Radio Work Video: The Tower Climb...

The T

George S. Patton Party
May 24, 2009
As a technician that does radio work the following will show you why alot of us prefer to stay on the ground and watch these guys put up the antennas that make our systems work...from a safe distance...looking UP.

What follows is an extrondinary look at a rather exclusive club of quite brave (and crazy) men that perform a task that most of us would never even consider...

...Hang on to your hats...and cookies...


WARNING!! If you are queazy, or don't like heights? You might not wish to view this video!
I'm not in the kind of shape I used to be in, but even on my best day I could not pull that off.

It's not so much the physicality of climbing for me as it would be my extremely tiresome three step process:

- Take one step, scream for awhile...

- Take one step, throw up...

- Take on step, cry for awhile...

- Repeat to top.
I'm not in the kind of shape I used to be in, but even on my best day I could not pull that off.

It's not so much the physicality of climbing for me as it would be my extremely tiresome three step process:

- Take one step, scream for awhile...

- Take one step, throw up...

- Take on step, cry for awhile...

- Repeat to top.

Well stated. :lol: In my profession? I get to go on top of some pretty tall buildings...and even those introduce vertigo for me even though the foundation I am standing on is solid.

Imagine the forces working on that tower? :eek:
My balls have crawled up into my stomach.

Did anyone else notice that he did a good part of that climb with no safety tie-off?
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My balls have crawled up into my stomach.

Did anyone else notice that he did a good part of that climb with no safety tie-off?

Yep. And if you heard the narrator? It is allowed (has to be), by OSHA due to the very nature of the work and freedom to move around?

Still wouldn't catch my sorry ass up there. Fruit of the loom would make a mint with me. :lol:
As a technician that does radio work the following will show you why alot of us prefer to stay on the ground and watch these guys put up the antennas that make our systems work...from a safe distance...looking UP.

What follows is an extrondinary look at a rather exclusive club of quite brave (and crazy) men that perform a task that most of us would never even consider...

...Hang on to your hats...and cookies...


WARNING!! If you are queazy, or don't like heights? You might not wish to view this video!

Meh. My dad is a ham radio operator. The tower he had up next to our house when I was a kid could be seen from three counties away, and pissed off a LOT of people because they caught his signal on their rabbit ears (this was back before cable TV).

My dad put the tower up himself over the course of a couple of weekends. Thank goodness my parents had a huge lot, the guy wires were massive. My dad STILL (at 73) climbs his tower and fiddles with his attennae at will. He scares the beeezus out of Mom, but he's a happy happy man, even if he falls from the tower and dies, he'll die happy.

That tower we had growing up made a WONDERFUL escape system for me and my siblings once we were teens. When the 'rents were in bed late at night, we'd tippy toe down the hall to the bathroom, climb out onto the garage roof, walk down to the tower, climb down the tower, and down the hill to meet friends and go out hell raising.

Worked out really good until the 'rents caught on. Last time I did it, I came home at 4 am, climbed up the tower, tried to open the bathroom window and found it locked. Had to ring the bell to get in (and my 'rents *never* locked doors or windows back then). I found two really really seriously pissed off parents waiting for me in the living room. To say I was grounded was an understatement....I think I'm STILL grounded.

Ah, such good memories, those are! :))

Thanks for bringing this subject up. I needed some cheery thoughts this evening! :D
As a technician that does radio work the following will show you why alot of us prefer to stay on the ground and watch these guys put up the antennas that make our systems work...from a safe distance...looking UP.

What follows is an extrondinary look at a rather exclusive club of quite brave (and crazy) men that perform a task that most of us would never even consider...

...Hang on to your hats...and cookies...


WARNING!! If you are queazy, or don't like heights? You might not wish to view this video!

Meh. My dad is a ham radio operator. The tower he had up next to our house when I was a kid could be seen from three counties away, and pissed off a LOT of people because they caught his signal on their rabbit ears (this was back before cable TV).

My dad put the tower up himself over the course of a couple of weekends. Thank goodness my parents had a huge lot, the guy wires were massive. My dad STILL (at 73) climbs his tower and fiddles with his attennae at will. He scares the beeezus out of Mom, but he's a happy happy man, even if he falls from the tower and dies, he'll die happy.

That tower we had growing up made a WONDERFUL escape system for me and my siblings once we were teens. When the 'rents were in bed late at night, we'd tippy toe down the hall to the bathroom, climb out onto the garage roof, walk down to the tower, climb down the tower, and down the hill to meet friends and go out hell raising.

Worked out really good until the 'rents caught on. Last time I did it, I came home at 4 am, climbed up the tower, tried to open the bathroom window and found it locked. Had to ring the bell to get in (and my 'rents *never* locked doors or windows back then). I found two really really seriously pissed off parents waiting for me in the living room. To say I was grounded was an understatement....I think I'm STILL grounded.

Ah, such good memories, those are! :))

Thanks for bringing this subject up. I needed some cheery thoughts this evening! :D

For some reason, I don't think your father's tower was anywhere near the height of this one.
As a technician that does radio work the following will show you why alot of us prefer to stay on the ground and watch these guys put up the antennas that make our systems work...from a safe distance...looking UP.

What follows is an extrondinary look at a rather exclusive club of quite brave (and crazy) men that perform a task that most of us would never even consider...

...Hang on to your hats...and cookies...


WARNING!! If you are queazy, or don't like heights? You might not wish to view this video!

Meh. My dad is a ham radio operator. The tower he had up next to our house when I was a kid could be seen from three counties away, and pissed off a LOT of people because they caught his signal on their rabbit ears (this was back before cable TV).

