsupportable.

I think that the time has come for a willful deafness to the sound of anything even rhyming with bipartisanship. Engagement is a practice outworn which has had its day and is, for now at least, a thing of the past. I want a Democratic candidate and a Democratic party that will work to rid the polity of those who have for so long represented nothing but pollution itself. I will vote for whichever her or him that vows to work most passionately toward making the Republican Party as irrelevant to present concerns as are the ghostly leavings of the Tories, the Federalists, Dixiecrats, or Know-Nothings.

There once may have been but now can hardly be any defensible reason to advocate the continued existence of the GOP. Only after this awful and dgenerate version of "conservatism" is plowed under, salted down and pounded flat, might someday a worthy opposition be allowed to begin to reform and rebuild itself as a legitimate political party, but again only after the present outfit is relegated to practical extinction.

Then we have ice cream and balloons.

Happy 4th of July!

Reason to celebrate, cause to complain.

I have always loved the 4th of July. Easing into the second month of summer just as the first waves of Texas heat shimmer miraculously up to render sacred the innate beatitude of ice-cold beer for the benefit of the faithful and the free, it is a holiday in the finest sense.

Hot dog! This anniversary of enlightenment and celebration of human freedom from the long burden of priest-ridden fallacy and aristocratical incompetence is one big party for multiple generations finally liberated from the blind ages of medieval superstition and unwarranted authority, all to the sound of John Phillip Susa marches and rockets' red glare - with sparklers!

Released at last from the withered traces of imperious, in-bred, nit-wit monarchism, done with divine-right and clerical autocracy, finished with slavery and subservience, we are all out now, turning toward the promise of 1776 and ready to revel in a new freedom that is fused with the best of ancient republicanism and the healthful fruits of endemic democracy for everyone. It is a hopeful saturnalia of colors, cultures, and creeds that all arc toward the best aspects of our common humanity - with hamburgers and watermelon!

Then came tRump.

Words cannot convey the depravity of such a scum-guzzling, drain-sniffing, noxious, festered specimen of spiritual malignancy, ruptured and emerged like a diseased and stinking lesion on the butt-crack of stupidity itself, that would even consider ruining such a fine day. But there it is: an angry orange boil, a sub-human chancre that will not be satisfied until it has infected everything good and decent with its virulence and contagion. What kind of gold-plated imbecile would want to ruin the 4th of July?!?!

Of course there is also the kidnapping and the torture of children, arguably even more contemptible than the assault on the values that lead normal people to regard such depravity as a damnable stain.

Run of the mill perverts, predators and child-abusers are not so much to blame as tRump and the Republican leadership for the present debasement of the once civil society that we long to celebrate on the 4th. Denying the stranger, abusing the weak, victimizing the poor and defiling the innocent, these pipsqueak would-be autocrats have added to the list of their perversions the smug imprimatur of earthly power and the blessing of their awful god. Such depravity is unsupportable.

I think that the time has come for a willful deafness to the sound of anything even rhyming with bipartisanship. Engagement is a practice outworn which has had its day and is, for now at least, a thing of the past. I want a Democratic candidate and a Democratic party that will work to rid the polity of those who have for so long represented nothing but pollution itself. I will vote for whichever her or him that vows to work most passionately toward making the Republican Party as irrelevant to present concerns as are the ghostly leavings of the Tories, the Federalists, Dixiecrats, or Know-Nothings.

There once may have been but now can hardly be any defensible reason to advocate the continued existence of the GOP. Only after this awful and dgenerate version of "conservatism" is plowed under, salted down and pounded flat, might someday a worthy opposition be allowed to begin to reform and rebuild itself as a legitimate political party, but again only after the present outfit is relegated to practical extinction.

Then we have ice cream and balloons.

Happy 4th of July!

Reason to celebrate, cause to complain.
You realize the fourth celebrates the right you have for speaking your opinion and the right for others to have theirs. Having said that, Trump is the BEST president we have had since Clinton.

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