Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and Three Percenters Beware!

It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
John Brown wasn't real smart either. That's why his body lies a'molding in the grave.

Lesson is: work smarter, not harder.
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
Is this the same group that had a member suffer a negligent discharge? Wounded one of the other members? Seeing guys and gals walking around strapped with ARs and handguns is not intimidating to gun owners. As a rule, those who go there to show off are the least to be worried over. The ones you never see coming are the ones people need to worry about.
I think the day will inevitably come when one of these black groups clash with Oathkeepers or the III% ers and once any shooting begins it will be damned hard to stop it again. Even though the BLM Antifa types are extremists and do not share ideology with average Democrats, once the bleeding begins, even if by accident, formerly peaceful folk on both sides of the racial divide are apt to be drawn into the madness.
I refuse to allow that in my life. The ONLY way I'd pull a trigger on anyone would be if they were obviously trying to kill me or a member of my family. The truth is that America is the least racist it has ever been. Those on the Left seem to be actively attempting to destroy the benefits of desegregation and peaceful coexistence by fanning the flames of hate between fringe groups on both sides.
I know nothing about the "PROUD BOYS" but I agree with the tenets of the III% ers. Despite the Marxist media propaganda, the oath keepers and III% ers are truly patriotic entities. ALL races are welcomed into those two groups. The only prerequisite is that a person can't be a criminal or a racist. The fact that you never hear about this explained by the media you choose.
The Army is investigating troops who make statements online about patriotism and the Gadsden Flag! These guys and gals enlisted to serve the nation and they're being persecuted for using a symbol from our revolution? What kind of messed up idiocy is that?
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
Is this the same group that had a member suffer a negligent discharge? Wounded one of the other members? Seeing guys and gals walking around strapped with ARs and handguns is not intimidating to gun owners. As a rule, those who go there to show off are the least to be worried over. The ones you never see coming are the ones people need to worry about.
I think the day will inevitably come when one of these black groups clash with Oathkeepers or the III% ers and once any shooting begins it will be damned hard to stop it again. Even though the BLM Antifa types are extremists and do not share ideology with average Democrats, once the bleeding begins, even if by accident, formerly peaceful folk on both sides of the racial divide are apt to be drawn into the madness.
I refuse to allow that in my life. The ONLY way I'd pull a trigger on anyone would be if they were obviously trying to kill me or a member of my family. The truth is that America is the least racist it has ever been. Those on the Left seem to be actively attempting to destroy the benefits of desegregation and peaceful coexistence by fanning the flames of hate between fringe groups on both sides.
I know nothing about the "PROUD BOYS" but I agree with the tenets of the III% ers. Despite the Marxist media propaganda, the oath keepers and III% ers are truly patriotic entities. ALL races are welcomed into those two groups. The only prerequisite is that a person can't be a criminal or a racist. The fact that you never hear about this explained by the media you choose.
The Army is investigating troops who make statements online about patriotism and the Gadsden Flag! These guys and gals enlisted to serve the nation and they're being persecuted for using a symbol from our revolution? What kind of messed up idiocy is that?

The truth doesn't matter anymore.
It's whoever can come out ahead in America's propaganda wars.
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
Is this the same group that had a member suffer a negligent discharge? Wounded one of the other members? Seeing guys and gals walking around strapped with ARs and handguns is not intimidating to gun owners. As a rule, those who go there to show off are the least to be worried over. The ones you never see coming are the ones people need to worry about.
I think the day will inevitably come when one of these black groups clash with Oathkeepers or the III% ers and once any shooting begins it will be damned hard to stop it again. Even though the BLM Antifa types are extremists and do not share ideology with average Democrats, once the bleeding begins, even if by accident, formerly peaceful folk on both sides of the racial divide are apt to be drawn into the madness.
I refuse to allow that in my life. The ONLY way I'd pull a trigger on anyone would be if they were obviously trying to kill me or a member of my family. The truth is that America is the least racist it has ever been. Those on the Left seem to be actively attempting to destroy the benefits of desegregation and peaceful coexistence by fanning the flames of hate between fringe groups on both sides.
I know nothing about the "PROUD BOYS" but I agree with the tenets of the III% ers. Despite the Marxist media propaganda, the oath keepers and III% ers are truly patriotic entities. ALL races are welcomed into those two groups. The only prerequisite is that a person can't be a criminal or a racist. The fact that you never hear about this explained by the media you choose.
The Army is investigating troops who make statements online about patriotism and the Gadsden Flag! These guys and gals enlisted to serve the nation and they're being persecuted for using a symbol from our revolution? What kind of messed up idiocy is that?

The truth doesn't matter anymore.
It's whoever can come out ahead in America's propaganda wars.

The truth always matters.

