(Proposed) Official 2020 Election Fraud Thread


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There is a clear need for 1 central thread in which discussion can be held about the most criminal election in US history, as overwhelmingly proven by existing evidence, expert analysis and reporting, whistle blower testimony, and legal affidavits signed and submitted by election workers, monitors, postal workers, and more. This is not a proposed thread focusing on President Trump but rather on the massive election fraud that has been exposed during this election, the most ever witnessed in US history.

Democrats, their surrogate media propaganda-pushers, Liberal extremists, and snowflakes used to vehemently argue / claim 'There is no such thing as 'Election Fraud'...until it began being perpetrated at an undeniable level / rate. They were forced to change their arugument to 'Not ENOUGHT election fraud happens to matter!'

The 2020 election is THE election that has stripped those Democrats, their surrogate media propaganda-pushers, Liberal extremists, and snowflakes of the ability to ever make that claim again...

Amazingly enough, President Trump on Tuesday evening fired Director of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Chris Krebs for having the audacity to attempt to claim the 2020 election was, despite the overwhelming evidence of massive election fraud, “The Most Secure in American History”.

Phew...thank Christ for that. Another unprovable thread about fraud in the election. I was getting desperate there for a moment. It's only been five minutes since the last one was posted.

Thanks for the fix Easy.
Thread summary: The OP was unable to show even a single case of significant vote fraud, and he tossed out a lot of bull to deflect from that. He's faking it all as part of a fascist coup attempt.
Slaves like you voted for Joe Biden not because he was a great candidate, but your masters told you to, because your masters hated President Trump for interfering with their world take over. Slaves like you will be given your little bits of sustenance so you can go on living your miserable pathetic lives, and again once this election is over, they wont think about you, until the next time they need their obedient slaves once again...
Phew...thank Christ for that. Another unprovable thread about fraud in the election. I was getting desperate there for a moment. It's only been five minutes since the last one was posted.

Thanks for the fix Easy.
Tiring b.s. leftist claim that voter fraud is a nonexistent right wing construct can never be used again
although I realize leftists will not allow facts to alter their leftist myths (such as the mythical Putin/Trump
alliance even though Robert Mueller could find none that doesn't stop comments that claim it to
be so).
There is a clear need for 1 central thread in which discussion can be held about the most criminal election in US history, as overwhelmingly proven by existing evidence, expert analysis and reporting, whistle blower testimony, and legal affidavits signed and submitted by election workers, monitors, postal workers, and more. This is not a proposed thread focusing on President Trump but rather on the massive election fraud that has been exposed during this election, the most ever witnessed in US history.

Democrats, their surrogate media propaganda-pushers, Liberal extremists, and snowflakes used to vehemently argue / claim 'There is no such thing as 'Election Fraud'...until it began being perpetrated at an undeniable level / rate. They were forced to change their arugument to 'Not ENOUGHT election fraud happens to matter!'

The 2020 election is THE election that has stripped those Democrats, their surrogate media propaganda-pushers, Liberal extremists, and snowflakes of the ability to ever make that claim again...

Amazingly enough, President Trump on Tuesday evening fired Director of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Chris Krebs for having the audacity to attempt to claim the 2020 election was, despite the overwhelming evidence of massive election fraud, “The Most Secure in American History”.

Totally agree. There's way too much going on on for this
to be written off as a conspiracy theory.
Tiring b.s. leftist claim that voter fraud is a nonexistent right wing construct can never be used again
although I realize leftists will not allow facts to alter their leftist myths (such as the mythical Putin/Trump
alliance even though Robert Mueller could find none that doesn't stop comments that claim it to
be so).
It isnt that they wont allow facts to alter their myths, it is because their masters wont allow the slaves to think otherwise. The slaves dont want to lose favor with their masters who might treat them harshly.

Would you want your master to call you a dog face pony soldier?
President Trump's case is gaining steam. The Wayne County fraud being exposed has gotten better for his case. Now let's audit every single vote there.
Slaves like you voted for Joe Biden not because he was a great candidate,

Says the whiny bitch faking stories of fraud entirely because his masters told him to, and because he's a 'nadless wonder who doesn't dare disobey. Were you attracted to the Trump cult because you were already a eunuch, or was the castration part of the initiation ceremony?

Good luck locating your lost 'nads. If you ever manage to find them, provide some evidence for vote fraud, something that nobody on your team has been able to do.
Thread summary: The OP was unable to show even a single case of significant vote fraud, and he tossed out a lot of bull to deflect from that. He's faking it all as part of a fascist coup attempt.
Screeching and throwing your poo at the OP makes you look stupid....

I mean stupider than usual.
Ha! Funniest post ever. Angelo logic - "If you repeat something long enough, and get other people to do the same, it becomes fact."

Too funny!!!
Is that funny? I just thought it was common sense as one learns more about a certain thing that thing
becomes less and less contaminated by spurious untruths.

Am I wrong? The more and more we learn about this contaminated election the more facts come to the
fore and untruths fall to the wayside.
Slaves like you voted for Joe Biden not because he was a great candidate,

Says the whiny bitch faking stories of fraud entirely because his masters told him to, and because he's a nadless wonder who doesn't dare disobey.

Were you attracted to the Trump cult because you were already a eunuch, or was the castration part of the initiation ceremony?

Good luck locating your lost 'nads. If you manage to find them, provide some evidence for vote fraud, dsomethign that nobody on your team has been able to do.
Oh, you are so precious you pathetic little slave...Your master told you that Joe Biden who hid in his bunker for 6 months while BLM torched black businesses, but you had to vote for Creepy Joe, because Orange Man bad...Yep, every day, i pray BLM comes to your neighborhood and does this...
Of course since you already live in squalor , i dont think BLM will take the time...
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend
Of course slave, you could always ignore posts like this, but since your masters tell you to get in the face of your superiors, you must obey them.
Ha! Funniest post ever. Angelo logic - "If you repeat something long enough, and get other people to do the same, it becomes fact."

Too funny!!!
Is that funny? I just thought it was common sense as one learns more about a certain thing that thing
becomes less and less contaminated by spurious untruths.

Am I wrong? The more and more we learn about this contaminated election the more facts come to the
fore and untruths fall to the wayside.

The more I've learned is that the courts keep on telling Trump and his cabal of losers to fuck off.
Thread summary: The OP was unable to show even a single case of significant vote fraud, and he tossed out a lot of bull to deflect from that. He's faking it all as part of a fascist coup attempt.

I've been watching OANN, Maxnews, Lou Dobbs and Tucker Carlson all evening and the Trump lawyers. I kept switching from one to the other until my head was spinning and I had to turn off the TV. So many bombshells are being dropped and the number of witnesses and sworn affidavits are in the courts and the judges are not throwing out any claims. The fit is about to hit the Shan! Dems are in a panic.

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