President Trump vs. Two-Face


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-consciousness exchange between U.S. President Donald Trump (the second celebrity-president after Reagan) and Two-Face (a fictional DC Comics vigilantism-fanatic and capitalism-cynic) about the 'ethos of commerce' in the modern world.



TWO-FACE: Capitalism is a cauldron for gambling.
TRUMP: I like the eco-conscious work of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.
TWO-FACE: Coordinating media with politics is tricky.
TRUMP: Why? That's my goal.
TWO-FACE: It's true you're the second celebrity-president (after Reagan).
TRUMP: Everyone's 'predicting' Trumponomics as a lesser-value of Reaganomics!
TWO-FACE: I'm not doubting your credentials, but consumerism is frivolity.
TRUMP: Hey, no one argues Starbucks and Burger King isn't cholesterol/schizophrenia.
TWO-FACE: Well, how do we balance monetary ambition with democratic teamwork?
TRUMP: That's the role of the World Bank (and arguably also Wall Street).
TWO-FACE: Why did the Taliban destroy the World Trade Center on 9/11?
TRUMP: Anti-capitalism sentiments go the way of anti-commerce fanaticism.
TWO-FACE: Are terrorists 'wrong' when they frown upon Playboy/Facebook?
TRUMP: Maybe America indulges in cholesterol, but it's also the Big-Brother.
TWO-FACE: No one 'craves' to sit in the shadow of 'Big-Brother,' Mr. President.
TRUMP: Well, globalization requires mature evaluation of commercial treaties.
TWO-FACE: The Winter Olympics in South Korea should be hailed as a trophy then.
TRUMP: It's difficult talking 'sports-rhetoric' while TrumpUSA-critics slander Melania.
TWO-FACE: It's true they called the First Lady a 'trophy wife,' but that's your doing...
TRUMP: Hey, I've had problems with the press (like others), but I care about Wall Street!
TWO-FACE: We have to make sure they don't call you the 'Pirate-President.'
TRUMP: Americans worry I was a casino-mogul, but I work with real commerce challenges.



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