"Project Gunrunner" what were they thinking?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
A.G. Holder says it wasn't the Justice Dept's fault that Americans were killed by illegal guns the ATF allowed to be shipped to Mexico. The same disfunctional federal bureaucracy that created the Siege at Ruby Ridge and the Waco Invasion decided to ship about 1,800 illegal wapons to Mexico in a convoluted plan to trace their alleged use by drug cartels. Whatever fools who came up with the idea that killed Americans and Mexicans with the weapons they authorized to be shipped should be prosecuted just as organized crime would have been prosecuted for the same crime.
For years the left has been whining about arcane theories of the US allegedly illegally arming foreign militants and today when they see an actual border line insane criminal act they ignore it because the AG is a radical democrat and he was appointed by a socialist leftie president.
Granny says McCain got `em scramblin' to cover their butts...
Napolitano, Mueller Say They Had Little Information on Botched Gun Sting
September 13, 2011 – FBI Director Robert Mueller believes the FBI did not play a role in the botched gun-walking sting operation along the Mexican border known as Operation Fast and Furious, he said at a Senate hearing on Tuesday. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, at the same hearing, also denied knowing about the matter until after the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in December 2010.
Operation Fast and Furious was run by the Phoenix office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). It began in late 2009, allowing straw purchasers to illegally buy guns with the intent of tracking them to Mexican drug cartels. But the operation was halted in December 2010 after two weapons from the program were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) asked about the matter during a hearing by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

Mueller said the FBI is investigating the Terry murder but affirmed that the case is being looked at in detail by the Justice Department’s inspector general. “I am not privy to what the inspector general’s investigation shows at this juncture,” Mueller said before the committee on Tuesday. “Our concern is the extent to which there was FBI involvement, and I have reason to believe there was not FBI involvement in the operation.”

A congressional investigation by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee confirmed that the ATF led the operation but that it also involved the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). “The ATF was the principle agency involved,” Mueller said. Still, McCain asked that Mueller supply him with more information that the FBI might have about the operation. “It would be nice if you could get back with me,” McCain said. “But we’ve got a dead Border Patrol agent. We have a situation that at least appeared at the time was out of control. It’s been now a number of weeks since this happened, and you’d like to get back to me?”

Napolitano told McCain she did not know about Operation Fast and Furious until after the murder of Agent Terry. “I’m sure you’re familiar Madame Secretary with Operation Fast and Furious,” McCain asked at the hearing. “Given the high level of information-sharing between departments, were you made aware of the operation when it was underway?” Napolitano said, “No.” McCain followed, “When was the first time you or someone in DHS was made aware of the operation?” Napolitano answered, “Senator, I would have to go back and check. It was, I think, somewhere around the time of the death of our agent in Southern Arizona.”

A.G. Holder says it wasn't the Justice Dept's fault that Americans were killed by illegal guns the ATF allowed to be shipped to Mexico. The same disfunctional federal bureaucracy that created the Siege at Ruby Ridge and the Waco Invasion decided to ship about 1,800 illegal wapons to Mexico in a convoluted plan to trace their alleged use by drug cartels. Whatever fools who came up with the idea that killed Americans and Mexicans with the weapons they authorized to be shipped should be prosecuted just as organized crime would have been prosecuted for the same crime.

Taxpayer funds used to arm narco-terrorists...
U.S. Government Used Taxpayer Funds to Buy, Sell Weapons During 'Fast and Furious,' Documents Show
September 26, 2011 | Not only did U.S. officials approve, allow and assist in the sale of more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa cartel -- the federal government used taxpayer money to buy semi-automatic weapons, sold them to criminals and then watched as the guns disappeared.
This disclosure, revealed in documents obtained by Fox News, could undermine the Department of Justice's previous defense that Operation Fast and Furious was a "botched" operation where agents simply "lost track" of weapons as they were transferred from one illegal buyer to another. Instead, it heightens the culpability of the federal government as Mexico, according to sources, has opened two criminal investigations into the operation that flooded their country with illegal weapons. Operation Fast and Furious began in October 2009. In it, federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives encouraged gun stores to sell weapons to an arms smuggling gang, then watched as the guns crossed the border and were used in crimes. Each month, the agency allowed hundreds of guns to go South, despite opposition from some agents. All told, the gang spent more than $1.25 million for the illegal guns.

In June 2010, however, the ATF dramatically upped the ante, making the U.S. government the actual "seller" of guns. According to documents obtained by Fox News, Agent John Dodson was ordered to buy six semi-automatic Draco pistols -- two of those were purchased at the Lone Wolf gun store in Peoria, Ariz. An unusual sale, Dodson was sent to the store with a letter of approval from David Voth, an ATF group supervisor. Dodson then sold the weapons to known illegal buyers, while fellow agents watched from their cars nearby. This was not a "buy-bust" or a sting operation, where police sell to a buyer and then arrest them immediately afterward. In this case, agents were "ordered" to let the sale go through and follow the weapons to a stash house.

According to sources directly involved in the case, Dodson felt strongly that the weapons should not be abandoned and the stash house should remain under 24-hour surveillance. However, Voth disagreed and ordered the surveillance team to return to the office. Dodson refused, and for six days in the desert heat kept the house under watch, defying direct orders from Voth. A week later, a second vehicle showed up to transfer the weapons. Dodson called for an interdiction team to move in, make the arrest and seize the weapons. Voth refused and the guns disappeared with no surveillance. According to a story posted Sunday on a website dedicated to covering Fast and Furious, Voth gave Dodson the assignment to "dirty him up," since Dodson had become the most vocal critic of the operation.

"I think Dodson demanded the letter from Voth to cover both himself and the FFL (Federal Firearm Licensee). He didn't want to be hung out to dry by Voth," a source told the website "Sipsey Street Irregulars." Subsequent to this undercover operation, sources told Sipsey, "Dodson just about came apart all over them (his supervisors). In a 'screaming match' that was heard throughout the Phoenix office by many employees, Dodson yelled at Voth and Assistant Special Agent in Charge George Gillett, 'Why not just go direct and empty out the (ATF) arms room?" (to the cartels), or words to that effect.' After the confrontation, ATF managers transferred Dodson to a more menial job. Months later, after the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, Dodson blew the whistle and went public about the federal government's gunrunning operation.

Read more: U.S. Government Used Taxpayer Funds To Buy, Sell Weapons During 'Fast And Furious,' Documents Show | Fox News
What were they thinking????? That they would get away with it and they will......
A.G. Holder says it wasn't the Justice Dept's fault that Americans were killed by illegal guns the ATF allowed to be shipped to Mexico. The same disfunctional federal bureaucracy that created the Siege at Ruby Ridge and the Waco Invasion decided to ship about 1,800 illegal wapons to Mexico in a convoluted plan to trace their alleged use by drug cartels. Whatever fools who came up with the idea that killed Americans and Mexicans with the weapons they authorized to be shipped should be prosecuted just as organized crime would have been prosecuted for the same crime.

First, you are presuming to much if you assume they were thinking.

Second, they didnt just allow them to be shipped to Mexico, they purchased the guns for them.

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