Psycho Democrat Party Terror Groups Arrested


Bright F**ker
Oct 17, 2009
[ame=""]Bush Inauguration 2001[/ame]
[ame=""]Democrat Terrorist in Action[/ame]

Eat shit Hypocrite Democrats!
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I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.

It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.
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I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.

It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.

And you are exactly like the people in your video..

Everyone has the right to protest..

The only difference between you and them.. They actually had something to protest.. Your just an idiot..
I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.

It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.

And you are exactly like the people in your video..

Everyone has the right to protest..

The only difference between you and them.. They actually had something to protest.. Your just an idiot..

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Who appointed you as 'Appropriate Protests Police'?
Which fantasy world is it that you inhabit?

I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.

It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.



August 28, 2008|Nicholas Riccardi and DeeDee Correll, Times Staff Writers

DENVER — About 50 Iraq war veterans led a boisterous crowd of about 4,000 protesters to the gates of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday evening, demanding to speak at the podium inside.

The four-mile march began at the site of a concert by leftist rock group Rage Against the Machine. ...

The marchers said they wanted to hold Obama to his promise to end the Iraq war...

"We're here to hold the Democrat Party accountable," said Jason Hurd, one of the veterans at the front ..."
Protest led by Iraq war veterans ends in talk with Obama liaison - Los Angeles Times

In just a few weeks the Democratic National Convention will be held in Denver, Colorado, where I live. For the past few months leading up to it I have been organizing with Alliance for Real Democracy (ARD), one of the local formations that is building towards a week of protests, teach-ins, and concerts at this event.

It has occurred to me that the reasons for protesting the Democratic Convention are not clear to everyone. As usual, much of the mainstream press coverage has centered on speculations...

Christian Wright: We're Protesting at the Democratic Convention

Thursday, August 07 2008 @ 05:14 PM UTC

Contributed by: John Brown

Views: 2,386
DNC / RNC 2008The city of Denver and the Secret Service are now free to confine ordinary citizens to a "freedom cage" two football fields away from the Pepsi Center, where they will have no meaningful opportunity to bring their concerns to the attention of delegates. Meanwhile, corporations and their paid lobbyists are free to spend millions of dollars to get private face time with elected officials inside the Pepsi Center. Nothing could better symbolize the sorry state of American democracy. The last years eight years have seen a full-scale assault on civil liberties by the Bush administrationwith the full complicity of the Democratic Party. This is the result. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION: PROTEST PENS, NO URINE, NO BIKES, NO SLEEPING IN THE PARK...
I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.

It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.

this is a fucking keeper...for sure!

I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.
It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.

That is just plain crap.
I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.

It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.

Democrat party? :lol:

The teabaggers are negative.
I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.
It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.

That is just plain crap.
nut jobs like that one think they haven't been 'railing' against Democrats already?

I have had it with all the negative threads & media about the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to rescue this country from the criminals running it off a cliff. The Democrats commit far more & worse anti social, attacks, destructive, terroristic acts yet no one complains.

It is high time to start railing against the Democrat Party hypocrites.

And you are exactly like the people in your video..

Everyone has the right to protest..

The only difference between you and them.. They actually had something to protest.. Your just an idiot..

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Who appointed you as 'Appropriate Protests Police'?

Nobody!! But as you yourself once said.. I speak my opinion.. Mine just happens to be based on fact.. :eusa_whistle:
Psycho Democrat nut job pay-off thug cheating liar leader speaks. Democratic Senator & Presidential candidate John Edwards says "We're going to hang George Bush and Dick Cheney"

[ame=""]Democrat John Edwards "We're going to hang George Bush"[/ame]
It wasn't the angry radicals that put the Dems in the catbird seat.

It was the observant voters who realized that the Republican Administration screwed up.

Hey, don't dispair, Republicans.

Those same voters are as likely to vote the Dems out if their record is as abysmal as Bush II's was.
While the Dems are as capable as any of totally screwing up, they will have to work pretty damned hard to match the previous record of screwups. Not everyday that we have an economic meltdown that threatoned to be the Second Great Republican Depression.
While the Dems are as capable as any of totally screwing up, they will have to work pretty damned hard to match the previous record of screwups. Not everyday that we have an economic meltdown that threatoned to be the Second Great Republican Depression.

Even Fwanks admitted the GSEs Fannie & Freddie were a bad idea & the primary cause of the financial meltdown. Bwarney stated the the GSE model should not be restored & Fannie & Freddie should remain in government hands or sold to private investors. Democrats caused the meltdown & pinned it on republicans.

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