Rachel Carson: Political Icon

See, this is the kind of topic where you need to remember that conservative ideas don't always look as crackpot as they are because they are only ideas; conservatives rarely have enough votes to implement them in real life.

Imagine the wasteland America would be if conservatives had enough votes to fully implement their anti-environmentalist agenda.

so sayeth the loser deluding himself that record welfare and food stamps is "forward progress
the "wasteland" is upon us left-wing idiot; brought to us by lemmings like you

that IS the reason; that because you DID have the votes to implement your vision; that you left-wing losers go around PRETENDING YOU ARENT IN CHARGE; blaming your failures on a smaller number number of people you INSIST you're so much smarter than

you're a joke

keep the jokes coming!
The importance of the Rachel Carson Phenomenon is not that she was unscientific or that her specific Cause was misguided, IT IS THAT THE SAME DYNAMIC IS RE-PLAYED TIME AFTER TIME by progressives the world over.

What is the Climate Change debate all about? Rather than spending our time and money predicting and trying to deal with the expected impacts of warming - which is going to occur regardless of how many coal-fired power plants Our Beloved President is able to shut down - we are watching the EPA and the UN doing their utmost to defeat and control virtually all industrial activity in the world, in the name of saving the (fucking) polar bears. Who are in no danger, regardless.

And the beat goes on.
See, this is the kind of topic where you need to remember that conservative ideas don't always look as crackpot as they are because they are only ideas; conservatives rarely have enough votes to implement them in real life.

Imagine the wasteland America would be if conservatives had enough votes to fully implement their anti-environmentalist agenda.

You seem to be ever so cavalierly and disrespectfully and idiotically dismiss that vast "wasteland" between the coasts, where most people are conservatives and Republicans, and hard working, putting food on your undeserving table.

Way to miss the point you illiterate cretin. The reason America does as well as it still does is because conservatives CANNOT get control of the country.
See, this is the kind of topic where you need to remember that conservative ideas don't always look as crackpot as they are because they are only ideas; conservatives rarely have enough votes to implement them in real life.

Imagine the wasteland America would be if conservatives had enough votes to fully implement their anti-environmentalist agenda.

You seem to be ever so cavalierly and disrespectfully and idiotically dismiss that vast "wasteland" between the coasts, where most people are conservatives and Republicans, and hard working, putting food on your undeserving table.

Way to miss the point you illiterate cretin. The reason America does as well as it still does is because conservatives CANNOT get control of the country.

good one stupid; keep pretending the good times are here; while insisting welfare and food stamps cant be cut by one penny or one day

keep saying you're in charge out of one corner of your mouth; and out of the other insist that anything not going well is the fault of others

So.....you don't like her because she showed DDT was bad for you. ..what...the....fuck?

And so we hear from the poster who was used to getting free buffet coupons and frequent flier miles for trips to the last seat in the dumb row.

Perennially in the running for "Most Stupid Poster of the Year," you have certainly advanced your chances for this year's award.

1. If you could actually comprehend the OP...which I even doubt you even perused, you should have noticed that Carson's work was found to be far from scientifically accredited.

2. I tend to have a deep and abiding dislike for those responsible for the deaths of millions of human beings.
Call me silly.....

3. When the time comes.....you've got my vote.

Hey look..you said things...good for you.
Of course you assholes are complete liars.

The DDT Story | Pesticide Action Network

Attacks on Carson from groups like The Competitive Enterprise Institute and Africa Fighting Malaria portray DDT as the simple solution to malaria, and blame Carson for “millions of deaths in Africa.” Many of these DDT promoters are also in the business of denying climate change and defended the tobacco industry by denying the health harms of smoking.

Human Health Harms
The science on DDT's human health impacts has continued to mount over the years, with recent studies showing harm at very low levels of exposure. Studies show a range of human health effects linked to DDT and its breakdown product, DDE:

breast & other cancers
male infertility
miscarriages & low birth weight
developmental delay
nervous system & liver damage

No 'Silver Bullet' for Malaria Control
The only remaining legal use of DDT is to control malaria-carrying mosquitoes. A devastating disease, malaria kills more than 800,000 people every year, the majority of deaths among children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Indoor spraying with DDT is one of a number of tools being used to control malaria around the world. Only in rare cases is it the most effective choice.

