Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Brady Williams and Jarad Bentley

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Brady Williams and Jarad Bentley
Not all football players spit venom like Colin Kaepernick or cower like Drew Brees. To find football players worthy of respect, you just have to look past the NFL and NCAA to high school.
From Morrow, Ohio:
When the Little Miami High School football team took the field Friday, Sept. 11, a couple of players carried alongside the American flag a Thin Blue Line and Thin Red Line flags.
As confirmed by senior cornerback Brady Williams, the intent was not political, but to honor first responders, many of whom died heroically on 9/11. Back then, most of us knew enough to revere heroes rather than criminals.
Williams was holding the Thin Blue Line flag as he rushed onto the field Friday. His father is a police officer, and he says he wanted to honor all the cops who lost their lives trying to save others on 9/11.
Jarad Bentley carried the Thin Red Line flag.
“I was all for it,” he said. “Because my dad is a firefighter, and if it had been him killed on 9/11, I would have wanted someone to do it for him.”
Sounds like we have two decent, respectful kids with their heads on straight. The liberal establishment reacted as you might expect.
Williams and Bentley heard from the athletic director Monday afternoon and received an indefinite suspension.
They had been told there would be consequences, and there were. The willingness to face them makes Williams and Bentley heroes too. How better to honor heroes than to be a hero on their behalf?

all links highlighted
Suspended indefinitely.....the left is not authoritarian.? not at all....
This is fine

Normies ...Trads ....its all gonna be local come shtf day
Making a list ?checking it twice ? Gonna Find out who is naughty or nice ?

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