Pro-HAMAS Protestor assaults and tases Jewish student at UCLA

Stupid Jew for walking into almost guaranteed trouble .

The so called victim might now like to consider whether advertising his background showing him to be linked to an insane Nazi Israeli Government was a sound move .
Kinda like Black people sitting at as lunch counter during the Jim Crow era. History repeats itself.
I thought the US of A was a wonderful country with the freest speech courtesy of the First Amendment. However, some Americans are justifying attacks on certain fellow Americans if those fellow Americans exercise their First Amendment right to express opposing opinions freely.

Perhaps you're not American, however, since the relevant event took place in America, I say we should take the American Constitution and the American laws into account.

PS: how exactly do you know what the man attacked in the video supports or thinks about anything?
Looks to me like he stole a sign from those people. Fuck that guy it's too bad he was never tasered.
I went to UCSD, all the UC's are policed by the California State Police. If the State Police are allowing it, they are doing so under the order of Gavin Newsom.

How a man cannot freely walk on a UC campus (public space) and not be assaulted because he is a Jew is insane. Where are the arrests and expulsions?
Where do you people get your news? Israel has offered a 2 state solution in the past only to be told no.
I get my news on this from Israel.
Why aren't the protesters calling for the release of the hostages? That conflict doesn't halt until Hamas gives up the people they've kidnapped. Sorry but it doesn't. Anyone who thinks it will is just plain naive!
No, this confict needs to end now. The families of the hostages are calling for the end of Netanyahu. So if they want that, what you think is irrelevant.
Members of the Jewish nation are mistreated in America.

How is Netanyahu responsible for the rise of Hamas? He was the leader of the opposition when Hamas won elections in Gaza and subsequently overthrew the ruling Fatah party in the strip. What did he do, hold their hands singing Kumbaya around a campfire?

Every time Israel tried to defend itself against terror and rocket attacks from Gaza, the international community barked, growled, and threatened Israel with dire consequences. Even now, when it's abundantly clear that Hamas won't stop until the last Jew in Israel is either dead or dying, the world is asking Israel, and only Israel, to stand down. Who propped up Hamas, then?

The antisemitic left likes to pretend that the Jewish victim is always guilty. The amount of mental gymnastics needed to overcome basic logic and overwhelming evidence to the contrary must take a heavy toll on critical thinking skills.
Wrong. There is all kinds of evidence showing where Netanyahu has violated agreements and Isreali settler along with government aided violence aganst Palestnians in the illegal settlements. You chose to ignore all that. In this case the Israeli government IS guilty. Sources in Israel have dcumented what Netanyahu did to empower Hamas. So again, your opinion is irrelevant. The right wing extremists ruling Israel need to go.
So much for the peaceful protests from the Left. This crazy bitch is using weapons on people she doesn’t agree with yet somehow, this is OK with the Left???

Should all protestors bring tasers to protests? Or, maybe the Jewish protesters simply take a page from Obama: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

Yes. I think it's a big mistake for Jews to allow themselves to be forced into hiding, but it's not my call. People who are concerned should also be turning up in droves to run these vermin out, and take care of business when these scum think they will attack somebody exercising their rights. At the very least the cops should be stomping these shit birds and locking them up without bail. but as we see the police just look the other way, so we all know how that ends up when the public condones that.
The antisemitic left likes to pretend that the Jewish victim is always guilty. The amount of mental gymnastics needed to overcome basic logic and overwhelming evidence to the contrary must take a heavy toll on critical thinking skills.

I'm not a fan of the 'Jewish victimhood for thousands of years' historical narrative, but it's immediately obvious who is the problem in the ME, and has been since 1910, and especially in 1935 and 1947, it isn't Jews by a long shot, it's feral Arabs, their British allies, and their asshole friends at the UN. Israel owes all three of them less than zero respect or concern.
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Why aren't the protesters calling for the release of the hostages? That conflict doesn't halt until Hamas gives up the people they've kidnapped. Sorry but it doesn't. Anyone who thinks it will is just plain naive!

Because they know their pet savage vermin have raped and killed most of them and it's likely less than 10 of them are alive.
What is going on at the college campuses has nothing to do with Israel's actions and everything to do with anti-semitism

It's been shocking to see this, in some ways, and inevitable in others. Every since Trump rode down the escalator in 2015, crimes against minorities have skyrocketed.

What's been shocking to me is people like YOU, and Azog who think Donald Trump - who unleashed the hatred on Jews, racial minorities and gays, is the greatest President ever. Your voting for the party of the KKK, and the White Christian Nationalists.

It was bad enough when that you continued to support Republicans after they overturned Roe v Wade. I may be beyond child bearing years but to see women being turned away from hospitals when their pregnancy goes wrong is beyond shocking. Even when abortion was illegal, before Roe v Wade, if you were having a miscarriage, the hospital would admit you and ensure you received proper care.

Hospitals are turning women in crisis away, because their lives are not yet in danger, and they don't want her miscarrying on the premises, and having to fight criminal charges aborting of her fetus, or assisting her in an abortion.

Trump's reliance on the KKK was prove positive of his anti-semitism. So is his support of white Christian nationalists who blame the Jew for killing Jesus. Talking about voting against your own self-interests.

You need to choose better leaders.
What? What? WHAT?????? You think Trump is responsible for anti-semitism? Trump was literally the biggest supporter of Israel of any modern day President! It's not even close! Pull your head out of your ass, Dragonlady! Obama was the one trying to appease the Mullahs. Biden is the one that gave them billions of dollars to finance their international terror campaign!

As for the rest of that drivel? Trump has never relied on the KKK. He has repeatedly stated that he finds their views to be anti-American!
America has been going downhill since Obama, but it's not that bad yet.

Thanks to the same Obama, whose disastrous policies in the Middle East have alienated traditional Arab allies, Israel is now courted by Arab countries. Lemons, lemonade...
America never has gone uphill. Stop blaming Obama as if everything was great in America until Obama was president.
What? What? WHAT?????? You think Trump is responsible for anti-semitism? Trump was literally the biggest supporter of Israel of any modern day President! It's not even close! Pull your head out of your ass, Dragonlady! Obama was the one trying to appease the Mullahs. Biden is the one that gave them billions of dollars to finance their international terror campaign!

As for the rest of that drivel? Trump has never relied on the KKK. He has repeatedly stated that he finds their views to be anti-American!
Bullshit. Trump is supported by white supremacists because he is one. That's why you defend him.
Bullshit. Trump is supported by white supremacists because he is one. That's why you defend him.
Bullshit. Trump is supported by white supremacists because he is one. That's why you defend him.
What's laughable, IM2 is that you support an actual racist, Joe Biden, a man who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime bill...legislation that put more black people in Federal prisons than any other piece of legislation ever passed in this country! Why do you defend HIM?

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