Rand Paul: I Signed Iran Letter In Order To Help Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- The reason Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) signed onto a controversial letter to the leaders of Iran was to give President Barack Obama more leverage in his negotiations over the country's nuclear program, the would-be presidential candidate said Sunday.

"There's no one in Washington more against war and more for a negotiated deal than I am," Paul said in an interview at SXSW in Austin, Texas. "But I want the negotiated deal to be a good deal. So my reason for signing onto the letter, I think it reiterates what is the actual law, that Congress will have to undo sanctions. But I also signed onto the letter because I want the president to negotiate from a position of strength which means that he needs to be telling them in Iran that 'I've got Congress to deal with.'"

More: Rand Paul: I Signed Iran Letter In Order To Help Obama

Yes, I'm sure he was trying to "help" Obama.
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lol, they're still whining over a letter

You kicked out Democrats from Congress just for these types of low down crap people

don't forget how dirty they can be.

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