DDT is still used in Africa. Often, however, it is of limited effectiviness because mosquitoes have developed immunity to it because of overuse.

Of all the 'Conservative' lie campaigns, this is one of the most persistant, and those who use it demonstrate the depths of their abysmal ignorance. And, you, PC, are certainly one of the most ignorant on this board.

I was pondering who could be fooled, tricked, manipulated by the Left's propaganda.....and who should pop us?


Who else could possibly consider insects of more value than human beings.


7. In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson asked, "Who has decided—who has the right to decide—for the countless legions of people who were not consulted that the supreme value is a world without insects, even though it be also a sterile world ungraced by the curving wing of a bird in flight? The decision is that of the authoritarian temporarily entrusted with power."

Banning DDT saved thousands of raptors over the past 30 years, but outright bans and misguided fears about the pesticide cost the lives of millions of people who died of insect-borne diseases like malaria. The 500 million people who come down with malaria every year might well wonder what authoritarian made that decision. DDT, Eggshells, and Me - Reason.com

a. The more one knows, the more laughable the Environmental Movement is seen to be.
But, at the same time, the words of Lord Byron ring true -
“And if I laugh at any mortal thing,
'Tis that I may not weep.”

One has to cry at how many invest these thieves of liberty, these dictators of everything we have and everything we do, Liberals, with political power.

The old saying "knowledge is power" rings true.

So, also, is “lack of knowledge results in environmentalism.”

Look below the surface....just as socialism is fascism disguised as economics, so environmentalism is communism disguised as science.

And who is fooled by said disguises?

Liberal voters.

DDT was never banned for controlling malaria, so the claim she is responsible for millions of deaths is patently false.

Those countries which stopped using DDT to kill mosquitos did so because the mosquitos had built up a resistance to DDT, thus rendering it ineffective.
It takes only a little more time to discover that the postwar attempt to eradicate malaria by the spraying of DDT was a failure, largely because Carson’s warnings that overuse of insecticides would lead to the development of resistance in mosquito populations were ignored. Modern uses of insecticides are far closer to the methods advocated by Carson than to the practices she criticised.

Rehabilitating Carson
It takes only a little more time to discover that the postwar attempt to eradicate malaria by the spraying of DDT was a failure, largely because Carson’s warnings that overuse of insecticides would lead to the development of resistance in mosquito populations were ignored. Modern uses of insecticides are far closer to the methods advocated by Carson than to the practices she criticised.

Rehabilitating Carson

All lies! She killed those babies!

Or something stupid like that.
The fake science was about food chains and harm of DDT to humans.....
...the reality was to grow one more arm of the Liberal octopus.

8. . “…concerns about the impact of DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane) and its derivates on human health, in spite of the fact that DDT has been used widely for seven decades and no properly replicated and confirmed study has found any specific human health harm. Given the enormous and proven public health benefits arising from the use of DDT in disease control,… high levels of human exposure to DDT among those living in sprayed houses but presented no evidence of actual human harm arising from that exposure….Where DDT has been used in malaria control over many decades, populations have grown and health outcomes have improved.” PMC - NCBI

9. "Worldwide more than 2,700 people will die today because of a bureaucratic regulation instituted during the Nixon administration in 1972. The same number died yesterday and will again tomorrow, in an ever-growing tally of victims of that catastrophic policy. The regulation imposed by Nixon’s newly formed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned DDT, an insecticide that had until then saved the lives of countless U.S. citizens. Leaders in Europe and the United Nations followed suit in a frenzy of misguided environmental zeal and bloodthirsty population control fervor." DDT Ban Breeds Death

I wonder how may know that our South was malarial throughout our early history, largely swampy, a breeding ground for mosquitoes...

"According to Dr. Robert Desowitz, professor of tropical medicine at the University of North Carolina: “From colonial times until the 1940s, malaria was the American disease”—annually afflicting as many as 7 million Americans and killing several thousand. In 1936, for instance, some 3,900 U.S. residents died of malaria."

DDT....literally a "life-saver."
So....how did Rachel Carson become a Saint???

