PSSST... Tea Partiers...

That's it, there is no objective truth, they're all bad. Just do what your Corporate Masters tell you to do, vote RepubliCON.

I did.... :dev3:

Of course you did, you do just what your Corporate Masters tell you to do.

Those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil corporations.

Can you explain this, if those awful wars are why the deficit is so high?

US Federal Deficit As Percent Of GDP

2001 -1.25
2002 1.48
2003 3.39
2004 3.48
2005 2.52
2006 1.85
2007 1.14
2008 3.18
2009 9.91
2010 10.64

US Federal Deficit As Percent Of GDP in United States 1900-2010 - Federal State Local

Can you explain how Obama TRIPLED the deficit in his first year if it was the "wars" that caused the big defict?

You get the fail whale, pal!


That's right, because after all the wars were really on budget all the time and Prsident Obama just made it up when he "said" he was putting them on budget and suddenly the deficit swelled to 1 1/2 T dollars.

WHAT BUDGET you God damned liar?

The budget of the US Gov. By the way, there really is no need to swear at me, unless you lack the courage of your conviction.

The irony of your post seems to have escaped you. There is no budget, remember?
Hey wihosa...little tidbit...less than half of wage earners pay any taxes at fact they have a negative tax liability.
That is unsustainable.

He knows... he is one of those gov't tit suckers.

Many of those who don't pay Federal Income Taxes (they pay lot's of other taxes including payroll taxes, which are a tax on their income which is not called income tax) are now not paying income tax because of the un-funded tax cut given by Bush an the RepublCONs.
Hey wihosa...little tidbit...less than half of wage earners pay any taxes at fact they have a negative tax liability.
That is unsustainable.

He knows... he is one of those gov't tit suckers.

Many of those who don't pay Federal Income Taxes (they pay lot's of other taxes including payroll taxes, which are a tax on their income which is not called income tax) are now not paying income tax because of the un-funded tax cut given by Bush an the RepublCONs.
Sounds like a 'fact.' Got a link?
Hey wihosa...little tidbit...less than half of wage earners pay any taxes at fact they have a negative tax liability.
That is unsustainable.

He knows... he is one of those gov't tit suckers.

Oh hell yeah.
Anybody who thinks there is enough taxes to be collected from corporations that can pay for all social programs in a country as vast as America is someone who is way too dumb to have a decent job.
Therefore, getting more out of the government than putting in is a guarantee here.
I think we have found a new squeeze toy folks...let's not be too hasty and cause the squeaker to pop out and ruin all the fun.
That's right, because after all the wars were really on budget all the time and Prsident Obama just made it up when he "said" he was putting them on budget and suddenly the deficit swelled to 1 1/2 T dollars.

WHAT BUDGET you God damned liar?

The budget of the US Gov. By the way, there really is no need to swear at me, unless you lack the courage of your conviction.

Proof..... ? Show me that "budget"
Those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil corporations.

Can you explain this, if those awful wars are why the deficit is so high?

US Federal Deficit As Percent Of GDP

2001 -1.25
2002 1.48
2003 3.39
2004 3.48
2005 2.52
2006 1.85
2007 1.14
2008 3.18
2009 9.91
2010 10.64

US Federal Deficit As Percent Of GDP in United States 1900-2010 - Federal State Local

Can you explain how Obama TRIPLED the deficit in his first year if it was the "wars" that caused the big defict?

You get the fail whale, pal!



Yes I can. Now try to pay attention... The deficit is how much money is spent in excess of revenue for any given fiscal year. If expenditures like the funding of the wars are kept "off budget" the deficit be lower, but if the cost of the wars is suddenly and truthfully included in the budget the deficit will soar.

Under Bush we were borrowing all the same money year after year, we just weren't accounting for it.
Tea Partiers realize that we have terrible problems. They know that we have borrowed too much money but they don't know why.

They believe what the RepubliCONs have been telling them, that it's all because of liberals, or socialists. That it's because of Social Security (old age insurance) or Medicare.

The fact is that if our government stopped Corporations from taking our tax dollars there would be plenty of money for all our social programs.

For profit "health care companies" are the reason Medicare is in trouble. How much of our Medicare tax dollars end up as profit for these companies? Oh, that's right, the CEO's deserve 100 million dollars in compansation, because, because, um, because they say so!

Tea Partiers think that the budget deficit swelled under President Obama because he is "a socialist, marxist, leftist, communist, etc.". The actual reason is that he put the two unnecessary, un-funded wars ON BUDGET! No more pretending we weren't borrowing and spending the money. Put it on budget and presto-chango we have a 1 1/2 trillion dollar deficit.

You're right TeaPartiers we have serious problems, but PSSST, you're on the wrong side.

Show us the figures from the latest budget that add up to $1.5 Trillion in previously off-budget spending.
Well, there are two well developed rebuttals... at least from a Tea Partier's respective.

Im not going to waste any time trying to bang my head against a wall.... NO MATTER what FACTS i bring... you dumbasses wont read nor believe, so why bother?


I understand how you feel. Substantive posts are rarely read and usually recieve an insipid response. Example? Go back to post number 2 on this thread. Insipid without words; I'm sure you'll agree, The Infidel.
All politics has become very lame.

That's it, there is no objective truth, they're all bad. Just do what your Corporate Masters tell you to do, vote RepubliCON.

NOPE !!!!

I'd rather have a COMMIE GOVT like the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, the stone cold MARXIST OBAMBO wants !!!

I want to have the same system that COMMIE RUSSIA and COMMIE CHINA had.......but waidaminute.....BOTH COMMIE RUSSIA & COMMIE CHINA are becoming CAPITALITIC......wonder why ?????

But, in spite of the HISTORICAL FAILURES of COMMIE RUSSIA & COMMIE CHINA, I want to have their FAILED Health Care Systems, or the FAILING ONES like in Europe & England where one has reduced benefits and rationing !!!

YEP !!! I WANT OBAMACARE......and that's just for starters !!!!
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All politics has become very lame.

That's it, there is no objective truth, they're all bad. Just do what your Corporate Masters tell you to do, vote RepubliCON.

NOPE !!!!

I'd rather have a COMMIE GOVT like the stone cold MARXIST OBAMBO wants !!!

I want to have the same system that COMMIE RUSSIA and COMMIE CHINA hah/has.......but waidaminute.....COMMIE CHINA is becoming CAPITALISTIC ..... wonder why ?????

But, in spite of the HISTORICAL FAILURES of COMMIE RUSSIA & COMMIE CHINA, I want to have their FAILEDHealth Care Systems, or the FAILING ONES like in Europe & England where one has reduced benefits and rationing !!!

YEP !!! I WANT OBAMACARE......and that's just for starters !!!!

It is Edgar Hoover!!
All politics has become very lame.

That's it, there is no objective truth, they're all bad. Just do what your Corporate Masters tell you to do, vote RepubliCON.

NOPE !!!!

I'd rather have a COMMIE GOVT like the stone cold MARXIST OBAMBO wants !!!

I want to have the same system that COMMIE RUSSIA and COMMIE CHINA had/has.......but waidaminute.....COMMIE CHINA is becoming CAPITALISTIC ..... wonder why ?????

But, in spite of the HISTORICAL FAILURES of COMMIE RUSSIA & COMMIE CHINA, I want to have their FAILED Health Care Systems, or the FAILING ONES like in Europe & England where one has reduced benefits and rationing !!!

YEP !!! I WANT OBAMACARE......and that's just for starters !!!!


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