President Trump Signs Executive Order Launching Voter Fraud Commission


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
At last! After years of accusations and denials, the president has ordered the establishment chaired by Vice President Spence to investigate claims of voter fraud. The five members will be Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson (R), New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner (D), Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap (D), Christie McCormick, commissioner of the election assistance commission, and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell(R).

The Snowflakes will instantly claim it’s all a sham and nothing will happen. The rest of us will sigh in relief that, at last, someone is going to get to the bottom of 3 million votes that made absolutely no sense.

Story @ Trump signs executive order launching voter fraud commission
Thanks to President Trump US Government Will Finally Cross Check Voter Rolls with DHS Alien Lists (VIDEO)

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.

Kobach was picked this week to lead President Trump’s voter fraud panel.

Kobach discussed Obama’s failures as president to assure voter integrity.

Kris Kobach: You pretty much need an ID to function in American society… One thing that’s never been done that I alluded to earlier is the Department of Homeland Security has a database of all known aliens, green card holders, temporary visa card holders in the United States. And that has never been bounced against a state’s voter rolls, to say, “Hey, how many of these people with this name and this date of birth… how many of them are registered to vote in state A or state B.

From Thanks to President Trump US Government Will Finally Cross Check Voter Rolls with DHS Alien Lists (VIDEO)

And, as the author stated, watch the Dimbocraps fight it in the courts.
At last! After years of accusations and denials, the president has ordered the establishment chaired by Vice President Spence to investigate claims of voter fraud. The five members will be Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson (R), New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner (D), Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap (D), Christie McCormick, commissioner of the election assistance commission, and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell(R).

The Snowflakes will instantly claim it’s all a sham and nothing will happen. The rest of us will sigh in relief that, at last, someone is going to get to the bottom of 3 million votes that made absolutely no sense.

Story @ Trump signs executive order launching voter fraud commission
Good. They need to immediately investigate those 3-5 million illegal votes that trump goes on about.
I honestly think this will be an effective investigative group that will not only uncover voter fraud but will come up with effective - and constitutional - ways to ensure our voting system is honest.

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