Quotes from past-regarding socialism--which resembles today?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 – December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US , Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ~~Margaret Thatcher

Kind of a striking resemblance as to what this country is doing now, isn't it?
Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 – December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US , Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ~~Margaret Thatcher

Kind of a striking resemblance as to what this country is doing now, isn't it?


I wish Democrats would just say they want socialism and be done with it, but they know that would go against the Constitution.
I don't think a liberal is smart enough to know what socialism is, & or the consequences of it.
Where we are headed is totalitarianism, not socialism, Oreo.

And, just in case you have been living in you own personal fortress of stupidtude for the last 40 years, or something?

Both parties are taking us there.
Quotes from past-regarding socialism--which resembles today?

Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 – December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US , Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ~~Margaret Thatcher

Kind of a striking resemblance as to what this country is doing now, isn't it?

We're all dumber for having read this thread.

Dude, don't wet your bed. Obama is not a communist regardless of what Sean Hannity told you to think.
The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US , Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

It was actually Ronald Reagan who said that.
The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US , Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

It was actually Ronald Reagan who said that.

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

--Ronald Reagan
The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US , Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

It was actually Ronald Reagan who said that.

Nope. It was Thomas in 1944. Idiot.

And, this thread is a year old. Moron.
The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US , Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

It was actually Ronald Reagan who said that.

It was Thomas in 1944.
Nope. You're wrong. Ronald Reagan fabricated the quote in the 1960's.
Socialists in 1912 had a strong platform upon which to base a campaign.

Here are some of the highlights from the Socialist Party Convention that took place in Indianapolis—

Tax Reform—The adoption of a graduated income tax, the increase of the rates of the present corporation tax and the extension of inheritance taxes……

Minimum Wage—By establishing minimum wage scales.

Direct Election of President—The Election of the President and Vice-President by direct vote of the people.

Social Insurance— ….a general system of insurance by the State of all its members against unemployment and invalidism and a system of compulsory insurance of their workers, without cost to the latter, against industrial diseases, accidents and death.

Also in the platform was woman’s suffrage, public ownership of utilities and a shortened work day.

Much of this came to pass. Other aspects of this platform may still someday be enacted.

In any case, much of it was good stuff nearly 100 years ago and it is still good stuff today.

1912 Socialist Platform—Good Stuff Texas Liberal

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