re-electing Trump means more damage to environmental policies


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
and i think we have seen quite enough of that already.

plus, Trump is the kinda guy to repeat blatant provable lies right to everyone's face. i believe that alone makes him unfit for office, and if you add his tendency to play nice with world dictators while they implement WMD programs semi-silently, or his stone walling on gun control, or the complete cutting of US climate policies, or the passing of massive tax cuts to the richest that really didn't end up in ordinary people's paychecks (quite predictably) while Trump will claim that it did,

then i gotta say you have a President here who is truly best dismissed at re-election time.
And more prosperity.

The only actual environmental impact will be the extra mattresses you bed wetters soil and put in the landfills.

We've seen quite enough of the stupid bullshit you vacuous pieces of post.

Trump is the kinda guy to repeat blatant provable lies right to everyone's face. i believe that alone makes him unfit for office, and if you add his tendency to play nice with world dictators while they implement WMD programs semi-silently, or his stone walling on gun control, or the complete cutting of US climate policies, or the passing of massive tax cuts to the richest that really didn't end up in ordinary people's paychecks (quite predictably) while Trump will claim that it did,

Wait, are you trying to give me reasons to vote for him?
The only actual environmental impact will be the extra mattresses you bed wetters soil and put in the landfills.

We've seen quite enough of the stupid bullshit you vacuous pieces of post.

now you're replying like a 3 year old who can't stand to have to listen to another's opinion that you don't agree with.

grow up, will ya.
Why would we belch out our intentions to supposed wmd W and O did.

Cutting climate change is the only correct move. We can't stop that. To think we can is complete arrogance.

Have you looked at the current lib gypsy carnival? Those are your savior's?
The EPA has been out of control for decades. Trump is just trying to get rid of the overly fanatic interpretation of the Clean Air and Water Act and reduce the red tape businesses need to go through to start up and operate. Also, there's a lot of redundancy between the Fed and State EPA's that need to be reduced.
re-electing Trump means Trump & Trump's supporters will be sucking the penis of authoritarians like, Kim un, Putin, MBS from Saudi (we did 9/11) Arabia, Rouhani in Iran; yep, Trump will be sucking some dick, and so will Trump's supporters.

That will make environmental issues a no brainer .............

How does that taste? Do you guys need some napkins, to wipe off the smell?
and i think we have seen quite enough of that already.

plus, Trump is the kinda guy to repeat blatant provable lies right to everyone's face. i believe that alone makes him unfit for office, and if you add his tendency to play nice with world dictators while they implement WMD programs semi-silently, or his stone walling on gun control, or the complete cutting of US climate policies, or the passing of massive tax cuts to the richest that really didn't end up in ordinary people's paychecks (quite predictably) while Trump will claim that it did,

then i gotta say you have a President here who is truly best dismissed at re-election time.
Lord these bullshit threads get old.
And more prosperity.

i have a strong suspicion it means more prosperity for the richest, while only providing the most basic economic relief the your average middle class member,
at the expense of their long-term environmental, economic and peace security.
Federal government regulations concerning environmental issues are set by the Feds but generally enforcement takes place at a state level. If you want to clean up the environment take it up with state regulators and legislators.
insults and obvious misdirection ("take it up with xyz").. that's all i've seen so far from you in this thread, Trump supporters.

got anything of real substance?
something independently verifiable please?
The only actual environmental impact will be the extra mattresses you bed wetters soil and put in the landfills.

We've seen quite enough of the stupid bullshit you vacuous pieces of post.

now you're replying like a 3 year old who can't stand to have to listen to another's opinion that you don't agree with.

grow up, will ya.
Study up on "opportunity zones" and the "First Step" act. After Mr Hope and Change flipped the bird at the Black people who voted for him, Trump is actually doing something to help the Black community.
re-electing Trump means Trump & Trump's supporters will be sucking the penis of authoritarians like, Kim un, Putin, MBS from Saudi (we did 9/11) Arabia, Rouhani in Iran; yep, Trump will be sucking some dick, and so will Trump's supporters.

That will make environmental issues a no brainer .............

How does that taste? Do you guys need some napkins, to wipe off the smell?
You purchase a car that has 5000 dollars worth of safety in it. That prices people out of the market. How much is enough? The same thing in everything is what you interfere with to screw your neighbors over.
attempting to re-elect Trump is analogous to voting for organic matter that claims it will wipe the slobber of hookers off of Trump's wang wang, that signed NDAs for Trump, off the map. = IMPOSSIBLE .........
insults and obvious misdirection ("take it up with xyz").. that's all i've seen so far from you in this thread, Trump supporters.

got anything of real substance?
something independently verifiable please?
Take the time to make a few phone calls. Call the regional federal office and ask them about something. For instance you can ask them about tearing down an old building that could possibly have asbestos in it. That person will mostly like tell you that if there is asbestos in your building whoever is going to remove that needs to have an asbestos removal license. Then they will most likely refer you to your state Division of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or whatever the agency of the state is called that takes care of environmental issues. Now those state guys go by different rules depending on the state you are in. They may refer you to their preferred contractors or they may simply tell you that you need a license to be authorized to remove asbestos and they should tell you their state requirements of where that asbestos must be disposed of, etc....

Now if you are too stoopid or too ignorant to do something like that there isn't much any one can do for you whether they are Trump supporters or not.
eh, opportunity zones seem to be another bag of hot air : What You Need to Know About Opportunity Zones

and that first step act seems like really small improvements (First Step Act - Wikipedia) that end up meaning very little in a system that still racially profiles *and* keeps poverty at (sorta) current levels.

and if people are forced into tents on the streets, Trump wants to :
Trump’s Plan to Solve Homelessness Is Horrifying
reporting in The Washington Post had suggested that the White House was proposing to demolish tent cities in San Francisco and Los Angeles, increase the “role of police” in monitoring homelessness, and potentially incarcerate the homeless in government-run facilities.
instead of making ordinary housing and jobs available for these people!

so cut your ramblings about how Trump supports the middle class and the blacks,
they're all empty promises and the tiniest of economic improvements that are then blown up by being called substantial,
by people like you.
i think Elizabeth Warren has a lot of good ideas.
but that's just me.
Chief Rotten Crotch has wacky ideas just like the rest of the 2020 leftist loons.

oh wait, more name calling.
a perfect display of what it's like to be a 5-year old pretending to wanna engage in grown up discussions.

but hey, why don't you try to get yourself a better Republican candidate than Trump then?
or do you just like Trump and his policies? why?
insults and obvious misdirection ("take it up with xyz").. that's all i've seen so far from you in this thread, Trump supporters.

got anything of real substance?
something independently verifiable please?
Take the time to make a few phone calls. Call the regional federal office and ask them about something. For instance you can ask them about tearing down an old building that could possibly have asbestos in it. That person will mostly like tell you that if there is asbestos in your building whoever is going to remove that needs to have an asbestos removal license. Then they will most likely refer you to your state Division of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or whatever the agency of the state is called that takes care of environmental issues. Now those state guys go by different rules depending on the state you are in. They may refer you to their preferred contractors or they may simply tell you that you need a license to be authorized to remove asbestos and they should tell you their state requirements of where that asbestos must be disposed of, etc....

Now if you are too stoopid or too ignorant to do something like that there isn't much any one can do for you whether they are Trump supporters or not.

so ehm, because it's not easy to get f-ing ASBESTOS removed safely,
and because god-forbid the rules are *localized* (yet easy enough to read up on, and construction businesses tend to be tied to specific regions btw),
i'm talking nonsense.

right. not.

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