The evidence suggests that the RW's reach will one day exceed its grasp, and they will eventually pick a fight that they're destined to lose when the rest of the citizenry rises up to crush them which is what they so richly deserve because of the antiAmerican traitors they are at heart.
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
Is this the same group that had a member suffer a negligent discharge? Wounded one of the other members? Seeing guys and gals walking around strapped with ARs and handguns is not intimidating to gun owners. As a rule, those who go there to show off are the least to be worried over. The ones you never see coming are the ones people need to worry about.
I think the day will inevitably come when one of these black groups clash with Oathkeepers or the III% ers and once any shooting begins it will be damned hard to stop it again. Even though the BLM Antifa types are extremists and do not share ideology with average Democrats, once the bleeding begins, even if by accident, formerly peaceful folk on both sides of the racial divide are apt to be drawn into the madness.
I refuse to allow that in my life. The ONLY way I'd pull a trigger on anyone would be if they were obviously trying to kill me or a member of my family. The truth is that America is the least racist it has ever been. Those on the Left seem to be actively attempting to destroy the benefits of desegregation and peaceful coexistence by fanning the flames of hate between fringe groups on both sides.
I know nothing about the "PROUD BOYS" but I agree with the tenets of the III% ers. Despite the Marxist media propaganda, the oath keepers and III% ers are truly patriotic entities. ALL races are welcomed into those two groups. The only prerequisite is that a person can't be a criminal or a racist. The fact that you never hear about this explained by the media you choose.
The Army is investigating troops who make statements online about patriotism and the Gadsden Flag! These guys and gals enlisted to serve the nation and they're being persecuted for using a symbol from our revolution? What kind of messed up idiocy is that?

The truth doesn't matter anymore.
It's whoever can come out ahead in America's propaganda wars.

The truth always matters.

The evidence suggests that the RW's reach will one day exceed its grasp, and they will eventually pick a fight that they're destined to lose when the rest of the citizenry rises up to crush them which is what they so richly deserve because of the antiAmerican traitors they are at heart.

Fantasy drama, on your part.
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
Is this the same group that had a member suffer a negligent discharge? Wounded one of the other members? Seeing guys and gals walking around strapped with ARs and handguns is not intimidating to gun owners. As a rule, those who go there to show off are the least to be worried over. The ones you never see coming are the ones people need to worry about.
I think the day will inevitably come when one of these black groups clash with Oathkeepers or the III% ers and once any shooting begins it will be damned hard to stop it again. Even though the BLM Antifa types are extremists and do not share ideology with average Democrats, once the bleeding begins, even if by accident, formerly peaceful folk on both sides of the racial divide are apt to be drawn into the madness.
I refuse to allow that in my life. The ONLY way I'd pull a trigger on anyone would be if they were obviously trying to kill me or a member of my family. The truth is that America is the least racist it has ever been. Those on the Left seem to be actively attempting to destroy the benefits of desegregation and peaceful coexistence by fanning the flames of hate between fringe groups on both sides.
I know nothing about the "PROUD BOYS" but I agree with the tenets of the III% ers. Despite the Marxist media propaganda, the oath keepers and III% ers are truly patriotic entities. ALL races are welcomed into those two groups. The only prerequisite is that a person can't be a criminal or a racist. The fact that you never hear about this explained by the media you choose.
The Army is investigating troops who make statements online about patriotism and the Gadsden Flag! These guys and gals enlisted to serve the nation and they're being persecuted for using a symbol from our revolution? What kind of messed up idiocy is that?
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
Is this the same group that had a member suffer a negligent discharge? Wounded one of the other members? Seeing guys and gals walking around strapped with ARs and handguns is not intimidating to gun owners. As a rule, those who go there to show off are the least to be worried over. The ones you never see coming are the ones people need to worry about.
I think the day will inevitably come when one of these black groups clash with Oathkeepers or the III% ers and once any shooting begins it will be damned hard to stop it again. Even though the BLM Antifa types are extremists and do not share ideology with average Democrats, once the bleeding begins, even if by accident, formerly peaceful folk on both sides of the racial divide are apt to be drawn into the madness.
I refuse to allow that in my life. The ONLY way I'd pull a trigger on anyone would be if they were obviously trying to kill me or a member of my family. The truth is that America is the least racist it has ever been. Those on the Left seem to be actively attempting to destroy the benefits of desegregation and peaceful coexistence by fanning the flames of hate between fringe groups on both sides.
I know nothing about the "PROUD BOYS" but I agree with the tenets of the III% ers. Despite the Marxist media propaganda, the oath keepers and III% ers are truly patriotic entities. ALL races are welcomed into those two groups. The only prerequisite is that a person can't be a criminal or a racist. The fact that you never hear about this explained by the media you choose.
The Army is investigating troops who make statements online about patriotism and the Gadsden Flag! These guys and gals enlisted to serve the nation and they're being persecuted for using a symbol from our revolution? What kind of messed up idiocy is that?

The truth doesn't matter anymore.
It's whoever can come out ahead in America's propaganda wars.

