Racists/Sexists to Be Denied Healthcare in Britain

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Racists/Sexists to Be Denied Healthcare in Britain
Of the many reasons to oppose the encroaching federal takeover of healthcare that will take a great leap forward if Democrats prevail in 2020, this one tops the rest. It isn’t just that care will be rationed; it will be rationed on an explicitly political basis. If you are a countermoonbat, this could mean no healthcare for you.

Britain demonstrates what we are in for:

A National Health Service (NHS) trust has announced that it will withdraw treatment from patients it deems to be racist or sexist.

What does it take for North Bristol NHS Trust to decide you are a racist/sexist undeserving of medical care? Not much:

The policy would cover not just “Threatening and offensive language” but also “Racist or sexist language, gestures or behaviour” more generally, as well as “malicious allegations” — a rather troubling caveat, given the NHS has in the past been entangled in large-scale malpractice scandals which hospitals and staff have initially denied.

Be sure not to criticize the quality of care, or you may get none at all.

Complain about something like this and security will escort you out of the building by the ear:

Breitbart London@BreitbartLondon


UK NHS Patient Asks for Female Nurse for Cervical Smear, Gets Tattooed Trans Man With Stubble http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/12/31/woman-requested-female-nurse-intimate-procedure-summoned-obviously-male-transsexual-stubble-tattoos/ …

UK NHS Patient Asks for Female Nurse for Cervical Smear, Gets Tattooed Trans Man With Stubble
A woman who requested a female nurse for an intimate procedure was summoned by an "obviously male" member of staff with stubble and tattoos, who claimed to be a transsexual.



12:22 PM - Dec 31, 2017
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Anything the government controls becomes politicized. Look to education for appalling examples. Elizabeth Warren indicated what a total takeover of the healthcare sector by the federal government would look like when she proclaimed that she will inflict social justice with a system of race-based medical priority to punish whites.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

The left are simply inhumane nazi animals
Well good for you lady

So you're fine with Transsexual giving you a pap smear
Atleast you wont be tossed out for objecting

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