Rachel Dolezal is a colored person, so what's the problem?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I'd say she colored herself quite nicely. Looks like a shade between Golden Bronze and Acapulco Sunset. Not to mention that bitchin perm. I think this is hilarious. I can't wait to hear what our Black Leadership has to say. There's got to be a Racist angle in there somewhere.
I'd say she colored herself quite nicely. Looks like a shade between Golden Bronze and Acapulco Sunset. Not to mention that bitchin perm. I think this is hilarious. I can't wait to hear what our Black Leadership has to say. There's got to be a Racist angle in there somewhere.
The racist angle is easy. Al Sharpton sues her parents for refusing to have a black baby.
I'd say she colored herself quite nicely. Looks like a shade between Golden Bronze and Acapulco Sunset. Not to mention that bitchin perm. I think this is hilarious. I can't wait to hear what our Black Leadership has to say. There's got to be a Racist angle in there somewhere.
Apparently some confused white girl is the head of black leadership. How delightfully amusing! :laugh:
We already know that in public she identifies herself as a black woman.


What do you think she identifies as when she's pulled over by the cops?
She's a piece of work. Saw an interview where she was asked point blank if she was African American. Blank look on her face, embarrassingly long pause, and finally said she didn't understand the question!!!

She's waisting her time. With skills like that she should run for some dimocrat elected office.
Not only did she say that she didn't understand the question, but she ran off like a scared little girl when asked for the second time and said the interview was over.

And yeah...............from the deer in the headlights look she gave him, she knew she had been found out.

Perhaps a big reason why she led others to believe she was "black" was so that she could be in a stronger position to actually help black people and make a positive difference in black lives and culture. Perhaps what she did was less about her and more about what she perceived to be a greater good.

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Yanno....................I don't really care what race she likes....................I just care what race she is.

If she would have said that she is white, but yet identifies with the black culture, she would have been fine.

However....................to deny what your DNA and ethnicity states is pure bullshit.
I'd say she colored herself quite nicely. Looks like a shade between Golden Bronze and Acapulco Sunset. Not to mention that bitchin perm. I think this is hilarious. I can't wait to hear what our Black Leadership has to say. There's got to be a Racist angle in there somewhere.

That blonde woman a while back with the tanning obsession was 'blacker' than she is. Think we're making too much out of skin pigmentation. Since many 'white' people have 'black' ancestors, and vice-versa, think who's what is fairly redundant. President Obama is half and half, but because we tend to defer to the reality of what we can see, he's always referenced as 'black' despite being half-white.

If the President is largely opposed because he looks black, but this white woman who also looks black 'isn't really black,' then isn't opposition to the President on racial grounds illogical since he's as much white as he is black?
Obviously what she did was stupid but is it also offensive to blacks? Serious question.
People always laugh when someone tries to completely "take on" another culture.
I mean, we cant put on self tanner/wig and wear another persons experience in the world.
Is this seen differently because she wanted to help?

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