R N C Votes to Boycott CNN/NBC Over Hillary Film

The country was different back then and Reagan was likely the greatest President of our lifetime.

Hardly ....

Reagan is the darling of the Conservatives ... who measure strength of ideology - not economic success - in a politician.

Reagan tripled the Federal debt carrying on a spending war with the USSR, managed the second worst market crash in U.S. history, wiped out the Savings and Loan industry ... and never counted unemployed blacks in his jobless rate.

Mt. Rushmore ... indeed!


Never counted unemployed blacks in his jobless rate? I'm sure you can provide a link to the Federal Government's Bureau of Labor Statistics that can prove that.

You o.k. with the other Reagan failures?

The country was different back then and Reagan was likely the greatest President of our lifetime.

Hardly ....

Reagan is the darling of the Conservatives ... who measure strength of ideology - not economic success - in a politician.

Few would count Obama as a wholesale economic success either and you and many others should realize that the nation is not a balance sheet.

Reagan tripled the Federal debt carrying on a spending war with the USSR, managed the second worst market crash in U.S. history, wiped out the Savings and Loan industry ... and never counted unemployed blacks in his jobless rate.

Mt. Rushmore ... indeed!


Yeah, I don't see him on Mount Rushmore. He deserves his own mountain. You'd have to have been around at the time to understand just how gloomy the outlook was in the US when Reagan came about. His was one of the rare times, frankly in history, where the right man got the right job at the right time, understood how to do the job, how important the job was, and did it. I won't say flawlessly. There were a number of scandals under his administration--actual scandals. The "coincidence" of our invading Greneda 2 days after the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut was probably the most naked "wag the dog" moment in the history of our nation.

Big deal.

Again, you'd have had to have been around at the time to understand the euphoria that he created by making us believe in ourselves once more.
The Republican Party slides further into mediocrity as they attempt to strong arm - some say 'blackmail' - a major media outlet.

The price the GOP will pay for this ill-advised stunt, will cripple these people for a generation.


RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films

BOSTON -- As expected, Republican Party officials voted Friday not to allow CNN and NBC to sponsor Republican primary debates in 2016 if the networks air planned programs about potential 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

RNC votes to punish CNN and NBC for Clinton films

And the Republican Party slides further into Communism. Typical now days though.
Hardly ....

Reagan is the darling of the Conservatives ... who measure strength of ideology - not economic success - in a politician.

Reagan tripled the Federal debt carrying on a spending war with the USSR, managed the second worst market crash in U.S. history, wiped out the Savings and Loan industry ... and never counted unemployed blacks in his jobless rate.

Mt. Rushmore ... indeed!


Never counted unemployed blacks in his jobless rate? I'm sure you can provide a link to the Federal Government's Bureau of Labor Statistics that can prove that.

You o.k. with the other Reagan failures?


I take that as a no? Providing more mere opinion that you have trouble following up with facts? I expected as much.
This is what a landslide looks like.



this is not one


Now go lie about something else liberals.
Again, you'd have had to have been around at the time to understand the euphoria that he created by making us believe in ourselves once more.

Most of us were around during the Reagan fiasco, and the only euphoria was with Conservatives who overlooked - then as now - the abject failure of this nincompoop....

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In terms of a middle class black man whipping the backside of the wealthy crème de la crème of a white Republican party - a 3 million popular vote majority, and a 126 electoral vote majority ....

... is certainly a 'landslide' and a 'mandate'.



In terms of a middle class black man whipping the backside of the wealthy crème de la crème of a white Republican party - a 3 million popular vote majority, and a 126 electoral vote majority ....

... is certainly a 'landslide' and a 'mandate'.


Who are you trying to convince with your lies?
Back on topic: with this boycott of debates, it looks more and more like the GOP establishment is trying to thin out the number of tea party candidates who want to run in a Presidential primary.

GOP is well aware that the 2012 Presidential primary was a circus of unqualified tea party candidates making fools of themselves and the Republican party - just to advertise their anger and extremist agenda.

It doesn't appear Reince Preibus wants this to happen again.

Too bad, we sure had fun in 2012 !


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This is what a landslide looks like.



this is not one


Now go lie about something else liberals.

Obama anhiliated Romney in nearly every state that was up for grabs;

332-206. Earned it!

You can stop lying it wasn't a ass whoopin it was a narrow win. Obama lucked out that many conservatives stayed home. Well that and and rampant voter fraud democrats committed
This is what a landslide looks like.



this is not one


Now go lie about something else liberals.

Obama anhiliated Romney in nearly every state that was up for grabs;

332-206. Earned it!

You can stop lying it wasn't a ass whoopin it was a narrow win.
No; it was an ass whooping.

Obama lucked out that many conservatives stayed home.
Luck had nothing to do with it; you guys nominated a man who was likely to be the worst possible candidate in 2012.

Well that and and rampant voter fraud democrats committed

Cry me a river bitch-boy.
Obama anhiliated Romney in nearly every state that was up for grabs;

332-206. Earned it!

You can stop lying it wasn't a ass whoopin it was a narrow win.
No; it was an ass whooping.

Obama lucked out that many conservatives stayed home.
Luck had nothing to do with it; you guys nominated a man who was likely to be the worst possible candidate in 2012.

Well that and and rampant voter fraud democrats committed

Cry me a river bitch-boy.

you democrats like truth about as much as a vampire like garlic
You can stop lying it wasn't a ass whoopin it was a narrow win.
No; it was an ass whooping.

Luck had nothing to do with it; you guys nominated a man who was likely to be the worst possible candidate in 2012.

Well that and and rampant voter fraud democrats committed

Cry me a river bitch-boy.

you democrats like truth about as much as a vampire like garlic

That analogy was about as weak as your argument.

Look, if the Heat sweep the Lakers 4-0, they dominated; if they won each game by 1 point or 20.

But please tell us more about voter fraud...that is very entertaining.


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