'Quarantine D-Senator Chris Murphy' Demand Grows After Secret Meeting w/Iran Officials


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
....especially after Khomeini's right-hand guy died from the Corona Virus.....

Calls Grow to Quarantine Senator Chris Murphy after Secret Meeting with Coronavirus Carriers from Iranian Regime

"Senator Murphy has a history of supporting Iran’s mullahs. Murphy is a routine speaker at the NIAC Council, the regime’s lobby house in the US. In fact, Trita Parsi, the regime’s top activist at NIAC, has praised Senator Murphy for his support of NIAC’s efforts.

In February Senator Murphy was caught meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif in a secret meeting in Munich.

Also present were Sen. Menendez, Sen. Van Hollen, and John Kerry.

As of Monday there have been
1,501 cases of coronavirus reported in Iran and over 66 reported deaths — although the numbers are likely much higher than this.

To protect the American public from this horrid disease Senator Chris Murphy must be immediately quarantined."

.....and don't forget to include Menendez, Van Hollen, and John Kerry!

Calls Grow to Quarantine Senator Chris Murphy after Secret Meeting with Coronavirus Carriers from Iranian Regime

How Ironic....Murphy, Menendez, Van Hollen, and Kerry attempt to pull an 'Obama', going over to Iran to meet with and expresses their admiration of and friendship with these oppressive officials who often lead pubic chants of "Death To America' and potentially contract Coronavirus...which they bring back to the United States.....and possibly infects Congress....

....especially after Khomeini's right-hand guy died from the Corona Virus.....

Calls Grow to Quarantine Senator Chris Murphy after Secret Meeting with Coronavirus Carriers from Iranian Regime

"Senator Murphy has a history of supporting Iran’s mullahs. Murphy is a routine speaker at the NIAC Council, the regime’s lobby house in the US. In fact, Trita Parsi, the regime’s top activist at NIAC, has praised Senator Murphy for his support of NIAC’s efforts.

In February Senator Murphy was caught meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif in a secret meeting in Munich.

Also present were Sen. Menendez, Sen. Van Hollen, and John Kerry.

As of Monday there have been
1,501 cases of coronavirus reported in Iran and over 66 reported deaths — although the numbers are likely much higher than this.

To protect the American public from this horrid disease Senator Chris Murphy must be immediately quarantined."

.....and don't forget to include Menendez, Van Hollen, and John Kerry!

Calls Grow to Quarantine Senator Chris Murphy after Secret Meeting with Coronavirus Carriers from Iranian Regime


Wouldn't it be much safer to shoot him then burn the body?
How Ironic....Murphy, Menendez, Van Hollen, and Kerry attempt to pull an 'Obama', going over to Iran to meet with and expresses their admiration of and friendship with these oppressive officials who often lead pubic chants of "Death To America' and potentially contract Coronavirus...which they bring back to the United States.....and possibly infects Congress....

You can be contagious for up to 24 days and not show S/S.... Nice alone time for them...
Adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Dies of Coronavirus

"A member of a council that advises Iran’s supreme leader died Monday after falling sick from the new coronavirus, state radio reported, becoming the first top official to succumb to the illness that is affecting members of the Islamic Republic’s leadership.

Expediency Council member Mohammad Mirmohammadi died at a Tehran hospital of the virus, state radio said. He was 71.

The council advises Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as settles disputes between the supreme leader and parliament."

Iran’s percentage of deaths to infections, around 5.5%, is much higher than other countries, suggesting the number of infections in Iran may be much higher than current figures show.

While Iran has closed schools and universities to stop the spread of the virus, major Shiite shrines have remained open despite civilian authorities calling for them to be closed. The holy cities of Mashhad and Qom in particular, both home to shrines, have been hard-hit by the virus. Shiites often touch and kiss shrines as a sign of their faith. Authorities have been cleaning the shrines with disinfectants."


Let's see who is willing to protect the country now.......

Adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Dies of Coronavirus
Democrats have many friends and family members who are serving on boards of Iranian companies getting huge sums of cash in exchange for Democrats party assistance.
Democrats have many friends and family members who are serving on boards of Iranian companies getting huge sums of cash in exchange for Democrats party assistance.
We really need a better system of exposing this corruption and holding the folks engaged in it accountable.

THE WAGES OF PLAYING FOOTSIE WITH IRANIANS: Will Sen. Chris Murphy infect the entire US Senate with COVID-19?

Iranian FM Zarif and his entourage were likely COVID-19 carriers at the Munich Security Conference. The Democrat party senator who met with him for over an hour in Zarif's hotel room must be watched for signs of disease.

Even now, Sen. Murphy may be the Typhoid Mary of COVID-19, and infect the entire US Senate and House of Representatives.

To make matters worse, Sen Murphy admits he was “exhausted” the next morning. Sen. Murphy goes on to say, “Sunday morning [the day after the hour-long Zarif evening meeting], exhausted, I climb onto a plane for the long ride back to the United States. My extended family always takes a vacation together during the kids’ February school break, and I am a day late in joining the rest of the Murphy clan. To do this job right, it takes immense amounts of time away from family. That’s the worst part of this job. But on trips like this, when you feel like, even as just a rank-and-file Senator, you made a difference for the security of the country, it makes the time away a little easier to endure.”

In other words, not only has Sen. Murphy probably caught the deadly COVID-19, he has also likely infected his entire “extended family.” If Sen. Murphy, or one of his staff, has contracted COVID-19, expect Washington DC to go into a total panic.
Leftism is a more dangerous virus than the Corona. The Corona may turn you dead, but leftism turns you... red.

Iranians burn clinic that may be quarantine for coronavirus patients.

A clinic in the city of Bandar Abbas in southern Iran was torched on Friday due to suspicions that coronavirus patients from another city were quarantined in it, Al Arabiya reported Saturday.​

Rumors claimed that 10 infected people were transported from Qom, a religious city that has been the epicenter of the virus outbreak in Iran, to the Towhid Clinic, according to Iranian social media posts.​

The Iranian Fars news agency dismissed the claims of infected patients from Qom were being treated in the clinic as “unfounded rumors,” saying that the rumors “angered” some residents, who torched the clinic. The clinic does have a special ward for coronavirus, but the director of public relations at the University of Hormozgan Medical Sciences, Fatima Norouzian, told Fars that rumors about patients being in the clinic are “just a lie,” according to Al Arabiya.​

This is what happens in low-trust societies.

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