My dad put the tower up himself over the course of a couple of weekends. Thank goodness my parents had a huge lot, the guy wires were massive. My dad STILL (at 73) climbs his tower and fiddles with his attennae at will. He scares the beeezus out of Mom, but he's a happy happy man, even if he falls from the tower and dies, he'll die happy.

That tower we had growing up made a WONDERFUL escape system for me and my siblings once we were teens. When the 'rents were in bed late at night, we'd tippy toe down the hall to the bathroom, climb out onto the garage roof, walk down to the tower, climb down the tower, and down the hill to meet friends and go out hell raising.

Worked out really good until the 'rents caught on. Last time I did it, I came home at 4 am, climbed up the tower, tried to open the bathroom window and found it locked. Had to ring the bell to get in (and my 'rents *never* locked doors or windows back then). I found two really really seriously pissed off parents waiting for me in the living room. To say I was grounded was an understatement....I think I'm STILL grounded.

Ah, such good memories, those are! :))

Thanks for bringing this subject up. I needed some cheery thoughts this evening! :D

For some reason, I don't think your father's tower was anywhere near the height of this one.

No, I'm sure it wasn't. I still don't think you'd get past the 2nd story height without losing your lunch.

My dad's freaking SEVENTY THREE YEARS OLD...and he still climbs very very very high towers and plays with antennae. Something you couldn't do on your best day, my dear.

I'll have to find a picture of one of his really good friends playing on HIS tower and post's nausea inducing.....I promise!

Cheers! :D
Meh. My dad is a ham radio operator. The tower he had up next to our house when I was a kid could be seen from three counties away, and pissed off a LOT of people because they caught his signal on their rabbit ears (this was back before cable TV).

My dad put the tower up himself over the course of a couple of weekends. Thank goodness my parents had a huge lot, the guy wires were massive. My dad STILL (at 73) climbs his tower and fiddles with his attennae at will. He scares the beeezus out of Mom, but he's a happy happy man, even if he falls from the tower and dies, he'll die happy.

That tower we had growing up made a WONDERFUL escape system for me and my siblings once we were teens. When the 'rents were in bed late at night, we'd tippy toe down the hall to the bathroom, climb out onto the garage roof, walk down to the tower, climb down the tower, and down the hill to meet friends and go out hell raising.

Worked out really good until the 'rents caught on. Last time I did it, I came home at 4 am, climbed up the tower, tried to open the bathroom window and found it locked. Had to ring the bell to get in (and my 'rents *never* locked doors or windows back then). I found two really really seriously pissed off parents waiting for me in the living room. To say I was grounded was an understatement....I think I'm STILL grounded.

Ah, such good memories, those are! :))

Thanks for bringing this subject up. I needed some cheery thoughts this evening! :D

For some reason, I don't think your father's tower was anywhere near the height of this one.

No, I'm sure it wasn't. I still don't think you'd get past the 2nd story height without losing your lunch.

My dad's freaking SEVENTY THREE YEARS OLD...and he still climbs very very very high towers and plays with antennae. Something you couldn't do on your best day, my dear.

I'll have to find a picture of one of his really good friends playing on HIS tower and post's nausea inducing.....I promise!

Cheers! :D

Leave it up to you to look at one of the tallest towers in the world being climbed freestyle and go "meh", and then when it's pointed out to you that your father's tower couldn't be this tall, you take it personally.

Still haven't changed a bit I see.
Ok, here ya go....this guy si standing his tower above his house and swimming pool. He helped my dad put his tower up years ago.

This is a very recent shot.


  • $dsy on tower.jpg
    $dsy on tower.jpg
    14.8 KB · Views: 92
I threw up 4 times just watching that.

No way, man.

No fucking way......
For some reason, I don't think your father's tower was anywhere near the height of this one.

No, I'm sure it wasn't. I still don't think you'd get past the 2nd story height without losing your lunch.

My dad's freaking SEVENTY THREE YEARS OLD...and he still climbs very very very high towers and plays with antennae. Something you couldn't do on your best day, my dear.

I'll have to find a picture of one of his really good friends playing on HIS tower and post's nausea inducing.....I promise!

Cheers! :D

Leave it up to you to look at one of the tallest towers in the world being climbed freestyle and go "meh", and then when it's pointed out to you that your father's tower couldn't be this tall, you take it personally.

Still haven't changed a bit I see.

Just pointing out you're a freaking chickenshit. You're half my dad's age and you wouldn't be qualified to lick his safety straps.

So what the guy freestyles one of the largest tower? Stupidity knows no bounds.

Do you have a tower in your backyard? Nah. Didn't think so.

Would you even climb a "little" tower like the ones I grew up climbing? Nah. Not on your best day. You wouldn't make it past the first floor level.

And I FREESTYLED my dads tower every time I climbed it (when the 'rents weren't looking). So what? It just shows I was young and stupid.....

Now, look at the picture I just posted. Could you do that? No.

But my dad, at 73 years old, STILL does it. (that picture is not my dad, it is a friend of his on his tower).

Dumbass. :rolleyes:
Oh, and the tower pic I just's in Atlanta. Yeah. High up in the sky where you're too scared to go, "RadiomanATL".

You make REAL radio men like my dad and his ham buddies look STFU.
Oh, and the tower pic I just's in Atlanta. Yeah. High up in the sky where you're too scared to go, "RadiomanATL".

You make REAL radio men like my dad and his ham buddies look STFU.

Real AMATEUR radio men, right?

The guy in your pic isn't even at 200 feet. The guys in the video didn't get out of the elevator until they were over 1400, then climbed the last 300 freestyle.

They eat guys like your dad and his buddy for breakfast, and shit them out by lunch.

From 1700 feet.

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