Racism, Illegal Immigration And The Quest For Votes


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI

By Robert Klein Engler (04/17/2006)

CHICAGO (17 April '06)--"Por la raza todo" (Everything for the race). So reads the preamble of El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán and the slogan of MEChA, the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán). Popular on some college campuses in the southwest, the racism of MEChA was on display at the recent marches in support of illegal immigration. As part of the movement to give illegal immigrants amnesty and the right to vote, the racism advanced by MEChA is also supported by groups like La Raza, whose very name tells us about its goal.

There are some who claim that la raza does not mean race, but is just an unfortunate expression of Mexican Jingoism. It is a "slogan intended as a declaration of fealty to one's cultural heritage." Orcinus holds this view and writes that "A more accurate translation (of MEChA's slogan) would read, 'In service of my people, everything'..." This hardly makes sense, because the Spanish word pueblo means "people" and that word could be used if we want to avoid any accusation of racism.

When the racism of la raza joins forces with those who want to give non-citizens the right to vote in U. S. elections, trouble is on the horizon. At a recent demonstration in Los Angeles, the Spanish newspaper Hoy reports that demonstrators carried placards in Spanish that read: "Marchamos hoy, votamos mañana." (We march today, we vote tomorrow.) In Phoenix, demonstrators proclaimed: "Somos América: Hoy marchamos, mañana votamos." (We are America: Today we march, tomorrow we vote). The placards in English were no less discouraging when they read: "Send Europeans Back to Europe."

Even carrying the American flag instead of the Mexican flag at a demonstration does not mean illegal immigrants want to assimilate and denounce la raza. In Dallas, where eighty percent of the babies born in Parkland public hospital are born to illegal immigrant mothers, one organizer puts it this way: "We carry the flag of the United States, pero tenemos la bandera de Mexico en nuestro corazón" (but we have the Mexican flag in our heart). We can expect this man will vote for what is in his heart, too.

Besides these overt displays of racism, there is also an unconscious racism heard in the arguments to support illegal, Mexican immigrants. We are told over and over again that they work hard and support their families. Because of this hard work, we are supposed to overlook the fact that they consistently break immigration laws. We are to overlook also the fact that illegal immigrants take away the hope of others who play by the rules and wait in line to come to the U. S.

Yet, how can we overlook the underlying racism in this claim? What the supporters of illegal immigration are really saying is that illegal immigrants are not like members of that other minority in the U. S. who supposedly do not work, do not support their families and live off welfare. Are we to believe that illegal immigrants from Mexico are better slaves because they work harder?

winning elections

Once the racism inherent in la raza is in the open, it makes sense to ask who benefits most from it? The answer to that question is Democratic politicians. Wealthy GOP businessmen may hire illegal workers, but Democrats support the ideology that motivates illegal immigrants politically. The Democrats know that if you can win an election by channeling racism, then that's what you do.

The Democrats reason if they can pass legislation that leads to citizenship, especially citizenship for illegal Mexican immigrants, then they will get the votes they need to secure political power in the U. S. for the next twenty-five years. This Democratic plan for ethnic partition is the same plan from the play-book they have been using for the past 50 years.

The Democrats are simply using today guidelines from the chapter entitled "How to Control the Country the Way We Control Chicago." If the Democrats can build a hacienda next to the plantation, then political power will be theirs. The goal here is not integration or assimilation, but votes. This calculation, devoid of principles, is why the Democratic Party has been called the evil party.

In order to recruit new voters, the Democrats will do whatever they must. In Democratic controlled Chicago, non-citizens already vote in local public school council elections. By doing this, they have a voice in how federal dollars are spent. A New York City Democratic Councilman wants to give non-citizens the right to vote in that city, too. This way the councilman can advance the Democratic Party and his cause of "browning America."

A town in California with a Democratic administration is openly saying it will not enforce federal immigration laws. After TV reporter Alberto Tinoco says, "With all due respect to Uncle Sam, this shows that Los Angeles has never stopped being ours," you know U. S. territory is eroding. Given the number of illegal aliens now living in Los Angeles and that city's disregard for federal immigration laws, it is safe to say that Los Angeles has already seceded from the Union.

