Push comes to shove, will U. S. military back Wall Street, POTUS, or American voters?

Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what the troops do. I know I would stand with the protestors even though I may not necessarily agree with all of them.
Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what the troops do. I know I would stand with the protestors even though I may not necessarily agree with all of them.

What have you to protest about? All they truly want is anarchy and a free ride. They don't even understand that those things simply don't go together.
Well. In murka their isn't a hell of a lot of difference between meatheads and the Nazi's.


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Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what the troops do. I know I would stand with the protestors even though I may not necessarily agree with all of them.

Since the CiC is a liberal President, I seriously doubt troops will be sent against the liberal protesters. Now, a RW governor might send the National Guard against them but I doubt that too since there too great a chance it would backfire. No sane person wants a repeat of Kent State.
Many GOP and centrists are with you on this, preius. OWS is a progressive and populist centrist leaning economic reform movement that staggers the neo-econs horribly. They realize their day of thirty years in transferring wealth changes irrevocably, and the next year will show just how much that change will be. I believe enormous.

On the contrary, Jake, I think OWS has no idea what it wants beyond anarchy and violent revolution if it doesn't get its way...whatever its way is. Preius has said as much here; he would like to see a replay of the French Revolution, which is why he asked this question to start with. He seems to have a lot of enthusiasm for violence and bloodshed...so long as the blood is someone else's. I suggest you read the rest of his rants here. Whatever that makes him and his fellow "revolutionaries", it's nothing good.

The Gadfly pontificates but rates not much comment because he clearly does not understand OWS or what drives it. French Revolution? Please.
Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what the troops do. I know I would stand with the protestors even though I may not necessarily agree with all of them.

Since the CiC is a liberal President, I seriously doubt troops will be sent against the liberal protesters. Now, a RW governor might send the National Guard against them but I doubt that too since there too great a chance it would backfire. No sane person wants a repeat of Kent State.

So because of an incident that happened 40+ years ago we are to ignore those who break the laws? You would permit anarchy?
Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what the troops do. I know I would stand with the protestors even though I may not necessarily agree with all of them.

Since the CiC is a liberal President, I seriously doubt troops will be sent against the liberal protesters. Now, a RW governor might send the National Guard against them but I doubt that too since there too great a chance it would backfire. No sane person wants a repeat of Kent State.
You idiots have a VERY short memory.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdPtDJ02Jn0]10/13 United States Gov murdered their own - Waco Texas - YouTube[/ame]
Many GOP and centrists are with you on this, preius. OWS is a progressive and populist centrist leaning economic reform movement that staggers the neo-econs horribly. They realize their day of thirty years in transferring wealth changes irrevocably, and the next year will show just how much that change will be. I believe enormous.

On the contrary, Jake, I think OWS has no idea what it wants beyond anarchy and violent revolution if it doesn't get its way...whatever its way is. Preius has said as much here; he would like to see a replay of the French Revolution, which is why he asked this question to start with. He seems to have a lot of enthusiasm for violence and bloodshed...so long as the blood is someone else's. I suggest you read the rest of his rants here. Whatever that makes him and his fellow "revolutionaries", it's nothing good.

The Gadfly pontificates but rates not much comment because he clearly does not understand OWS or what drives it. French Revolution? Please.

I understand what drives it, Jake; incoherent rage and discontent, and an overweening sense of entitlement, with a heaping dose of envy mixed in, egged on from the shadows by adherents of a political party that needs chaos to divert attention from its own blatant failures.

If you don't believe the core of it is Marxist, I suggest you read Dragon's posts on the subject. If you don't believe it desires violence, read Preius' posts in other threads on the subject, replete with analogies to the Jacobins and the French Revolution, complete with the idea of "marching them ["the 1%", ed.] up the stairs to the guillotine" (his words, by the way).He seems to find that romantic, somehow. He couldn't even get through this thread, without a Bastille reference! As for the rest of them, other than the cancellation of ALL their debts, what they seem to want is the overthrow of the entire economic and social order, without any clear idea what they would replace it with. Other than that all they want is an end to the incestuous relationship between money and politics, an end to income disparity; the laws and the constitution be damned in the process! Ah yes, Liberte', Equalite', Fraternite'-what a load of specious humbug! Well, the winter cold will soon drive them back to their holes in their parents' basements.
Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what the troops do. I know I would stand with the protestors even though I may not necessarily agree with all of them.

Since the CiC is a liberal President, I seriously doubt troops will be sent against the liberal protesters. Now, a RW governor might send the National Guard against them but I doubt that too since there too great a chance it would backfire. No sane person wants a repeat of Kent State.

So because of an incident that happened 40+ years ago we are to ignore those who break the laws? You would permit anarchy?

Permit anarchy? That would give OWS exactly what they want! Hell, Ollie, they revel in the thought; it's the Holy Grail to them! I expect this to be mentioned a lot, as the violence increases. but what everyone forgets, is that Kent State was the end result of days of rioting and arson,instigated and promoted by people who made certain they were not around to take a bullet, when the shooting started; as usual, those cowards left that part of it to their useful tools, like they always do! You'll NEVER find the real leaders of a mob like this at the front of it; they hide behind their "troops"!
Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what the troops do. I know I would stand with the protestors even though I may not necessarily agree with all of them.

Since the CiC is a liberal President, I seriously doubt troops will be sent against the liberal protesters. Now, a RW governor might send the National Guard against them but I doubt that too since there too great a chance it would backfire. No sane person wants a repeat of Kent State.

So because of an incident that happened 40+ years ago we are to ignore those who break the laws? You would permit anarchy?

Strawman argument. There is a very wide field of options between sending in the military and doing nothing.

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