Presidential candidates to speak at pro-gold standard events


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Several 2012 Republican presidential candidates are slated to participate in an Iowa bus tour that seeks to make returning the country’s monetary system to the gold standard a key election issue.

The Iowa Tea Party and the group American Principles in Action announced that they are launching their 18-day bus tour starting June 13.

Republicans Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Gary Johnson, Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum are scheduled to speak during at least one stop on the tour, according to Andy Blom, executive director of American Principles in Action. All are either running or contemplating a run for president in 2012.

Gold Standard | Republican Primary | The Daily Caller

We can thank Ron Paul and his 2008 run for President for finally making the dollar and its value, or lack thereof, a real issue.
Cowrie Shells would be better. They are cooler.

I am not cool with Vladimir Putin being in charge of our money supply. Not cool with Ben Berenke either, but he is merely stupid, not malicious.
Cowrie Shells would be better. They are cooler.

I am not cool with Vladimir Putin being in charge of our money supply. Not cool with Ben Berenke either, but he is merely stupid, not malicious.

Well it wouldn't have to be gold, simply a commodity that the market chose to use as a medium of exchange. Gold and silver are generally chosen, however. I don't think I understand the Putin comment.

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