Question For Liberals


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
How is it that it's been 6 weeks since the slaughter at Benghazi and you're still buying the "We don't know what happened yet" line from Obama? How can he claim to be at all competent as CinC if he can't get even the most basic answers after 6 weeks? 6 weeks folks..6 weeks.
Bin Laden gets killed in Pakistan... It was the NAVY SEALS that did it . Obama gets NO CREDIT.

An ambassador gets killed in Libya... It's all Obama's fault, it's like he's the ONE WHO DID IT!!!!!11.
Bin Laden gets killed in Pakistan... It was the NAVY SEALS that did it . Obama gets NO CREDIT.

An ambassador gets killed in Libya... It's all Obama's fault, it's like he's the ONE WHO DID IT!!!!!11.

Bin Laden gets killed in Pakistan... Obama TAKES credit

An ambassador gets killed in Libya... Obama DENIES three times
Bin Laden gets killed in Pakistan... It was the NAVY SEALS that did it . Obama gets NO CREDIT.

An ambassador gets killed in Libya... It's all Obama's fault, it's like he's the ONE WHO DID IT!!!!!11.

funny... for someone who gets no credit for something, he sure seems to TAKE credit every chance he gets.

probably why he stepped into such a big pile of shit in benghazi....
How is it that it's been 6 weeks since the slaughter at Benghazi and you're still buying the "We don't know what happened yet" line from Obama? How can he claim to be at all competent as CinC if he can't get even the most basic answers after 6 weeks? 6 weeks folks..6 weeks.

Like I'm sure you really give a shit...other than for political purposes...
How is it that it's been 6 weeks since the slaughter at Benghazi and you're still buying the "We don't know what happened yet" line from Obama? How can he claim to be at all competent as CinC if he can't get even the most basic answers after 6 weeks? 6 weeks folks..6 weeks.

Like I'm sure you really give a shit...other than for political purposes...

Do you ever add anything of value to a discourse? You are the one that obviously doesn't give a rat's hairy ass about what happened to those people in Benghazi. It doesn't seem to bother you that Ty Wood's father has to know that his son went down because the back up he called for wasn't allowed to come. I doubt you felt much to hear Sean Smith's mom's voice crack when she said that he was her only child. Your only concern is to see that this doesn't reflect badly on Obama. It doesn't matter to you that Obama has proven that he's not qualified to take the 3 p.m phone call let alone the 3 a.m. phone call. We have thousands of people in government service throughout the world that need better protection than what was offered up by this administration. Why don't you set aside being a democrat for a little while and try just being an American. American's don't leave their people to die, if they can help.
All the conservative shriekers here spent months displaying this same vile behavior for Fast & Furious. That was all just a big lie from Issa. And they all willingly parroted the lies, went unhinged with hate at the liberals, cried their crocodile tears, pretended that they weren't doing it entirely for partisan gain. And when the truth was made plain, they simply oozed back into their slimy revices, without any apology or show of regret for their months of reprehensible behavior.

And now they're trying it again. Enough is enough, so now all the decent people are simply telling them to shove it. Republicans are once more tapdancing on American graves for political gain again, and watching them do that makes any moral person feel like vomiting
Oh, my, the selective outrage...

Nothing "selective" about it. Since WHEN do we leave our people behind??? :mad:
And this bullshit where they're still "investigating" after six weeks is not even marginally believable.
All the conservative shriekers here spent months displaying this same vile behavior for Fast & Furious. That was all just a big lie from Issa. And they all willingly parroted the lies, went unhinged with hate at the liberals, cried their crocodile tears, pretended that they weren't doing it entirely for partisan gain. And when the truth was made plain, they simply oozed back into their slimy revices, without any apology or show of regret for their months of reprehensible behavior.

And now they're trying it again. Enough is enough, so now all the decent people are simply telling them to shove it. Republicans are once more tapdancing on American graves for political gain again, and watching them do that makes any moral person feel like vomiting

There's a dead border guard and HUNDREDS of dead Mexican citizens who would beg to differ. But they can't... 'CAUSE THEY'RE DEAD. :mad:
How is it that it's been 6 weeks since the slaughter at Benghazi and you're still buying the "We don't know what happened yet" line from Obama? How can he claim to be at all competent as CinC if he can't get even the most basic answers after 6 weeks? 6 weeks folks..6 weeks.

And let's not forget that the same group is likely responsible for all the other attacks within the region in the last 6 months. The embassy was receiving threats for months, so one would think the investigation started long ago. If not, there is even more explaining to do.

Obama claimed from day one to know what happened and Jay Carney said there was "concrete evidence" that the attacks were demonstrators reacting to a video. They needed NO TIME at all to come to that conclusion. CYA decisions take priority over doing right by our troops and our people oversees.

The Obama administration couldn't respond with help during the attack or even give permission to the Marines to fight back, yet Obama was able to go to the U.N. and denounce a video and lament that our freedom of speech allowed it. He was able to create an apology ad.

He can do all that, in the name of lying, but couldn't be there for our people before, during or after the attack. He is not fit to serve this country.
There's a dead border guard and HUNDREDS of dead Mexican citizens who would beg to differ. But they can't... 'CAUSE THEY'RE DEAD.

And Obama had zilch to do with that, yet you all lied about it for months and said he did. And you show no remorse for that lying. Even if you were just duped, you should show some contrition for being gullible enough to allow yourself to be used as the tool of liars. But nope, not one bit of remorse from any of you. If you had any pride, you'd call out the people who lied to you, used you and left you twisting in the wind, but no such luck. You still reserve all your anger for the people who pointed out the lies.

You Republicans joyfully kiss the asses of liars. We don't. I just want to make it very clear where each side stands here.
There's a dead border guard and HUNDREDS of dead Mexican citizens who would beg to differ. But they can't... 'CAUSE THEY'RE DEAD.

And Obama had zilch to do with that, yet you all lied about it for months and said he did. And you show no remorse for that lying. Even if you were just duped, you should show some contrition for being gullible enough to allow yourself to be used as the tool of liars. But nope, not one bit of remorse from any of you. If you had any pride, you'd call out the people who lied to you, used you and left you twisting in the wind, but no such luck. You still reserve all your anger for the people who pointed out the lies.

You Republicans joyfully kiss the asses of liars. We don't. I just want to make it very clear where each side stands here.

In the first place, it would require a willing suspension of disbelief, to think that Obama had zilch to do with that program. Second, the investigation that went on was the Obama version of the fox investigating the deaths of the chickens in the henhouse. We'll get the real details when Obama leaves office.
And you're making it very clear which side you stand on here. You're standing on the side that will do anything, including blocking out the sound of Americans calling for help to win an election.


Well bless your heart, you think Geraldo is smart.
If this even isn't political, what possibly is? This speaks to administrational hubris, administrational incompetence and administrational dishonesty. Of course it's political. This tells the job that this president has done.

"It is not very easy in circumstances like this to know precisely what's going on as it's unfolding. There are protocols in place, I have no reason to believe they weren't followed, but it is not very easy in circumstances like this to know precisely what's going on as it's unfolding."

Who made the above statement?

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