Proportionate punishment.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Pay a $5,000 fine, learn English, pay back taxes, undergo a background check and go to the back (end) of the line for citizenship. Is this an proportionate punishment for the offense? What in our constitution and immigration laws give those who think like this the right to make this is an proportionate punishment for the offense? Let’s see. The offense is entering this country illegally, working illegally by using false or stolen documents.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform will absolutely do nothing to stop or even control illegal immigration and secure our border. Unless it has an “enforcement first” clause and repeal the 14th Amendment giving automatic birthright citizenship to children of illegal aliens.
If the formers of the constitution had foreseen mass illegal immigration we have today and the abuse and fraud they would have clarified the 14th Amendment.
14th Amendment is a fraud that should be repealed

Now let's examine each clause of the 14th Amendment and its impact on our society.
The Citizenship clause guarantees U.S. citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. This clause is the reason why we have such an immigration crisis in America. This clause is why people from Third World countries around the world sneak into our country to have their babies. Once they have a baby here, the child is automatically a U.S. citizen and the parents are allowed to stay here even though they came here illegally.
This is ridiculous. No other country in the world allows people to do this. This clause encourages people around the world to come here for the express purpose of raising their children on the backs of U.S. taxpayers. Our country is going broke and we still allow this to happen because we have no choice. The 14th Amendment guarantees this to everyone.

This is why the 14th Amendment needs to be repealed or modified so that it is limited to only the Due Process clause, which is the only part of it that is consistent with the principles of a free society.

14th Amendment is a fraud that should be repealed
The 14th amendment is not a fraud. If anything, you should be fighting for a new amendment that specifies that from now on, only those with one or more parent who is a citizen or legal national can be born citizens. And don't make it retroactive. Just from the day it is passed on...
Reform means to put or change into an improved form or condition; to amend or improve by change of color or removal of faults or abuses. Beneficial change, more specifically, reversion to a pure original state, to repair, restore or to correct.

Reform insinuate that there is something wrong with our immigration system and it's not. It only needs to be enforced.
I would think that " Comprehensive Immigration Reform" would include reforming the 14th Amendment.
Close the borders and deport ALL illegals.

Then I will be willing to discuss "reform". Not before.

It would blow a huge hole in the budget it to do that.

Deportation by attrition is less costly then a mass round up deportation and securing our border. If they cannot work, they will leave and they will not come, making the border easier to secure. Then border patrol agents can concentrate on drug cartels. Make a big dent in drug cartels and they will go elsewhere.

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