Programs like adobe voice can fake Trump N-word tape


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Right on time, the MSM and Democrats claim to have a tape with President Trump using the “N-word.” President Trump claims the tape doesn’t exist.

The sheep doesn't think this tech. exist in the Gov. plantation and they'd never use against their own President oh of course not. Your an idiot if you think that too.

One of the biggest reasons this is being brough up is that mental case Omarossa and her tape bs as she lies and gathers up her Trump haters for extra power etc. These loons are so up to science being their god and technology knows all and never fails oh of course not. Technology can never be rigged to set peopel up oh never why you local and federal gov . would never use things to set you up and gain a body .

Why who needs technologgy when all you have to be is in the me too cult of nuts and all it takes to prosecute someone si opening up your mouth and say someone did somehting end of story . Off to prison they go who needs proof when " WORDS". are the most powerful proof by gawd.

Wait until you leftist lunatics have your son and grand son hung up on some charge thats only over words is that computer going to JUDGE you for your truth or your lie. What if it says you lied and you know for certain you didn't.

But eeeh most pathetic sheep can't see this technology taking place in their life time which also proves why your lunatic morons who know not to much and how far we are in the techie world.

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