Rasmussen to Poll "Leaners" Starting Oct. 1st.


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Rassmussen is going to change the direction of their polling starting October 1st. With Romney and Obama still in virtual ties, Rasmussen will start polling "leaners" to learn how they are leaning to get a snapshot on how the election results may turn out from the undecided votes.

It should be the most interesting poll out there to date.
Obama and Willard are not in a tie, not to mention Rasmussen is ultra-right wing propaganda with 0 credibility.
Obama and Willard are not in a tie, not to mention Rasmussen is ultra-right wing propaganda with 0 credibility.

Zero credibility??? They were the most accurate in 08 when they correctly stated obama's margin with far better accuracy than anyone else, but now that they show a dead heat, they are suddenly lacking credibility.
You wouldn't know credibility if it smacked you up along side of your empty skull.
Obama and Willard are not in a tie, not to mention Rasmussen is ultra-right wing propaganda with 0 credibility.

Zero credibility??? They were the most accurate in 08 when they correctly stated obama's margin with far better accuracy than anyone else, but now that they show a dead heat, they are suddenly lacking credibility.
You wouldn't know credibility if it smacked you up along side of your empty skull.

Holy fuck are you stupid, it must be from all the inbreeding.

Rasmussen was the 7th most accurate in 08', not to mention wildly inaccurate and biased in 10'

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 National Head-to-Head Polls

Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly - NYTimes.com
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Look, the fact is, most people are prety much the same - withthat thought somewhere in the back of their mind that polls they agree with must be the most accurate. The fact is, CNN typically skews left, and Rasmussen typically skews right. That's why I don't pay attention to individual polling agencies. And within any given agency, it's not unusual at all for one poll sampling to occasionally be out of line with their typical results. So even within one agency, you can't trust any one slice in time of a poll. This is what the only numbers I give any credence to are the RPC average. By combining the results of ALL the available polls, and weighting them with a formula that includes the sample size, the sampling criteria (likely voters vs registered voters vs Americans) and the age of the information, they provide a scientifically calculated average. And in 2008, it was RPC that was actually closest of all to the actual final result. Polling is not worthless. Not by a stretch. But accept it for what it is - a sampling and a point in time slice. It's useful in observing trends, momentum, and where a candidate needs to focus their efforts and message. It is NOT the election. And yes, whether Republicans like it or not, monemtum is trending toward the President. I see things in stories about how Romney's hope could rest with the October jobs report or with the price of gas. If he continues to think that way - looking for outside influences - and ones not REALLY directly controllable by ANY President, then he is in serious trouble. If Romney is going to win in November, it has to come from Romney. He needs to KILL int he first debate. If he can't steal momentum and trust from Obama in that forum, he's toast. The future of his campaign is in his own hands.... of course, Obama's going to have something to say about that too. Obama is not going to lay down and die. The first debate is crucial to Romney and important to Obama. Obama can put it away with a knockout performance, and Romney can gain back momentum. It remains to be seen which - if either - will happen.
Obama and Willard are not in a tie, not to mention Rasmussen is ultra-right wing propaganda with 0 credibility.

Zero credibility??? They were the most accurate in 08 when they correctly stated obama's margin with far better accuracy than anyone else, but now that they show a dead heat, they are suddenly lacking credibility.
You wouldn't know credibility if it smacked you up along side of your empty skull.

Holy fuck are you stupid, it must be from all the inbreeding.

Rasmussen was the 7th most accurate in 08', not to mention wildly inaccurate and biased in 10'

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 National Head-to-Head Polls

Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly - NYTimes.com

http://www.fordham.edu/images/acade...ccuracy in the 2008 presidential election.pdf
Rassmussen is going to change the direction of their polling starting October 1st. With Romney and Obama still in virtual ties, Rasmussen will start polling "leaners" to learn how they are leaning to get a snapshot on how the election results may turn out from the undecided votes.

It should be the most interesting poll out there to date.


I see Scottie is looking to keep you guys full of chicken soup until it's over.
Zero credibility??? They were the most accurate in 08 when they correctly stated obama's margin with far better accuracy than anyone else, but now that they show a dead heat, they are suddenly lacking credibility.
You wouldn't know credibility if it smacked you up along side of your empty skull.

Holy fuck are you stupid, it must be from all the inbreeding.

Rasmussen was the 7th most accurate in 08', not to mention wildly inaccurate and biased in 10'

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 National Head-to-Head Polls

Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly - NYTimes.com

http://www.fordham.edu/images/acade...ccuracy in the 2008 presidential election.pdf

You need to read that link. It says Obama won by 6. He didn't. He won by 7.3.

It's irrelevant anyway. One poll is not a big enough sample to determine a pollster's accuracy.

You need to read that link. It says Obama won by 6. He didn't. He won by 7.3.

It's irrelevant anyway. One poll is not a big enough sample to determine a pollster's accuracy.
I've read the link numerous times since its release...It shows Rasmussen and Pew tied for 1st as the most accurate pollsters in the '08 election.

Since the results of that particular study have been widely disseminated and known about for the last three years, only blatant liar would say that Rasmussen was 7th in accuracy in '08.
Nox 6th. The only poll that matters. Pre-election polls are bullshit.

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