Radical right wing hate group leader on Bradley Manning

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This should outrage all the lefties who think Oath Keepers is a hate group,

Last week, at the Tea Party jamboree in Greenville, SC, I talked briefly to Stewart Rhodes, the founder and director of Oath Keepers. He was milling around and talking to activists before his scheduled speech, so I asked whether he and Oath Keepers opposed the treatment of WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning. Oath Keepers was labelled "extremist" basically the second its web site went live, but on this issue, Rhodes is firmly allied with the left.

"He hasn't been convicted of anything!" Rhodes said of Manning. "Look, you shouldn't be punished until you're convicted. It's ridiculous to put him in isolation. And what's happening is happening in violation of the 8th Amendment -- it's cruel and unusual punishment. This shouldn't happen to any American. It shouldn't have happened to Jose Padilla. He should have gotten a trial before he was punished, and he didn't."
Rhodes shook his head. "I think it's abhorrent, but this is the problem with Americans in general -- they don't understand due process. In their minds, if you're guilty, you deserved it. They don't stop and think, "'One day, there but for the grace of God go I.'"

Weigel : Oath Keepers Speaks Out Against Bradley Manning's Treatment

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