Real car guys are into chicks with tattoos

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
I'm a "car guy" but I do not like tattoos... especially on ladies....
I've passed on dates with some very pretty women because they have too many tattoos....
Maybe if they made a tattoo that you could press a button and change it from time to time... like changing a channel on TV...
But as a rule I don't like them....
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Tattoos are a turnoff when it comes to a date. It makes a woman looked bruised .

Actually, I would say that it depends on what the tattoo is, and the quality of it. I've seen (and dated) some women with tattoos, and never thought one way or the other about it, probably because I have a few myself. In some cases, they can be really beautiful artwork. I dated one woman who had a bird of paradise on her hip that went down to her knee, and it was actually pretty nice, kinda enhanced her beauty (she had some killer legs). I've dated others who have had them openly displayed (back of neck, arms, etc), and others who have had "secret" tattoos that you only got to see if you were intimate with her. Tattoos don't really turn me off unless they are of crappy quality (like something they did themselves or had a "friend" do for them when they were young), or are of things I personally consider offensive (like extremist or jailhouse tattoos).
I'm a "car guy" but I do not like tattoos... especially on ladies....
I've passed on dates with some very pretty women because they have too many tattoos....
Maybe if they made a tattoo that you could press a button and change it from time to time... like changing a channel on TV...
But as a rule I don't like them....

If I were single, I wouldn't pass up an otherwise suitable women just because she had tattoos; but I agree with you that I find it very unattractive. I've never seen a woman with visible tattoos, who I didn't think would be significantly more attractive without them.

It's rather like looking at a great work of art, by the greatest artist of all, after some talentless idiot with a can of spray paint has trashed it with ugly graffiti.

But I'm not so superficial that I would weigh visual attractiveness that heavily in choosing a mate. My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but she is beautiful in ways that are not so obvious at the surface.
My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend has some. She's got a 3D butterfly on her shoulder which is really nice.

I don't mind tattoos on a woman as long as they're not on her boobs. That's always been a turn-off for me. And, of course, neck and face tattoos are a complete non-starter...
There's a Shelby in there somewhere...


Oh! Is that her name Shelby? Nice. Car? Ohhh the car. :cool:;)

You know, that reminds me of a time I was hanging around a biker bar called Boondocks in Amarillo TX. Someone came in with a copy of Easyriders that had an extremely nice custom bike that was really tricked out, with a buxom young hottie wearing a skimpy bikini.

Me? I noticed all the trick stuff on the bike, as well as how nice it looked (had a beautiful paint job). Didn't notice the girl, and started commenting on the bike. Everyone was looking at me like I had a grown a second head, wondering why I was looking at the bike and not the girl.

But, my reasoning was I already had a pretty trick Harley and had more women than I could shake a stick at. I was more interesting in seeing if the mods on the bike could be fit on mine.

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