Rand Paul Rips an Eco-Nanny a New One


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Damn straight, brother!

“This is what your energy efficiency standards are. Call it what it is. You prevent people from making things that consumers want. I find it really appalling and hypocritical and think there should be some self-examination from the administration on the idea that you favor a woman’s right to an abortion, but you don’t favor a woman or a man’s right to choose what kind of light-bulb, what kind of dishwasher, what kind of washing machine. I really find it troubling – this busy-body nature that you want to come into my house, my bathroom, my bedroom, my kitchen, my laundry room. I just really find it insulting and I find that all of the arguments for energy efficiency – you’re exactly right we should conserve energy, but why not do it in a voluntary way? Why do it where you threaten to fine me or put me in jail if I don’t accept your opinion? In America we believe in trying to convince our neighbors, but not trying to convince them through the force of law. I find this antithetical to the American way.”

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Rand nails it: the death of liberty by thousands of little regulations.
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I'm not bitter that there's laws bearing in mind the conservation of Natural Resources. You don't want us to intervene in Foreign affairs (usually protecting our oil interests) and at the same time want no laws regarding the preservation of energy? babies.
Right, Oddball. It's none of my business that Humans want to be gluttons about the Earth's resources, there's ways to stimy the future effects of it and you're going to cry like it's yours yours yours. You're blessed to have been BORN, and further, you're blessed to have been BORN FREE. Get over yourself.
Man, was DeTocqueville ever prescient!

You're displaying exactly the same kind of totalitarian mindset that he warned about more than 200 years ago.

Good job, tovarich.

It's totalitarian to claim ownership of a planet that was there before you and will be there after you. You didn't build the planet, you don't have the right to speed up its tear down either.
Right, Oddball. It's none of my business that Humans want to be gluttons about the Earth's resources, there's ways to stimy the future effects of it and you're going to cry like it's yours yours yours. You're blessed to have been BORN, and further, you're blessed to have been BORN FREE. Get over yourself.

Are you trying to imply that doing an Abortion does not use any resources?

Secondly you have absolutely missed the entire point didn’t you? Rand Paul’s point was you're pro choice when it comes to something as controversial as abortion (undeniably) but drop the hammer on a light bulb or toilet when in fact the "replacement" offered is no more efficient.

Light bulbs that produce so much less light that people add more lamps… Toilets that don’t flush correctly so you flush 2-3 times… I mean, this is not rocket science for a topic.
Man, was DeTocqueville ever prescient!

You're displaying exactly the same kind of totalitarian mindset that he warned about more than 200 years ago.

Good job, tovarich.

It's totalitarian to claim ownership of a planet that was there before you and will be there after you. You didn't build the planet, you don't have the right to speed up its tear down either.
Nice strawman. :rolleyes:
You wants to use our resources....you gots to pay the price

Screw you!

I got mine
If they pay for what they use, which they do, it's none of your business.

Which is the whole point....You're sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong, under the pretext that you know what's in everyone else's best interests better than they do.
Right, Oddball. It's none of my business that Humans want to be gluttons about the Earth's resources, there's ways to stimy the future effects of it and you're going to cry like it's yours yours yours. You're blessed to have been BORN, and further, you're blessed to have been BORN FREE. Get over yourself.

Are you trying to imply that doing an Abortion does not use any resources?

Secondly you have absolutely missed the entire point didn’t you? Rand Paul’s point was you're pro choice when it comes to something as controversial as abortion (undeniably) but drop the hammer on a light bulb or toilet when in fact the "replacement" offered is no more efficient.

Light bulbs that produce so much less light that people add more lamps… Toilets that don’t flush correctly so you flush 2-3 times… I mean, this is not rocket science for a topic.

I understand and agree that the replacements should be more efficient otherwise, what's the point? But I disagree that someone is coming and taking your "Freedom to Pollute" when there's Laws designed to conserve the very Earth we live on.

I'm not sure what non-renewable resources Abortion uses, either....but you have to admit, he's not only pointing out Environmentalists' hypocrisy by drawing the comparison..........that is........unless he *doesn't* want to tell Women what to do.
Man, was DeTocqueville ever prescient!

You're displaying exactly the same kind of totalitarian mindset that he warned about more than 200 years ago.

Good job, tovarich.

It's totalitarian to claim ownership of a planet that was there before you and will be there after you. You didn't build the planet, you don't have the right to speed up its tear down either.
Nice strawman. :rolleyes:

Dope comeback.
I've got the money...
I can use as many resources as I please

Damn Libruls....mind your own business
Man, was DeTocqueville ever prescient!

You're displaying exactly the same kind of totalitarian mindset that he warned about more than 200 years ago.

Good job, tovarich.

It's totalitarian to claim ownership of a planet that was there before you and will be there after you. You didn't build the planet, you don't have the right to speed up its tear down either.

yet you claim the right to define "tear down" and present us with bogus science to prove it ?
You wants to use our resources....you gots to pay the price

Screw you!

I got mine
If they pay for what they use, which they do, it's none of your business.

Which is the whole point....You're sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong, under the pretext that you know what's in everyone else's best interests better than they do.

False. The planet and the future of the planet is NOT YOURS. Get over it. It's everyone's. If there's Laws to preserve it, keep it clean, etc. that's not sticking anyone's nose where it doesn't belong.......that's the opposite.

By dirtying the planet, and by being frivolous about using its resources, YOU'RE STICKING YOUR NOSE WHERE IT DOESN'T BELONG.
Man, was DeTocqueville ever prescient!

You're displaying exactly the same kind of totalitarian mindset that he warned about more than 200 years ago.

Good job, tovarich.

It's totalitarian to claim ownership of a planet that was there before you and will be there after you. You didn't build the planet, you don't have the right to speed up its tear down either.

yet you claim the right to define "tear down" and present us with bogus science to prove it ?

I'm sorry, is oil a renewable resource?

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