Putin foils zionists plan in syria.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Kudos to Putin for standing up to the western zionists here in america and in Israel.The Israel and our government in america, uses guns and launchs bombs engaging in murder and tell the world they are the good guys while THE BAD GUYS,Russia and China seek diplomacy and open diologue.

Better not try and start in Syria what you did in Libya Israel and UNited States or you can count on nuclear war. Obama for all his faults-believe me I cant stand this fraud of a president,got to give him credit,he has as of right now at least,resisted the zionists to launch a war against Syria.Could be he realises the consequences if he does so.

Putin Foils The Jews In Syria | Real Jew News
Kudos to Putin for standing up to the western zionists here in america and in Israel.The Israel and our government in america, uses guns and launchs bombs engaging in murder and tell the world they are the good guys while THE BAD GUYS,Russia and China seek diplomacy and open diologue.

Better not try and start in Syria what you did in Libya Israel and UNited States or you can count on nuclear war. Obama for all his faults-believe me I cant stand this fraud of a president,got to give him credit,he has as of right now at least,resisted the zionists to launch a war against Syria.Could be he realises the consequences if he does so.

Putin Foils The Jews In Syria | Real Jew News

Wow you are just plain old retarded and I didn't even read a word of the post!
hey Ghook troll.I love how you go around red bricking people when the truth hurts you and you cant counter the facts.:lol: someone in the conspiracy section was talking about how childish you were how you did that to him.:lol: go ahead,red brick me if you havent already,I'll be honored.:lol::D:clap2:
Has anyone checked out the rest of that site in the link? It seems rather exaggerated and unreliable to me.......
Oh, Ghook the first one to post in a thread about zionists. Color me dumbfounded :rolleyes:

Aw, another Paul supporter backing an off the wall conspiracy theory based on nothing but lies, bullshit and pure antisemitism, color me dumbfounded! :eusa_silenced:
hey Ghook troll.I love how you go around red bricking people when the truth hurts you and you cant counter the facts.:lol: someone in the conspiracy section was talking about how childish you were how you did that to him.:lol: go ahead,red brick me if you havent already,I'll be honored.:lol::D:clap2:

LOL you think anyone is going to take you seriously? Look at your user name for Christ sakes!
Has anyone checked out the rest of that site in the link? It seems rather exaggerated and unreliable to me.......

I couldn't even open the site, but I guarantee it's based on BLATANT lies! Jews did this, they did that, they caused this, they caused that! Without a shred of honest proof.

Of course to the ignorant antisemitic mind like Paulie and 9/11 Insider, it couldn't be that AAASSSSad's regime is a corrupt dictator repressing the religious majority (who are just as violent, arrogant and will be more corrupt, brutal and repressive when they take power) and they rised up and he is hitting them back with a sledge-hammer!

The Jews had no part in this, yet the arrogant antisemites put the Jews in every conspiracy, because they are mental midgets!
Syria has nothing to do with zionists, it does have a lot to do with the US supporting and Al Quada take over of Syria.
The average Russian is very anti-semitic.

Because Marx/Lenin, and most of the early USSR leadership, where Jews and put their country thru 70 years of communist misery.
The average Russian is very anti-semitic.

This part is probably true.

Because Marx/Lenin, and most of the early USSR leadership, where Jews and put their country thru 70 years of communist misery.

This part is a crock, a distortion, and a lie. A search of any reputable history of the period will show that Marx was even less of 'a Jew' than Walid Shoebat is 'a Muslim'....
Ghook troll shows off what a pathetic moron he is as always,Oh and thank you for the red brick,again Im honored you did so.Just shows as always your afraid of the truth about whats going on in government.:D:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Its funny when Ghook redbricks me cause all he is doing is making me feel good knowing I hurt his feelings with the truth.:lol: Like I said,im honored when he does so.:lol:
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A conspiracy dweeb and a Jew hater too? You suck twice as much as I originally thought.
Karl Heinrich Marx was born on 5 May 1818 at 664 Brückergasse in Trier, a town located in the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine. His ancestry was Ashkenazi Jewish, with his paternal line having supplied the rabbis of Trier since 1723, a role that had been taken up by his own grandfather, Meier Halevi Marx.

Karl Marx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Ancestry" is not the same thing as religion. And Marx's parents had converted to Christianity before his birth. By either Jewish or Christian religious law, Marx was a 'Christian' - not a Jew.

The Nazis would have seen it otherwise - but nobody in their right mind would ever use them for a 'standard' or a 'model'.
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