Rasmussen: The President Gets a Post Convention Bounce


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
The president is enjoying a convention bounce that has been evident in the last two nights of tracking data. He led by two just before the Republican convention, so he has already erased the modest bounce Romney received from his party’s celebration in Tampa. Perhaps more significantly, Democratic interest in the campaign has soared. For the first time, those in the president’s party are following the campaign as closely as GOP voters. Interest in a campaign is typically considered a good indicator of turnout. Platinum Members can monitor enthusiasm, demographic breakdowns and additional information from the tracking poll on a daily basis.

The president’s bounce began the night after Bill Clinton spoke to the convention and received rave reviews. Sixty-six percent (66%) of voters nationwide have a favorable opinion of the former president. Democrats overwhelmingly believe Clinton and Obama have similar views on how to fix the economy, but few Republicans and unaffiliated voters share that assessment. Among all voters, 59% see Clinton as a better president, while 19% prefer Obama. Democrats are evenly divided.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Well I was off having tingles up my leg...

and how nice to be called rightwing nuts by a mod..no wonder this board has went to hell
dems tend to have short attention spans. Don't think I'm too worried about daily tracking polls in early september. On the other hand ---


With unemployment still over 8% and the economy essentially dead in the water, why isn't Romney up by 20%?


because most people understand that he's not saying anything that bush didn't say.... and won't do anything that bush didn't do.

the "base" seems to demand it.

also, pretty difficult to get a good head of steam electorally if your platform includes disrespect for huge portions of your electorate.
Poor Staph, the inevitable is just around the corner, and her tingles are getting a bit rusty.

nothing is inevitible.

at this point in the last presidential election cycle, mccain was ahead. then we all found out how stupid palin is and the economy crashed.

the confluence of those two events changed the election, imo.

nothing is over til it's over. and there's not a large enough lead in the tracking poll for comfort yet. and there may not be.
A bounce, by definition, means that he will lose it. If minds are going to be made up or changed, it will be during the debates.

I expect that the debate will come down to Romney saying achievement must be nurtured and obama saying achievement must be abandoned for fairness.
"University of Colorado Professors Ken Bickers and Michael Berry have quite a set of bragging rights up their sleeve – namely, they’ve devised a mathematical model of the Electoral College that has predicted every Presidential race correctly since Ronald Reagan won the Presidency in 1980."

And we all know what prediction is, don't we?
I don't even care about the polls, honestly. It isn't debate season yet.. and I expect Romney to trounce Obama when that time comes.

Then the Ryan-Biden debate.. Hahahaha.. don't even get me started.

Romney will win this election.

If he doesn't.. This nation is in for a rude awakening.. Obama won't have another election to answer to.. Scary thought.
I'm wondering why there aren't ten rightwingnut threads on the rasmussen poll already....

oh yeah... right.

Because polls mean shit, the same substance your brain is made up of. Where were you last week when the "polls" showed Romney ahead. Trolling likely.
I'm wondering why there aren't ten rightwingnut threads on the rasmussen poll already....

oh yeah... right.

Because polls mean shit, the same substance your brain is made up of. Where were you last week when the "polls" showed Romney ahead. Trolling likely.

Strolling, you mean. Like trying to turn tricks to support Anthony Wiener's next election.

If it weren't for BilL Clinton's speech there would have been zero bounce. As it is, Obama is forced to press Ole Bill into service, despite their personal enmity.
It's OK. As the reality of the last jobs report sinks in and the next one comes out Obama's ratings will start to resemble those of George W Bush at a Code Pink rally.
I'm wondering why there aren't ten rightwingnut threads on the rasmussen poll already....

oh yeah... right.

Because polls mean shit, the same substance your brain is made up of. Where were you last week when the "polls" showed Romney ahead. Trolling likely.

Strolling, you mean. Like trying to turn tricks to support Anthony Wiener's next election.

If it weren't for BilL Clinton's speech there would have been zero bounce. As it is, Obama is forced to press Ole Bill into service, despite their personal enmity.
It's OK. As the reality of the last jobs report sinks in and the next one comes out Obama's ratings will start to resemble those of George W Bush at a Code Pink rally.

If that were the case, the Weird Mormon Robot would be ahead by double digits... and he's never actually been ahead... and never will be.

Incidently, the last jobs report, unemployment dropped from 8.3 to 8.1, which is about all most people will actually notice.
I'm wondering why there aren't ten rightwingnut threads on the rasmussen poll already....

oh yeah... right.

thx for the troll!:clap2:



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