Progressive media claims they'll be 'tougher' on Obama now = ROLMAO


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

I wonder when the drapes will go commie red...:rolleyes:


Progressive media claims they'll be 'tougher' on Obama now

Given the rationale they have embraced, is there any reason to believe this will happen, or that it will matter if it does?

Glenn Greenwald, Monday 3 December 2012

Last week, the Huffington Post's media reporter, Michael Calderone, wrote a long article on the widespread perception that MSNBC isn't so much a progressive network as it is "simply pro-Obama". Citing a new Pew study that found that MSNBC was actually more negative toward Romney than even Fox News was against Obama "and offered mostly positive coverage about Obama" - most remarkably, during the last week of the campaign, MSNBC did not air a single story critical of Obama: not one - Calderone wrote: "post-election, the question is whether MSNBC continues cheering Obama on - or takes him on."

On Sunday, Politico's media reporter, Dylan Byers, set out in search of an answer to that question, not regarding MSNBC specifically but "progressive media" generally. Here's the crux of what he found:

"For the better part of four years, progressive media has had President Barack Obama's back.


Progressive media claims they'll be 'tougher' on Obama now | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
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Yep, and I believe in Santa and the Easter bunny, better yet that the democratic party gives a shit about the middle class.
Oh! Okay. Now I feel better. Our country's been dragged down to a third world dictatorship and NOW the media's gonna be tough on our dictator??? Sure, I believe that.

I wonder when the drapes will go commie red...:rolleyes:


Progressive media claims they'll be 'tougher' on Obama now

Given the rationale they have embraced, is there any reason to believe this will happen, or that it will matter if it does?

Glenn Greenwald, Monday 3 December 2012

Last week, the Huffington Post's media reporter, Michael Calderone, wrote a long article on the widespread perception that MSNBC isn't so much a progressive network as it is "simply pro-Obama". Citing a new Pew study that found that MSNBC was actually more negative toward Romney than even Fox News was against Obama "and offered mostly positive coverage about Obama" - most remarkably, during the last week of the campaign, MSNBC did not air a single story critical of Obama: not one - Calderone wrote: "post-election, the question is whether MSNBC continues cheering Obama on - or takes him on."

On Sunday, Politico's media reporter, Dylan Byers, set out in search of an answer to that question, not regarding MSNBC specifically but "progressive media" generally. Here's the crux of what he found:

"For the better part of four years, progressive media has had President Barack Obama's back.


Progressive media claims they'll be 'tougher' on Obama now | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

The damage is done to late to get tough on obama now.
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Left-Wing Media Plans to Get Tough on Obama

Don Irvine
December 3, 2012

Politico’s Dylan Byers reported on Sunday that some members of the progressive, or left-wing, media are making efforts to push Obama to complete the key parts of the unfinished liberal agenda that he first outlined in 2008.

Those parts include climate change, drone strikes, gun control and closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, among others.

Byers points out that one of the first to challenge Obama was none other than the editorial page of The New York Times, which launched a series titled, “Goals for a New Term.” The Times was sharply critical of the President, saying Obama lacked courage on gun control and had adopted the “Bush team’s extravagant claims of state secrets and executive power, blocking any accountability for the detention and brutalization of hundreds of men at Guantánamo and secret prisons, and denying torture victims their day in court.”

Left-Wing Media Plans to Get Tough on Obama
yet all this crowing over how the media is pro left, yet much of the media is owned by rwer's. To bad the article is not more specific on who, what, when, where or why they think that the media is left leaning and who it is owned by.
yet all this crowing over how the media is pro left, yet much of the media is owned by rwer's. To bad the article is not more specific on who, what, when, where or why they think that the media is left leaning and who it is owned by.
Who are they? Name them.
‘Lie of the Year’ — Aided and Abetted by the Media

December 19, 2013 by Larry Elder


PolitiFact has awarded their “Lie of the Year” to President Barack Obama for his promise that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

PolitiFact, a feature of the Tampa Bay Times, purports to rate the truthfulness of statements/assertions made by politicians. The accurate are rated “true,” then slide down the scale to “mostly true,” ‘half true,” “mostly false” and “false.” The biggest “lies” — the most egregious — are awarded, as PolitiFact puts it, a “Pants on Fire!” rating. (Full disclosure: As I recently wrote, PunditFact, its sister feature, recently gave me an undeserved “mostly false.”)

What’s puzzling is that PolitiFact, until now, called Obama’s statement “true” and later “half true.” In 2008 PolitiFact rated then-candidate Obama’s “you can keep it” statement as “true,” because “Obama is accurately describing his health care plan here.” As The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto notes: “PolitiFact actually rated Obama’s promise as ‘true’ on the grounds that in making the promise, he was making the promise. … In 2008 it was but a promise, which Obama might or might not have intended and might or might not have been able to keep.”

Then in 2009, when PolitiFact re-fact-checked the same statement, they rated Obama’s statement as “half true.” The Obamacare promise stayed stuck on “half true” even when PolitiFact again re-re-fact-checked it in 2012.


The problem remains that the President — despite his best efforts — has failed to repeal an economics law of physics: There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. Obamacare is no exception. Good luck in getting PolitiFact to fact check that.

?Lie of the Year? ? Aided and Abetted by the Media | FrontPage Magazine

Obama pollster: Reporters should stop covering polls in 2014

10:40 AM 12/31/2013
Alex Pappas

After a year of seeing President Obama’s approval ratings plummet, the president’s pollster is offering a strikingly candid and pessimistic New Year’s resolution.

Reporters should go the next “year without reporting any public polling data,” Joel Benenson, president and CEO of Benenson Strategy Group, said.

His comments were made to reporter Mike Allen, who published them in his daily “Politico Playbook” morning newsletter on Tuesday.


If reporters actually did forgo reporting on the president’s polling data for a year, the next time the public would hear about Obama’s approval numbers would be after the 2014 midterms.

According to Wall Street Journal/NBC news polling, Obama’s job approval fell from 52 percent at the start of the year to 43 percent today.

Read more: Obama pollster: Reporters should stop covering polls in 2014 | The Daily Caller

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