The truth always matters.

The evidence suggests that the RW's reach will one day exceed its grasp, and they will eventually pick a fight that they're destined to lose when the rest of the citizenry rises up to crush them which is what they so richly deserve because of the antiAmerican traitors they are at heart.

Fantasy drama, on your part.

The storming of the US Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, and the subsequent indictments of hundreds of the insurrectionists says different.
It's not uncommon for people in general to overestimate their own capabilities or underestimate the capabilities of their opponents. In today's day and age, you can see it during football season when a not very good team with a losing record faces a generally much stronger winning team with players who are considered to be more talented only to see the better team get outplayed on both sides of the ball. Why did it happen? Perhaps the better team was overconfident and didn't practice as hard the previous week. Perhaps the other team was just hungrier. It was likely a combination of factors.

I've seen many of the RW protests over the last few years. The "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville , Virginia in August of 2017 comes to mind. One of the things I noticed is that many of the RW protesters were armed. However, I also noticed that it was very common for the RW protesters to be considerably outnumbered by the counter-protesters. Apparently, a lot of these counter-protesters have decided to arm themselves. I have a feeling that the Proud Boys Hawaiian shirts wont be a match for the body armor of the NFAC.

The Many Lives of Grandmaster Jay - The Atlantic

Jay claims that the NFAC first appeared publicly when nine white supremacists came to Dayton, Ohio, in May 2019. No one seems to have noticed the coalition then, amid some 600 other counter-protesters. In 2020, however, it showed up in larger numbers (Jay claims thousands, but hundreds seems more realistic) at protests over Confederate monuments and over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia; at protests over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky; and at protests over the police shooting of Trayford Pellerin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

In Louisville, just two hours from where Jay and I sat, the NFAC first revealed the extent of its capabilities. On his YouTube channel, Jay posted a video of his troops in formation, and local news stations ran aerial shots. The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store. They look like World War II partisans meeting their clandestine commander for the first time. They stand in neat, spaced columns. I counted 28 rows of seven before I stopped counting. (By contrast, aerial photos suggest that the white militiamen present that day could have fit in a small school bus.) When Jay orders his people into motion, they go.
Is this the same group that had a member suffer a negligent discharge? Wounded one of the other members? Seeing guys and gals walking around strapped with ARs and handguns is not intimidating to gun owners. As a rule, those who go there to show off are the least to be worried over. The ones you never see coming are the ones people need to worry about.
I think the day will inevitably come when one of these black groups clash with Oathkeepers or the III% ers and once any shooting begins it will be damned hard to stop it again. Even though the BLM Antifa types are extremists and do not share ideology with average Democrats, once the bleeding begins, even if by accident, formerly peaceful folk on both sides of the racial divide are apt to be drawn into the madness.
I refuse to allow that in my life. The ONLY way I'd pull a trigger on anyone would be if they were obviously trying to kill me or a member of my family. The truth is that America is the least racist it has ever been. Those on the Left seem to be actively attempting to destroy the benefits of desegregation and peaceful coexistence by fanning the flames of hate between fringe groups on both sides.
I know nothing about the "PROUD BOYS" but I agree with the tenets of the III% ers. Despite the Marxist media propaganda, the oath keepers and III% ers are truly patriotic entities. ALL races are welcomed into those two groups. The only prerequisite is that a person can't be a criminal or a racist. The fact that you never hear about this explained by the media you choose.
The Army is investigating troops who make statements online about patriotism and the Gadsden Flag! These guys and gals enlisted to serve the nation and they're being persecuted for using a symbol from our revolution? What kind of messed up idiocy is that?

The truth doesn't matter anymore.
It's whoever can come out ahead in America's propaganda wars.

The truth always matters.

The evidence suggests that the RW's reach will one day exceed its grasp, and they will eventually pick a fight that they're destined to lose when the rest of the citizenry rises up to crush them which is what they so richly deserve because of the antiAmerican traitors they are at heart.

Fantasy drama, on your part.

The storming of the US Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, and the subsequent indictments of hundreds of the insurrectionists says different.

If you say so.......:abgg2q.jpg:.
The men and women are ragtag and amateur, and their uniforms are not, well, uniform. One man has a Texas-flag patch Velcroed to his body armor; a woman taps the trigger guard of her AR-15 with a three-inch yellow fingernail. But my goodness, the weaponry—AR-15s galore, sniper rifles with scopes and bipods, high-capacity magazines, and enough “tactical” clothing to resupply an Army-surplus store.
Such is the childish, ridiculous right.

The Proud Boys have too many ex-girlfriends and too much solidarity with the police unions.
The Oath Keepers have too many tattoos, not enough Constitution, and too much federal government ideology.
The Three Percenters seek to limit gun rights to 3% of the population.

I don't see anyone but a bunch of liberal-ass gun-grabbing democrat party cops belonging to any of those groups.

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