PRIME Example of a Typical HARD HITTING Question for Oblahma...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
What has enchanted you the most, Mr. President?

Posted by Bobby Eberle
May 1, 2009 at 7:57 am

I realize the so-called mainstream media has gone off the deep end, but the extent to which they are in the pocket of Barack Obama is stunning. During Obama's prime time press conference in which he (and the media) celebrated his first 100 days in office, the questions ranged from ineffective to plain ridiculous.

Aren't the media supposed to ask challenging questions? What happened to the media that hounded President Bush? During Obama's press conference, as unemployment continues to rise, Obama stated that he has "already saved or created 150,000 jobs." Are you kidding me? The statement itself is outrageous, and not one "journalist" called him on it.

First, here's a portion of Obama's press conference and some Fox News analysis:

Is this reporter for real? What has "enchanted" you the most? We have a struggling economy and no questions about the economy? Not only does the Washington press corps not ask original questions that challenge Obama, they also don't ask the follow-ups when Obama makes comments that are just plain crazy. The entire mindset is "if Obama says it, it must be true."


As noted in the AP news story Obama adviser sees increase in unemployment, "unemployment will increase in the next several months." People are getting laid off. They are looking for work and can't find it. This is what happens during a recession.

However, at the press conference, Obama said that the stimulus bill "has already saved or created over 150,000 jobs." I don't even know where to begin! First of all, if any Republican president were to use an idiotic statement such as "saved or created" in reference to jobs, the press corps would be like sharks with blood in the water. Saved or created? In addition, no one questioned Obama on the figure of 150,000. Not one question... not at the press conference... not during the rest of the week. Nothing.

GOPUSA - The Loft
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Shit like this is why I watched the ball game.

Was the guy's leg vibrating when he asked?

I don't think it was his LEG.... :lol:

The MORON was from where? Where else... the biggest liberal oblahma cheer leading RAG in the nation... the NYT's.

How this President is coddled is absolutely shameful, and an utter joke.
I bet a few of them had to change their shorts after that question.

Where did all the blood thirsty, frothing at the mouth, barracuda reporters go? Why isn't oblahma getting the kinds of questions Bush did? Why are the liberals so afraid to ask oblahma a HARD QUESTION? Afraid their messiah, greatest orator in history might STUTTER and sound like an IDIOT?
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I bet a few of them had to change their shorts after that question.

Where did all the blood thirsty, frothing at the mouth, barracuda reporters go? Why isn't oblahma getting the kinds of questions Bush did? Why are the liberals so afraid to ask oblahma a HARD QUESTION? Afraid their messiah, greatest orator in history might STUTTER and sound like an IDIOT?
The answer to that is obvious.

They won't turn on Obama just yet, it's way to soon.

When the economy fold sup, look out.

But right now, he's still water walking to them.
I bet a few of them had to change their shorts after that question.

Where did all the blood thirsty, frothing at the mouth, barracuda reporters go? Why isn't oblahma getting the kinds of questions Bush did? Why are the liberals so afraid to ask oblahma a HARD QUESTION? Afraid their messiah, greatest orator in history might STUTTER and sound like an IDIOT?
The answer to that is obvious.

They won't turn on Obama just yet, it's way to soon.

When the economy fold sup, look out.

But right now, he's still water walking to them.
I honestly think that even after the economy gets WORSE, and we're in DEEP dodo, they'll make excuses for him and let him off. They'll blame it on the republicans even though the dems have had control over everything for quite awhile now, spent all the money, wrote and passed the drunken spending orgy bills they didn't read, and completely ignored the voice of moderate and conservative Americans.
The moderates won't be fooled by the GoP is to blame line, they voted BO in.

He doesn't deliever, they will be rid of him.
The moderates won't be fooled by the GoP is to blame line, they voted BO in.

He doesn't deliever, they will be rid of him.

I agree, and thank God for that. But oblahma and his henchmen can do a lot more harm between now and then, all the while having his BOOTS LICKED by starry eyed liberal moon bats that will NEVER be able to admit he fucked up.
One thing is for sure, the media is in the tank with Barry. They can't turn on him...that would show that weakness with their assessment during the primaries. Besides, the media hasn't been anywhere close to being moderate since at least the Viet Nam War.
The media goes along with the democrat party as to "Blaming Bush" for everything plus the kitchen sink. Having said this, it was a good thread starter Pale.
pale slider why dont you prove what you said about me....

seems you dont answer tough questions either...

or do i need large colored font?

How many times is this for you... three? To what, the ONCE you claim I came down on you first? How long do you hope to get away with this? Weren't you warned to drop it? I was, and did.

So you need to just shut up and go away if all you're going to do is start fights.... AGAIN.
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<SNIP>What has enchanted you the most, Mr. President? <SNIP>

Here's the transcription of the question:

OBAMA: Jeff Zeleny.
QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President.
During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office? Enchanted you the most from serving in this office? Humbled you the most? And troubled you the most?
OBAMA: Now let me write this down.
OBAMA: I've got...
QUESTIONER: Surprised, troubled.....[Here Seleny got too far ahead of the Pres.]
OBAMA: I've got -- what was the first one?
QUESTIONER: Surprised.
OBAMA: Surprised.
OBAMA: Troubled.
QUESTIONER: Enchanted.
OBAMA: Enchanted, nice.
QUESTIONER: And humbled.
OBAMA: And what was the last one, humbled?
QUESTIONER: Humbled. Thank you, sir.
OBAMA: All right. OK. Surprised. I am surprised......

Well now, Obama show's us how it's his own admission BRAINTRUST-OBAMA makes it pretty clear that HE CANNOT fully listen to and remember 4 words, and provide a cogent response without prompting.

I recall President Bush taking questions with as many as 3-to-4-sub-sets of questions without taking any notes, and then re-arranging them in their proper levels of hierarchy and cogently responding to them all. Don't you think old Braintrust could manage what that monkey Boosh could manage?

I have a question for the President: Mr. President, if you were a tree, what kind of a tree would you be; and you don't get to be an enchanted tree?
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<SNIP>What has enchanted you the most, Mr. President? <SNIP>

Here's the transcription of the question:

OBAMA: Jeff Zeleny.
QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President.
During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office? Enchanted you the most from serving in this office? Humbled you the most? And troubled you the most?
OBAMA: Now let me write this down.
OBAMA: I've got...
QUESTIONER: Surprised, troubled.....[Here Seleny got too far ahead of the Pres.]
OBAMA: I've got -- what was the first one?
QUESTIONER: Surprised.
OBAMA: Surprised.
OBAMA: Troubled.
QUESTIONER: Enchanted.
OBAMA: Enchanted, nice.
QUESTIONER: And humbled.
OBAMA: And what was the last one, humbled?
QUESTIONER: Humbled. Thank you, sir.
OBAMA: All right. OK. Surprised. I am surprised......

Well now, Obama show's us how it's his own admission BRAINTRUST-OBAMA makes it pretty clear that HE CANNOT fully listen to and remember 4 words, and provide a cogent response without prompting.

I recall President Bush taking questions with as many as 3-to-4-sub-sets of questions without taking any notes, and then re-arranging them in their proper levels of hierarchy and cogently responding to them all. Don't you think old Braintrust could manage what that monkey Boosh could manage?

I have a question for the President: Mr. President, if you were a tree, what kind of a tree would you be; and you don't get to be an enchanted tree?

Next question. Do you like parades? If so, what is your favorite?
OK, ya all don't like the President. Especially when he is doing well. Guess you have about 7 years and 9 months more of not liking the President:razz:

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