'Progressive' Syndrome


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What is the proper role of leadership?

One would hope that leaders are able to not only pursue the aims of their constituents, but be able to tell then when their goals are unrealistic.

1. Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear.

2. Sadly, there is a brand of leadership that is the very opposite of " Thinking Beyond Stage One,”....it is Far Left, Progressive leadership, and it tends to function via the view that whatever anyone has, everyone should have. It is called 'income equality,' or 'social justice.'

a. Yesterday, on my local cable station they revealed the percent of NY'ers who don't have cable TV under a banner "INTERNET INEQUALITY"

b. How long must we wait before we address "PATENT LEATHER SHOE INEQUALITY"????

3. " Progressives like to think big. Working out the details is usually someone else’s problem.New York City mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced a $150 million initiative to renew troubled schools that is explicitly modeled on Hillary Clinton’s “it takes a village” philosophy."
In the Name of Progress by Seth Barron City Journal 5 December 2014

4. Schools, under this de Blasio proposal, actually become villages..".. schools as community hubs where dental students can check children’s teeth and immigrant parents can learn English. As a particularly “creative” solution to what he apparently sees as a pervasive social problem, one Lower East Side school “got Lowe’s to donate a washer and dryer for parents to use.” The washer and dryer, he said, “helps ensure that even the poorest parents can send their kids to school in clean clothes they’re proud of.”

5. " Details are scarce regarding the implementation of the washer/dryer program, but some obvious questions emerge at once.
Who buys the detergent?
Where do parents wait while their clothes are in the spin cycle?
Is machine use restricted to kids’ clothes, or can parents do linens and towels as well?
What if there is a line, but someone wants to run separate loads for whites and colors?
In sum, how well will one free laundry machine really serve hundreds of families?"

a. ".... but why sweat that detail? When so much of progressive argument consists of scrappy anecdotes or soaring rhetoric, it isn’t cynicism to inquire where all this forward-thinking is actually going.

b. ... progressive legislators frequently address economic and business concerns with what seems like total innumeracy."

Exactly as Dr. Sowell stated.
Lol, an attack on the charitable contribution of a washer/dryer?

So much for all that rightwing propaganda about volunteerism and charity being the panacea that can replace government aid to the poor.
Lol, an attack on the charitable contribution of a washer/dryer?

So much for all that rightwing propaganda about volunteerism and charity being the panacea that can replace government aid to the poor.

Perhaps I can help....you see, schools have one purpose, laundromats a different one.

And based on the post of yours that I've seen, you would be far more at home in the latter than the former.
Lol, an attack on the charitable contribution of a washer/dryer?

So much for all that rightwing propaganda about volunteerism and charity being the panacea that can replace government aid to the poor.

Perhaps I can help....you see, schools have one purpose, laundromats a different one.

And based on the post of yours that I've seen, you would be far more at home in the latter than the former.

So no laundry is done in your homeschool? lol, or does the maid take it off premises?
Lol, an attack on the charitable contribution of a washer/dryer?

So much for all that rightwing propaganda about volunteerism and charity being the panacea that can replace government aid to the poor.

Perhaps I can help....you see, schools have one purpose, laundromats a different one.

And based on the post of yours that I've seen, you would be far more at home in the latter than the former.

Don't dodge the issue you brought up. Why are you attacking charity now? Have you not proposed that charity replace government help?

Maybe the true side of conservatism is coming out here. They despise ALL help for the poor.
"Schools, under this de Blasio proposal, actually become villages..".. schools as community hubs where dental students can check children’s teeth and immigrant parents can learn English."

For some reason I don't think that many sane people oppose the above.

Apparently de Blasio derangement syndrome is at work.
"Schools, under this de Blasio proposal, actually become villages..".. schools as community hubs where dental students can check children’s teeth and immigrant parents can learn English."

The NY statewide BOCES vocational training system has long offered programs in English for non-English speakers, as well as citizenship programs.

It's fascinating to see it come out now that the RWnuts even oppose this.

Have you not proposed that charity replace government help?

Schools can't do their primary job of educating American children...of course, liberals, who reflexively think that bad government performance can be fixed by more government intervention, want to pile on more responsibilities on schools that are not related to what they are actually supposed to be doing.......we love private charity, it helps a lot of people...but that is the key word, "private" when you mix private and public you more often than not keep the public part from completing it's actual mission, in this case educating children, and you waste the charity of the private donor....

Let's check back in a little while and see how bad this actually works out....

Dental students checking kids teeth, great....I'm all for it....why do you need the mayor of New York to do this.....leave it up to the dental colleges and the school districts, ....So now you will have people roaming the halls of these schools with laundry baskets.....how about locating these cleaning stations at park district buildnings...away from the schools...you know...so they can concentrate on teaching children to read and write English, do math and Science....instead of using resources in the building to monitor parental traffic doing laundry.....does that make any sense to you libs out there.....

Hmmm...who pays for the classes of these immigrant parents to learn English....if it is given freely great....but since libs are involved....better follow the money....
Sowell more than anything is the sort of academic pinhead that normally conservatives reflexively reject.

No, we reject dumb, academic pinheads who have a separation from the truth, facts and reality.....Sowell is a great intellect who knows what the truth. facts, and reality actually are....
Lol, an attack on the charitable contribution of a washer/dryer?

So much for all that rightwing propaganda about volunteerism and charity being the panacea that can replace government aid to the poor.

Perhaps I can help....you see, schools have one purpose, laundromats a different one.

And based on the post of yours that I've seen, you would be far more at home in the latter than the former.

So no laundry is done in your homeschool? lol, or does the maid take it off premises?

The servants have their own area in the castle....and we've had a laundromat built therein.....

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Sowell more than anything is the sort of academic pinhead that normally conservatives reflexively reject.

No, we reject dumb, academic pinheads who have a separation from the truth, facts and reality.....Sowell is a great intellect who knows what the truth. facts, and reality actually are....

That's been proven false repeatedly.

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