Latching on to the Carson polemic, Leftists were able to wring their hands, and demand control of the environment....pretend a crisis....then use it.

For the Left, truth is never a consideration.

10. "Al Gore credits Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring with jump-starting the movement. Indeed, publishers of the 40th anniversary edition call it “The Cornerstone of Modern Environmentalism.” Silent Spring provided a crisis necessary to gain media and public attention — a fictional village transformed by DDT from a thriving utopia into a barren wasteland void of birdsong.

The book was a popular hit, but critics within the scientific community accused Carson, a biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), of ignoring science and using exaggerated hype and unsubstantiated sources to promote her political agenda.

The usual pattern!

11. Three of Carson’s most long-lived and damaging myths are:

• DDT kills robins. Bad choice. The United States used DDT liberally beginning in the late 1940s, with peak usage in 1959. According to the Audubon Society, robin populations increased by a factor of 12, and birds in general increased fourfold during that time. Ironically, the only logical reason for this boon was the destruction of mites and mosquitoes that spread disease among birds, particularly in swampy areas.

• DDT is both toxic to humans and a human carcinogen. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies various agents based on carcinogenicity. The highest ranking agents include such common items as birth control pills, tanning beds, chimney soot, and smoking.

DDT is classed with pickled vegetables and coconut oil. The U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry issued a Toxicological Profile for DDT in 2002 which concluded:
“Relative risk of death, and specifically of death due to any cancer, was not significantly elevated in the high serum DDT tertile groups. No consistent positive trend in risk of cancer mortality relative to serum DDT was observed.”

• DDT persists in the environment for years and accumulates and concentrates in the food chain. DDT actually breaks down more rapidly than other insecticides, many of which are proven toxins to humans and the environment. The crude instruments used to measure pesticide stability in Carson’s day lumped all these together, resulting in guilt by association. By 1969, the FWS could report that DDT breaks down more quickly than some insecticides, based on tests conducted at its Pesticide Field Station in Gulf Breeze, Florida.
DDT Ban Breeds Death

A Saint with feet of clay.
Opened Google this morn, May 27th, and whose birthday is being celebrated?

Liberal icon, Rachel Carson!

Hate to be the one to break this to you (one of the ones) but environmentalism is by definition a conservative issue.

But thanks for getting right to the fallacy. Your threads are a real time saver. :eusa_angel:
So.....you don't like her because she showed DDT was bad for you. ..what...the....fuck?

A lie. But.... You're a dimocrap scumbag. And that's all you do.

Malaria is alive and well and killing more than 3000 African children every day

What the World Needs Now Is DDT - NYTimes.com

THE FIRST CHARGE AGAINST DDT was that it causes cancer. No search has ever turned up any evidence, despite massive use of DDT in agriculture in the 1950s and 1960s. Wayland Hayes, U.S. Public Health Service scientist, for 18 months, fed to human volunteers, daily, three times the quantity of DDT that the average American was ingesting annually. None experienced any adverse effect, then or six to ten years later.

Workers without wearing protective clothing, with nine to 19 years of continuous exposure to DDT in the Montrose Chemical Company which manufactured DDT, never developed a single case of cancer. DDT caused no illness in the 130,000 men who sprayed it on the interior walls of mud and thatched huts, nor the millions of people who lived in them. Professor Edwards in his classroom occasionally ate a tablespoon of DDT to illustrate to his students that it is not harmful. Indeed, DDT is so safe that canned baby food was permitted to contain five parts per million.

"There has never been any convincing evidence that DDT (or pesticide residues in food) has ever caused cancer in man," concluded Ames and Jukes.

In fact, DDT prevents cancer. "DDT in the diet has repeatedly been shown to enhance the production of hepatic enzymes in mammals and birds. Those enzymes inhibit tumors and cancers in humans as well as wildlife," wrote Professor Edwards in 1992.

Unable to find harm to human health, DDT opponents turned to bird health, alleging a decline of bald eagles and other birds of prey, which they associated with heavy DDT usage. Rachel Carson led the accusation. It has been repeated so often and so passionately that the public is still convinced of it.

