Proud of my oldest son


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
He works for Mcdonalds and his managers son's birthday is tomorrow, he will be 3 tomorrow. His Mom was upset last night saying she did not have any money to buy him anything for his birthday. My son went out and bought him a bunch of Batman toys because he knows most 3 year olds love batman. So , after my son told me this> I gave him 20.00 and told him to give it to her to buy her little boy a cake.. I hope he has a special day now..
He works for Mcdonalds and his managers son's birthday is tomorrow, he will be 3 tomorrow. His Mom was upset last night saying she did not have any money to buy him anything for his birthday. My son went out and bought him a bunch of Batman toys because he knows most 3 year olds love batman. So , after my son told me this> I gave him 20.00 and told him to give it to her to buy her little boy a cake.. I hope he has a special day now..

You have a good reason to be proud of your son.

But... a MANAGER of Mcdonalds didn't have money to buy his kid a cake and a present???...
He works for Mcdonalds and his managers son's birthday is tomorrow, he will be 3 tomorrow. His Mom was upset last night saying she did not have any money to buy him anything for his birthday. My son went out and bought him a bunch of Batman toys because he knows most 3 year olds love batman. So , after my son told me this> I gave him 20.00 and told him to give it to her to buy her little boy a cake.. I hope he has a special day now..

You have a good reason to be proud of your son.

But... a MANAGER of Mcdonalds didn't have money to buy his kid a cake and a present???...

She is not the main manager. She is like a shift. They only make like 8 bucks an hour .
How much does a Micky D's Manager make? I'm guessin' not that much.

$25 an hour over here!
I think the main manager makes pretty good money. Like 50K a year or even more. I dont know . But the shift managers here start at a little over 8 bucks an hour. My son is also a shift manager . The youngest one .. So that is what he makes. But he has NO bills except he has to pay the difference in what our auto insurance went up and gas..
Good for your son, lovebears65. He got some good parenting somewhere.
children are always the pride of parents. I have no child yet but when I log on FB every day,I see that all young parents show their children's photos with their happiness.And I have a wish that I will have a small family soon with my boyfriend soon. Love him and love my future children ♥
children are always the pride of parents. I have no child yet but when I log on FB every day,I see that all young parents show their children's photos with their happiness.And I have a wish that I will have a small family soon with my boyfriend soon. Love him and love my future children ♥

"A baby is an inestimable blessing and bother."

- Mark Twain

"Mother nature, in her infinite wisdom, has instilled within each of us a powerful biological instinct to reproduce; this is her way of assuring that the human race, come what may, will never have any disposable income."

- Dave Barry, Dave Barry Turns 40.

I personally believe that when children are 6 years old, the parents should leave them alone in the deep woods with a Swiss Army knife and a peanut butter sandwich. I did that to all my kids except for my son, John. I really loved that little tyke, so I put a dollop of grape jelly on his peanut butter sandwich.

Just joking folks.

I am convinced that those who cannot love their children are incapable of loving anyone or anything. At the risk of offending some of you, I would suggest that the strongest love of all is not between a man and a woman, or even between a mother and her children but rather that special bond that only exists between a man and the special being he calls "my little girl." I will leave you all with one of my truly favorite quotes:

"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much."

- Jacquelyn Kennedy

OP, your son did good.

God bless all the children of the world.
Kudos to your son for doing what he did...and to you for teaching him to be kind to others.

Regarding the plight of the McD's manager...not being able to spend much on the child's can never tell what other financial obligations that family has. I have a co-worker that owes $65,000 for non-insured medical treatments that barely saved his son's life. His family is doing without MANY things that we likely consider necessities because he does not want to owe anybody anything. He and his wife have vowed to spend NOTHING on gifts for each other until their debt is paid. They don't complain about not having an extra five bucks to spend on themselves...and their son is just happy to be alive.

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