Princess William Comes Out As Wanting Loft His Rear In The Air And Imagine Taking In The Cock Of Perfect Mu Ham Madd


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Princess William Comes Out As Wanting To Loft His Rear In The Air And Imagine Taking In The Cock Of Perfect Mu Ham Madd "

* Useful Idiot And Tool *

There is little doubt that princess charles is a secret fictional ishmaelism imbecile whom loves to have saudi oil derricks blow onto his back ; and , now he has princess william following in his idiotic footsteps .

" Not Ignoring Gullible Idiots Who Cast Misfortune On Us All "

* Those Being Which , Terrorist Facilitators Or Pretentious Token Liaisons *

Who gives a fuck about any of those pieces of shit !
My sentiments are an attempt to let that ivory tower twit know that his behavior is goddamned stupid . much to contribute to this thread.....

Maybe not
" Princess Charles Is A Closet Homosexual "

* Perhaps That Would Be True If I Were Princess William *

And there's another coming-out party post.
We're very proud. Clearly, no closet could hold you.
The fuck pandering to fictional ishmaelism and invasion to create eurabia is well out of the closet .
" More Objective While Ignorant Excuses "

* Primadonna Royal Clowns Without A Clue * much to contribute to this thread.....Maybe not
Silence is golden and it is better to have people believe you might be stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt .
" Princess Errand Boy For The Religion Of Pieces "

* Terrorist Facilitators On The Inside Track *

That sonofabitch loves the friggin Muslim shit almost as much as that Obama asshole.
Princess diana was lovely except for selling out her lilly white ass to a greek arab , but the closet homosexual princess charles woud love to see the british loft their rears in the air to be butt fucked by middle east invaders .

Princes charles is as demented as the brown shirt communist angela merkel whom fantasizes about herself and german women being groped and raped by hoards of middle east invaders to breed the german identity out of existence .

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