Proven Criminal / Obama Co-Conspirator Ex-CIA Director Says Trump Presser an 'Impeachable Offense'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The desperate criminal Obama co-conspirators have officially lost their F*ING MINDS!

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'

"Donald Trump’ press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’. It is nothing short of treasonous."

THIS is the off-the-chart INSANE, mouth-foaming, bat-shit-crazy shit the already proven criminal / traitor Ex-CIA Director and Obama co-conspirator Brennan had to say about President Trump's Press Conference with Russian President Putin.

THIS ass-clown is the criminal who helped Obama illegally spy on the American people, on reporters, on the media, on US Senators, on USSC Justices, and even helped Obama run his own 'Watergate' on Trump.

THIS is the criminal ass-clown who was caught several times committing perjury before Congress by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier...despite official records proving he briefed members of Congress on it, swore to its validity, and told Congress a Special Counsel 'HAD TO BE appointed for National Security Sake based on the Dossier'.

It is obvious that Brennan sees the treasonous conspiracy he was part of crashing down all around him and is doing everything he can right now to take down Trump before his fat treasonous ass gets indicted.

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'
Democrats Slam Foolish President For Buying Putin's Declaration That 'The Cold War Is Over'...

Drudge: Putin declares 'Cold War is over'...

Ummm.....that's the same thing Obama told Romney....
Ummm.....that's the same thing Hillary and Barry sad when they gave Russian the 'reset' prop

OIf course, that was before Barry bent over for Putin and stole Hillary's classified from her unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured server. :p
Does Brennan realize that any member of the GRU who pulled the same stunt he did would most likely be shot?

Enough defectors have written enough tell-alls that you can check with Wikipedia and get most of the Russian intelligence gathering regulations
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The desperate criminal Obama co-conspirators have officially lost their F*ING MINDS!

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'

"Donald Trump’ press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’. It is nothing short of treasonous."

THIS is the off-the-chart INSANE, mouth-foaming, bat-shit-crazy shit the already proven criminal / traitor Ex-CIA Director and Obama co-conspirator Brennan had to say about President Trump's Press Conference with Russian President Putin.

THIS ass-clown is the criminal who helped Obama illegally spy on the American people, on reporters, on the media, on US Senators, on USSC Justices, and even helped Obama run his own 'Watergate' on Trump.

THIS is the criminal ass-clown who was caught several times committing perjury before Congress by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier...despite official records proving he briefed members of Congress on it, swore to its validity, and told Congress a Special Counsel 'HAD TO BE appointed for National Security Sake based on the Dossier'.

It is obvious that Brennan sees the treasonous conspiracy he was part of crashing down all around him and is doing everything he can right now to take down Trump before his fat treasonous ass gets indicted.

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'

Trump played it BRILLIANT as usual. So much butthurt commencing.
I'm looking forward to the day when Trump haters come up with a consistent idea of how to handle what Trump says. Is he a buffoon or an evil businessman who wants to starve every non white person in the world? Cause really, one caricature of him invalidates the other.

So, considering all the stuff Trump says, and how he lies like it's as critical to his survival as breathing is, why even worry about what he says anymore? Either you can trust what he says or you can't. Which one is it?

The desperate criminal Obama co-conspirators have officially lost their F*ING MINDS!

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'

"Donald Trump’ press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’. It is nothing short of treasonous."

THIS is the off-the-chart INSANE, mouth-foaming, bat-shit-crazy shit the already proven criminal / traitor Ex-CIA Director and Obama co-conspirator Brennan had to say about President Trump's Press Conference with Russian President Putin.

THIS ass-clown is the criminal who helped Obama illegally spy on the American people, on reporters, on the media, on US Senators, on USSC Justices, and even helped Obama run his own 'Watergate' on Trump.

THIS is the criminal ass-clown who was caught several times committing perjury before Congress by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier...despite official records proving he briefed members of Congress on it, swore to its validity, and told Congress a Special Counsel 'HAD TO BE appointed for National Security Sake based on the Dossier'.

It is obvious that Brennan sees the treasonous conspiracy he was part of crashing down all around him and is doing everything he can right now to take down Trump before his fat treasonous ass gets indicted.

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'

There's a long list of impeachable offenses being ignored by the House because they know impeaching Trump would cost them a big part of their base now blindly loyal to Trump and only Trump.

They would be dead in the water for the next two elections cycles, maybe more.

The desperate criminal Obama co-conspirators have officially lost their F*ING MINDS!

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'

"Donald Trump’ press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’. It is nothing short of treasonous."

THIS is the off-the-chart INSANE, mouth-foaming, bat-shit-crazy shit the already proven criminal / traitor Ex-CIA Director and Obama co-conspirator Brennan had to say about President Trump's Press Conference with Russian President Putin.

THIS ass-clown is the criminal who helped Obama illegally spy on the American people, on reporters, on the media, on US Senators, on USSC Justices, and even helped Obama run his own 'Watergate' on Trump.

THIS is the criminal ass-clown who was caught several times committing perjury before Congress by declaring he knew nothing about the Trump Dossier...despite official records proving he briefed members of Congress on it, swore to its validity, and told Congress a Special Counsel 'HAD TO BE appointed for National Security Sake based on the Dossier'.

It is obvious that Brennan sees the treasonous conspiracy he was part of crashing down all around him and is doing everything he can right now to take down Trump before his fat treasonous ass gets indicted.

John Brennan: Trump's Press Conference an Impeachable Offense, 'Treasonous'

The only insanity is Donald Trump. He got taken to the cleaners by Putin. He has shown he is incompetent.

You are nothing but trash. You make false accusations against everyone. You are the treasonous one.
Another thug from the past Administration who should be behind bars!

Brennan helped Obama illegally spy on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC JUSTICES...

Brennan helped Obama and FBI Director Mueller cover up Russian crimes in 2014 until the deal to sell Uranium One to the Russians...

Brennan helped Obama conduct his own Watergate...

Brennan helped cover up Hillary's compromising US national security...

Watching him call anyone else a traitor today was both funny and nauseating.

This SOB should already be in GITMO for the treason and crime he perpetrated against this country...

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