The trend under Democratic leadership is for more and more non-citizens to have the right to vote, with the assurance that they will vote Democratic. This trend diminishes the concept of U. S. citizenship and makes a mockery of the federal government and the Constitution. It makes no difference to the Democrats if what's good for the party is bad for the country. It was Democratic Senator Reid who reportedly said after the so-called bipartisan Senate compromise on immigration collapsed, that his first obligation is to his party.

To advance the party, the Democrats want to turn the pro-illegal immigration movement into a "new civil rights movement." To do this they have to lie about the old civil rights movement and create a movement of civil wrongs. The old civil rights movement guaranteed rights for citizens, the new civil rights movement wants to destroy the very idea of a citizen.

African-Americans demanded to vote so that they could have their rights as U. S. citizens. Illegal immigrants want to vote so that they can turn parts of the U. S. into Mexico. The old civil rights movement wanted to overcome racism. If MEChA is to be believed, then the illegal immigration movement wants to further racism. This racism will not lead to civil rights, but only to civil war.

failed Democratic policies

To think that a Democratic Party solution to our immigration problems is going to work is to ignore their past failures at solving other social problems. The Democrats do not want a solution that includes assimilation and integration of minorities. Instead, it is in their interest to have segregation.

For fifty years the Democrats in Chicago have been saying integration has improved the Chicago public schools, but, in fact, the public schools are as poor and as segregated as ever. For about the same amount of time, Jesse Jackson, who once ran for President as a candidate from the Democratic Party, has been supposedly working to help African-Americans overcome the evils of segregation. Nevertheless, after fifty years, the economic situation of many African-Americans on the south side of Chicago has only gotten worse.

In 1970, an average African-American in Chicago lived in a neighborhood where 89.2% of the residents were African-American. What has Jesse Jackson done to change this and bring about integration? Junfu Zhang writes that today, "the average black child in Chicago will grow up in a predominantly black neighborhood, where the typical socioeconomic characteristics are high poverty, welfare dependence, single parenthood, high mortality rate, school dropouts, drug abuse, high crime rate, lack of job opportunities, high unemployment rate, and an alienated culture." For the Chicago Democrats, integration means civil rights leaders grow rich while the people at 63rd and Halsted grow poor.

It is not in the interest of African-Americans to vote Democratic any longer, or to have an influx of illegal, poor Mexicans coming to the United States. Many African-Americans know this, but can't get off the plantation to say it. Their lives are bound by a mix of desire and circumstance as much as any life is. It is hard to say you were betrayed by the politicians you trusted, and then be heard over the noise of the street.

The social unrest caused by illegal immigration has confused also many in the baby-boomer generation who protested during the 60s. Their life experience gave them core political beliefs that still incline them towards the Democrats, yet they sense something is missing with the Democrat's policies on immigration.

The children of the baby-boomer generation, educated in schools that have relativized all values, don't know what to think beyond the pabulum of "let's all get along." Both parents and children have not realized yet the values of the 60s created the opposite of what they intended. The baby-boomers marched for civil rights and integration only to have the Democrats betray them and make a segregated world of wrongs. I see the same betrayal on the horizon for a younger generation of working-class Americans, too. That distant rumble of la raza in the street may be the sound of working-class hopes crumbling, again.

a Republican agenda

The Republicans seem to be just now waking up to the Democratic plan that turns illegal immigrants into voters by advancing la raza. They are also waking up to realize that the McCain/Kennedy proposal to deal with illegal immigration will never work. To see Senators McCain and Kennedy together at the same podium gushing over their proposed legislation is to see that for the first time in history, socialists and capitalist have joined hands to strangle the working-class.

In the last U. S. presidential election, about forty percent of the Latino vote went to President Bush. Some presidential advisors argue that if the Republicans play their cards right and tread softly on the illegal immigration issue by offering a guest worker program and a path to citizenship, the Republicans will keep that forty percent, and gain more. This plan, however, will not worked. Thousands marching in the street prove it will fail.

