Raw Milk For Breakfast?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. In my experience unusual dietary inclusions are more often found in the province of Progressive/Liberal folk than conservative/traditional ones. Raw milk, bean sprouts, as examples…..

a.“Raw milk is responsible for nearly three times more hospitalizations than any other foodborne disease outbreak, says Hannah Gould, Ph.D., senior epidemiologist with the CDC's Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were 86 reported food poisoning outbreaks from raw milk between 1998 and 2008, resulting in 1,676 illnesses, 191 hospitalizations, and two deaths.

b. Raw sprouts: According to the CDC, there have been at least 30 reported outbreaks of foodborne illness in the U.S. from raw or lightly cooked sprouts since 1996. All types of sprouts -- from the alfalfas you get on a sandwich to the mung bean sprouts garnishing your Thai food -- can be dangerous when not thoroughly cooked.

i. This is largely because of how they're grown, explains Michelle Smith, Ph.D., senior policy analyst at the FDA: The warm, moist environment necessary for growing sprouts provides the perfect conditions for bacteria (such as salmonella or E. coli) to multiply….Research has shown that you can kill salmonella by immersing contaminated sprouts in boiling water for five seconds.

c. How about Gulf of Mexico raw oysters: Everyone knows that eating raw shellfish can be dicey (and in fact the CDC advises against it entirely), but bivalves from the Gulf of Mexico take it to a whole new level. Waters in the Gulf are warmer than those in the Pacific Northwest and other popular oystering spots, making it possible for a bacterium called Vibrio vulnificus to thrive.

i. Healthy people who ingest a V. vulnificus--ridden oyster might have vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, but for anyone with a compromised immune system, the bug can infiltrate the bloodstream, causing a severe and life-threatening illness called septicemia, which is fatal in one-third of cases.” Not safe to eat: Three foods to avoid - CNN.com

2. Which leads to this: Progressive positions can be shown to be unworkable, and the history of milk indicates this. At the time pasteurization was introduced with respect to raw milk…the ‘precautionary principle’ would have prevented instituting same.

a. The ‘precautionary principle’ can be summarized as ‘better safe than sorry,’ and in Progressive Europe, it is the law of the land.

“The precautionary principle is detailed in Article 191 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (EU). It aims at ensuring a higher level of environmental protection through preventative decision-taking in the case of risk. However, in practice, the scope of this principle is far wider and also covers consumer policy, European legislation concerning food and human, animal and plant health.” The precautionary principle

b. “In practice, many environmentalists do not eschew risk analysis when they apply the principle; rather, they use it selectively to advance preconceived agendas, cherry-picking scientific risk assessments and information in order to restrict technologies that they dislike — such as biotechnology, DDT, fossil fuels, nuclear energy — and to advance technologies that they favor, including forms of renewable energy, organic farming and light-weight vehicles.”
Applying the Precautionary Principle to DDT | NCPA

3. It is not possible to make the argument that all products are totally safe….yet, that is exactly the progressive thinking, as instituted in Europe. Yet, the “precautionary principle,” deals with new products and technology as though the tiniest bit of negative evidence requires extensive regulation, moratoriums, congressional testimonies, …heck, outright banning: “…until it is proven safe! It requires a scientifically impossible standard that none can achieve.

a.‘Progressive advocates, particularly environmentalists, have advanced the idea that the same principle be use in the United States. Of course, the sensible position is to ask that opponents prove it to be unsafe.
Once again we find Progressives sticking to 'feeling passes for knowing.'

b. And…it suggests that that older technologies are safer than newer ones, and to be on the alert for ‘dangerous’ new innovations!’
Berezow and Campbell, “Science Left Behind,” p.143-144.

4. Pasteurization would not have gotten beyond the ‘precautionary principle.” In 1946, Lord Rothschild summed up the arguments of the opponents of pasteurization in words that sound like today’s environmental activists: “What nature produces is good enough for me, so better not to tamper with it; it might be dangerous; I like my milk raw.” Lord Rothschild, HL Deb 10 April 1946, vol.14 cc 643-75
There have been amazing advancements in psychiatric drug therapies in recent years.
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I've almost completely stopped drinking milk (I use Heavy Whipping Cream in my coffee) but occasionally I'll have some Raw Milk from the local farms. Nothing wrong with it.

In fact if I understand correctly, pasteurization is just so that Farmers can transport that product across country. Did you know that Pasteurized Milk is allowed to have more puss, blood and other filth in it just because it's boiled?

Pasteurized Milk is generally no good and should be avoided by anyone over the age of 3, especially that "low fat" stuff!

One morning a while back my Dad was eating this huge bowl of sugary cereal and complaining about having bad gas all the time. I said stop drinking milk for a week and see what happens.

He was real surprised when the gas went away!
There have been amazing advancements in psychiatric drug therapies in recent years.

As you speak from personal experience, they appear to be far from efficacious.

I'd suggest that your keepers go back to the straight jacket.

Stick to polemics. Your still shit at it, but its better than your attempts at comedy.

What the heck....did you get up on the wrong side of the cage today?

That wasn't comedy...

...it was diagnosis.
There have been amazing advancements in psychiatric drug therapies in recent years.

Which cannot be proven from reading PC's posts.:cuckoo:

I dunno, guys. I'm witnessing the death of horizontal high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the state of Illinois - before the first such well is even drilled.

b. “In practice, many environmentalists do not eschew risk analysis when they apply the principle; rather, they use it selectively to advance preconceived agendas, cherry-picking scientific risk assessments and information in order to restrict technologies that they dislike — such as biotechnology, DDT, fossil fuels, nuclear energy — and to advance technologies that they favor, including forms of renewable energy, organic farming and light-weight vehicles.”

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