The charge is that DDT thinned the shells of eggs. When nesting parent birds sat on the eggs, the shells cracked and no babies hatched. Carson charged that DDT was bringing bald eagles and robins to the "verge of extinction" -- while noted ornithologist Roger Tory Peterson was reporting that the robin was the most abundant bird in North America.

Bald eagles between 1941 and 1960 migrating over Hawk Mountain, Pennsylvania, doubled during the first six years of DDT-use. Their numbers increased from 9,291 in 1946 -- before much DDT was used -- to 16,163 in 1963 and 19,765 in 1968.

Professor Edwards reviews how bald eagles died of non-DDT causes. In Alaska, 128,000 were shot for bounty payments between 1917 and 1956. Between 1960 and 1965, 76 bald eagles found dead were autopsied: 46 had been shot or trapped; 7 had died of impact injuries from flying into buildings or towers. Between 1965 and 1980, shootings, trappings, electrocutions, and impact injuries chiefly accounted for their deaths.

Although some birds declined before DDT, they became much more abundant during the years of greatest DDT-use. But facts have not impeded the endless repetition of Carson's bird myth.

Scientists tested the popular shell-thinning hypothesis. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists fed birds for 112 days on a diet with 100 times as much DDT as they were getting from the environment. No thinning of egg shells was found. The DDT had no effect on the birds.

dimocraps are lying scum. This DDT shit? It's not an opinion. It is tested, empirical FACT.

Used correctly, it has no adverse effects on men or fowl.

dimocraps are lying scum. They'll stick to their lie even at the cost of MILLIONS OF DEAD BABIES.
Opened Google this morn, May 27th, and whose birthday is being celebrated?

Liberal icon, Rachel Carson!

Hate to be the one to break this to you (one of the ones) but environmentalism is by definition a conservative issue.

But thanks for getting right to the fallacy. Your threads are a real time saver. :eusa_angel:

Of course it is, you moron.....about as much as global warming is.
DDT wasn't banned worldwide. This is a classic rightwing myth that is particularly popular with low information rightwing nummies.

Unnecessary as it may be....jamming your words back down your lying throat is gratifying...

And, here is how DDT was banned worldwide, without officially banning it:

12. "... in April, 1972.... supported DDT unequivocally, stating it is not carcinogenic and that its benefits far outweigh any risks. Sweeney noted the “present need for continued use” of the excellent powder and remarked that evidence showed potential replacement pesticides would “in many cases have more deleterious effects than the harm allegedly caused by DDT.”

However, two months later, ignoring his own agency’s ruling and advice, EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus single-handedly outlawed almost all use of DDT. He made the unscientific assertion that it poses “unacceptable risk to the environment and potential harm to human health.” ... Critics quip that his decision shot him to the top of an infamous list: Hitler, 20.9 million deaths; Stalin, 61.9 million deaths; Mao Tse-Tung, 77 million deaths; Ruckelshaus, estimates range from 100 million to more than the competition combined.

.... a great victory for environmentalists. Prior to the hearing, senior EDF scientist Charles Wurster told the Seattle Times, “If the environmentalists win on DDT, they will achieve a level of authority they have never had before. In a sense, much more is at stake than DDT.”

Ruckelshaus’ naïve response to criticism that his decision would endanger lives was, “There’s arrogance in the idea that everybody’s going to do what we do. We’re not making these decisions for the rest of the world, are we?” Was it possible he was unaware that DDT producers in the United States exported more than 60 percent of their product to worldwide malaria control programs?

Environmentalists next targeted DDT production and export. Industry producers had little incentive to fight for the inexpensive powder because they could make more money on higher-priced “alternatives” that were, ironically, toxic to humans and the environment. With little opposition and fueled by Ruckelshaus’ decision, environmental groups sued to ban DDT export. In response, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the bureau responsible for coordinating foreign assistance, threatened “to stop foreign aid to any country using it,” relate Gerald and Natalie Sirkin in their 2005 special report DDT, Fraud and Tragedy.

“Its threat spread Ruckelshaus’ ban worldwide.”
DDT Ban Breeds Death


And all of this began with Rachel Carson.
Happy birthday, Rachel.....wherever you are.

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