Raised Taxes on The Rich

I guess we now know why Boehner and the rest of the GOP refused to take him up on his original cut/revenue offer, eh?

They should have said lets go cliff diving... After all "fiscal cliff" terminology was a fabrication of the left to begin with.
We went thru this a year ago...

We wouild have been better off. Cuts would have been automatic. Scenarios like this will be repeated over and over in the next 4 years.

Everybody's taxes have increased, rich and poor. The payroll tax cut was not renewed. I estimate I will get about $50 less each paycheck starting this month.
Taxes went up on damn near everyone. However most people knew it was going to happen since Obama ran on raising taxes.

He never ran on raising everyone's taxes, just 'the rich".

If the voters were educated on the economy they would have known everyone's taxes were going up.
Obama Care ensured that... It's a tax right?

Now you just touched on the key to his reelection. The low info voter. No doubt obviously now, that he has his base. It's the "gimme" stragglers and the easily swayed that really don't know what or why they are voting...that handed him the election.

No one on the left will ever admit it...but it's clear.
Everybody's taxes have increased, rich and poor. The payroll tax cut was not renewed. I estimate I will get about $50 less each paycheck starting this month.

Which puts you back to where you were when Obama originally took office, yes?

That's quite an accomplishment...back to the future. :clap2::cool: And it only cost a couple of trillion times 2.
Everybody's taxes have increased, rich and poor. The payroll tax cut was not renewed. I estimate I will get about $50 less each paycheck starting this month.

Which puts you back to where you were when Obama originally took office, yes?

That's quite an accomplishment...back to the future. :clap2::cool: And it only cost a couple of trillion times 2.

In other words, Obama didn't raise his taxes. Thanks for playing.
Interesting to see what those "rich" will do next election cycle. oBUMa got plenty from Wall St. He fucked them in thanks. When they find out how much more, maybe, just maybe the next time..they will say..let's go back to the Republicans.

Obama's wealthy sponsors were well compensated for their contributions by the simple fact that he retained Geithner and Summers, whom you may rest assured saw to it that every penny of that money was well spent and brought not only adequate returns but immunity from prosecution for a host of crimes.
Interesting to see what those "rich" will do next election cycle. oBUMa got plenty from Wall St. He fucked them in thanks. When they find out how much more, maybe, just maybe the next time..they will say..let's go back to the Republicans.

Obama's wealthy sponsors were well compensated for their contributions by the simple fact that he retained Geithner and Summers, whom you may rest assured saw to it that every penny of that money was well spent and brought not only adequate returns but immunity from prosecution for a host of crimes.

No doubt.
Which puts you back to where you were when Obama originally took office, yes?

That's quite an accomplishment...back to the future. :clap2::cool: And it only cost a couple of trillion times 2.

In other words, Obama didn't raise his taxes. Thanks for playing.

No, you said that, not me....FAIL Put another quarter in your back, wind and try again. You failed miserably the entire thread now you want to give credit for something that no one said. :badgrin:
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Oh, and my contribution for health coverage is up 13% this year too. Thanks Obamacare.
Interesting to see what those "rich" will do next election cycle. oBUMa got plenty from Wall St. He fucked them in thanks. When they find out how much more, maybe, just maybe the next time..they will say..let's go back to the Republicans.

I'm sure our crystal ball readers here will naturally say...no way.

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated--the GOP.

Ummmm....Obama's entire campaign was wrapped around increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans. It was no secret. Are you trying to suggest that the wealthy folks who voted for him are suddenly surprised that he rasied their taxes????

I thought the bush cuts where for the rich only anyway? whoops, nope, apparently now they will devastate the middle class if allowed to expire:rolleyes:

and this $60 BN or so it will yield in year 1? ( it will almost certainly go donw there after) a pittance.....it was a politcal gimmick......engineered by the great uniter...:rolleyes:

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