Protesters blocking the streets in Sacramento Ca


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
SOLUTIONS are available >> :biggrin:


My work was called off for today, due to expected bad weather. If I had worked, as normal, today, I'd probably have been caught up in this idiocy while trying to get home. The OP only mentioned the northbound lanes being blocked, but the linked article says lanes were blocked in both directions. I would have been southbound on that part of the I-5, about the time this was going on.

I agree with the sentiment that was expressed by someone else, that it ought to just be legal to run over protesters who are stupid enough to be in the roadway. Alas, this is California, where the “rights” of such criminal subhuman filth are considered more important than those of honest workers.
Their decision to protest in the streets leaves me with one question. Do they want the death number to go down or up?

God bless you always!!!

There has been NO impartial investigation yet, but I have read that Minority Leader (and possibly Speaker come November) Pelosi has already condemned the shooting.

And I have heard that the Rev. Mr. Sharpton is on his way to Sacramento.


IMHO, this kind of situation will NEVER end.

1. Police officers have the right to use deadly force if they believe that their lives are in danger.
2. It was dark.
3. The young man had a cell phone in his hand, but the police officers did not want to take a chance of it being a gun.
4. The young man did NOT obey police orders to stand in place with his hands raised.
5. The police were already looking for a suspect for some reported crimes in that neighborhood.


The results will be the same:

a. The city will pay out millions to the young man's family.
b, Activists will say that the police unfairly treat certain groups.
c. Many citizens will privately support the police and will remember this incident when they go to vote.
d. The police will hesitate next time before being pro-active and that may result in a police officer being shot.
Bust some heads. It's way past time for citizens that pay the taxes and play by the rules to take our streets back.
Back to work, today.

It took me nearly two hours to get home, a distance of about 20 miles. Traffic on the I-5 was terribly f•••ed up. I didn't see any actual “protesters”, but the news reported that they had pretty much taken over the downtown/midtown part of Sacramento, and were actively blocking the surface streets there. Apparently, they also were affecting the I-5.

Not long after I finally got home, I received a frantic phone call from my wife. She depends on public transit to get to and from her job, and she'd received word that the public transit system was all messed up because of the protesters. The public transit route goes through the downtown/midtown area, so yes, her trip would have been affected.

We ended up figuring out some place where both she and I could get to, without either of us having to go anywhere near the downtown/midtown area, so that I could pick her up there and bring her home.

Even here in the capitol of relentlessly left wrong-wing California, by now, I have to say that the point has been reached where there is no excuse for the police department' nonfeasance on this matter. They should be rounding up all of this criminal filth, and throwing all of their worthless asses in jail.

Of course, our police department here in Sacramento is every bit as corrupt and worthless the rest of our government.
We need to learn from police in Europe. They have no problem beating the shit out of dumb protesters turned rioters.
There has been NO impartial investigation yet, but I have read that Minority Leader (and possibly Speaker come November) Pelosi has already condemned the shooting.

And I have heard that the Rev. Mr. Sharpton is on his way to Sacramento.


IMHO, this kind of situation will NEVER end.

1. Police officers have the right to use deadly force if they believe that their lives are in danger.
2. It was dark.
3. The young man had a cell phone in his hand, but the police officers did not want to take a chance of it being a gun.
4. The young man did NOT obey police orders to stand in place with his hands raised.
5. The police were already looking for a suspect for some reported crimes in that neighborhood.


The results will be the same:

a. The city will pay out millions to the young man's family.
b, Activists will say that the police unfairly treat certain groups.
c. Many citizens will privately support the police and will remember this incident when they go to vote.
d. The police will hesitate next time before being pro-active and that may result in a police officer being shot.
All correct, but one important ingredient has been left out. >> Teachers in the US MISeducation system who now nothing about cops, guns, law enforcement, and fail to teach kids how to act when confronted by police. >>

Keep you hands visible, and empty. Otherwise you're dead. Dum dum protestors don't know this.

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