If the Republicans want to play the political game and keep the power they have, they must get more votes than the Democrats. Even if you believe that Republicans could never put patriotism before profits, they will have to do something soon to enforce our immigration laws if they intend to remain in office. If the Republicans hope to be the political party of principles, the party of action and not resignation, then they must advance a four point agenda in regard to illegal immigration.

The Republican agenda should have secure borders as its first point. We can secure our border with Mexico by deploying the National Guard there and building a real fence, not a virtual one. For too long the President has been avoiding the duty he has to protect the country. In Ann Coulter's words, we should begin to act towards Mexico "Like a nation and not like a department store."

After the border is secure, we should begin a slow, certain and ever growing deportation of illegal immigrants. This can be combined with discouraging the use of cheap and illegal immigrant labor by the corporate sponsors of the Republican Party. Finally, we should recruit more African-Americans into the Republican Party. If Republicans don't do this, given their present control of the three branches of national government, then we will learn why the Republican Party has been called the stupid party.

We do not need new legislation to accomplish the four point agenda above. Nor do we need amnesty or a guest worker program that enrolls people already in the country illegally. The immigration laws we now have in place are sufficient to solve our immigration problems. What we need is political leadership and the political will to enforce current immigration laws. If Republicans can find this political will, then they may make up for the votes lost to those living on the Democrat's hacienda.

The Republicans can only benefit from the growing social unrest caused by illegal immigration. A recent Zogby poll concluded that most Americans want our immigration laws enforced. Not only that, eighty-one percent believe that local and state police should help federal authorities enforce laws against illegal immigration. Yet, in spite of these numbers, Democrats in Chicago insist on keeping their sanctuary city policy, a policy that has nothing to do with law enforcement but a lot to do with votes.

Securing our borders is a case where what is good for the country is also good for the Republicans. What's stopping them from acting on that? You have to wonder if maybe Validimir Lenin will be proven half-right after all. He reportedly said that "When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope." What Lenin did not know is that the rope would be labeled, "Hecho en Mexico."

The elites of both political parties have underestimated not only the racism of MEChA, but also the growing anger of hard working, law-abiding Americans. Even if the quest for political power is just a game for these cynical elites, secure borders, respect for our laws, and well paid jobs are not only in the national interest, but in their long term interest, as well. The elites may retreat to a latifundia tomorrow and escape their failed policies, but the day after tomorrow the barbarians will be at that door, too.

Fortunately, President Bush's approval rating is so low nowadays that any principled and decisive action he takes regarding illegal immigration can only drive his poll numbers up. It would be helpful to the nation and to working-class Americans if he were to take this principled and decisive action, soon. Enforcing our current immigration laws now means we will not need any new legislation later.

At the very least, President Bush can learn from the war in Iraq that porous borders frustrate foreign policy. The longer he waits to secure our border with Mexico, the more he frustrates domestic policy, as well. Many American citizens are justifiably worried about their domestic future. The door to their home is broken and wide open. La raza va adelante!

Typical leftist crap-ola. Racism and wanting illegal immigration laws enforced are not mutually-inclusive ideals. I have no problem with legal immigration; except, that it is an idea thats time has come.

The US WAS the land of opportunity. If we can't provide opportunity for our own, we sure as Hell shouldn't be opening the flood gates to others.
GunnyL said:
Typical leftist crap-ola. Racism and wanting illegal immigration laws enforced are not mutually-inclusive ideals. I have no problem with legal immigration; except, that it is an idea thats time has come.

The US WAS the land of opportunity. If we can't provide opportunity for our own, we sure as Hell shouldn't be opening the flood gates to others.

I heard Rush a couple WEEKS ago, saying let's do this, let's give the libs EVERYTHING THEY WANT, EXCEPT, the illegals will NEVER BE ALLOWED TO VOTE. Right... you'll see some REAL FAST BACK PEDALING!

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