Proving NIST wrong about their 9/11 conclusions.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
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More and more people are realizing that the official story doesn't hold water and never did.
Could the most audacious terrorist attack in history be a sophisticated masterpiece of demolition ?

There 's a grand jury in NY this year that will hopefully answer many of the questions we all deserve answers to.

Nano-thermite? LOL!
If you're going to fly planes full of jet fuel into the buildings why bother with thermite?
A structural look of the towers would show that the outside steel structure was not supporting the mass. The mass was supported by the concrete elevator towers with truss supports for the floors. That made it a very good structure in total weight for the foundation and for a fire on a given floor.
It's funny how so many can't tie together how 911 was used to strip away the rights and freedoms of the american idiots The disbelievers are the ones with weak minds easily lead by bogus gov. bs put out there on purpose to help the sheep keep their loving believe in hte Gov. system. If not can you imagine the distrust if ppl finally saw the truth they couldn't hold power any longer . Why do you think they keep pushing how this is all a fake lie when in reality there are tons of facts that prove this was an inside job.

The same dumbass believe the Government is so interested inn their health lmfao those Elites don't give a fk if you flop over dead this minutes.

Grand Jury to Hear 9/11 Evidence: An Interview with the Lawyers Who Made It Happen

Beyond Misinformation
Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says about the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7is AE911Truth’s comprehensive, 50-page guide to the World Trade Center evidence.

Filled with carefully compiled information, analysis, and references to dozens of scholarly papers and videos, Beyond Misinformationis both the perfect place to start one’s research and a valuable resource for those already immersed in the subject.

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It's funny how so many can't tie together how 911 was used to strip away the rights and freedoms of the american idiots The disbelievers are the ones with weak minds easily lead by bogus gov. bs put out there on purpose to help the sheep keep their loving believe in hte Gov. system. If not can you imagine the distrust if ppl finally saw the truth they couldn't hold power any longer . Why do you think they keep pushing how this is all a fake lie when in reality there are tons of facts that prove this was an inside job.

The same dumbass believe the Government is so interested inn their health lmfao those Elites don't give a fk if you flop over dead this minutes.

Grand Jury to Hear 9/11 Evidence: An Interview with the Lawyers Who Made It Happen

Beyond Misinformation
Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says about the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7is AE911Truth’s comprehensive, 50-page guide to the World Trade Center evidence.

Filled with carefully compiled information, analysis, and references to dozens of scholarly papers and videos, Beyond Misinformationis both the perfect place to start one’s research and a valuable resource for those already immersed in the subject.

Help AE911Truth educate architects, engineers, and the public by sharing and distributing Beyond Misinformationin your community.

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when in reality there are tons of facts that prove this was an inside job.

Did vaccines make you stupid? Or is failure to get vaccinated to blame?

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