Rangel to reintroduce military draft measure


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
ep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) likely will introduce his controversial legislation to reinstate the draft again this year, but he will wait until after the economic stimulus package is passed.

Asked if he plans to introduce the legislation again in 2009, Rangel last week said, “Probably … yes. I don’t want to do anything this early to distract from the issue of the economic stimulus.”

Rangel’s military draft bill did create a distraction for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) soon after Democrats won control of Congress after the 2006 election.

In the wake of that historic victory, Pelosi said publicly that she did not support the draft and that the Democratic leadership would not back Rangel’s legislation. She also said Rangel’s legislation was not about reinstating the draft but was instead “a way to make a point” about social inequality.

TheHill.com - Rangel to reintroduce military draft measure

I remember hearing him explain it, and what he was saying (I think) was that with a draft in place, people will be less likely to support going to war (because it'll be their skin on the line). It's a good end, but I don't think it's the best way to go about it, either.
I remember hearing him explain it, and what he was saying (I think) was that with a draft in place, people will be less likely to support going to war (because it'll be their skin on the line). It's a good end, but I don't think it's the best way to go about it, either.

its also probably not the reasoning behind it ever.

A draft being activated while Obama is in office would not be a surprise to me. No, I do not think he has that in his current plans, nor do I think he wants that. He may be pushed into that being a serious consideration.
Done correctly UNIVERSAL PUBLIC SERVICE is, I think, a good thing.

It builds character and introduces people to the concept that this is a SOCIETY which we ALL owe some service to.

Sadly, it will never be done correctly because it is far too easy for those with influence to get their kids those cush billets while the disenfranchised carry the heavy loads.

We who were subject to the draft saw far too many examples of the scions getting to ride while the rest of us were their donkeys.
A draft being activated while Obama is in office would not be a surprise to me. No, I do not think he has that in his current plans, nor do I think he wants that. He may be pushed into that being a serious consideration.

I think there's a very good chance we'll see the draft brought back during Obama's first (and hopefully last) term in office. There are many benefits to society resulting from a draft, especially if it's fair and universally applied (which it never has been).

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