President Trump, please fix the Pentagon


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

It isn’t as if he isn’t trying, Tech Guy. But there’s only so much he and Secretary Mattis can do. This has been simmering for decades and it’s only because of this first-ever audit that we’re just beginning to understand the massive problems there are. This blogger calls for 3 things;

Civilian employee reform – not as easy as it seems because it requires a massive overhaul of the Civil Service system – that isn’t going to happen in the 116th Congress.

Acquisition Reform – there might be a dent in that with Executive Orders and regulation changes. But, don’t hold your breath as a lot of it is controlled by pressure from politicians.

Individual Augmentation – I’m really unsure what this blogger wants done here. It’s a manpower problem that can only be met by acquiring more military personnel.

As for the audit, here are the results from

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s first-ever audit discovered major flaws in how it handles IT processes and challenges with its internal tracking databases, but did not discover any major cases of fraud or abuse.

The audit — long sought by Congress and good-government groups — was unveiled Thursday evening. The effort covered $2.7 trillion in DoD assets. Calling it a single audit isn’t strictly right, as the effort, led by the Department of Defense’s inspector general, in collaboration with the comptroller’s office, was actually 21 different audits done by a collection of auditing teams.

Over 1,000 auditors from outside firms, as well as 150 from DoD OIG, visited over 600 DoD locations, requested over 40,000 documents, and tested over 90,000 sample items, per a department fact sheet.

The effort overall is considered a “failed” audit in the strict term, as only 5 of the 21 individual audits checked received a fully passing grade, with two more receiving an ok grade. But department officials were quick to note that was no expectation that the audit would be clean, given the size and scope of the project.

The original blog is @ President Trump, please fix the Pentagon

It isn’t as if he isn’t trying, Tech Guy. But there’s only so much he and Secretary Mattis can do. This has been simmering for decades and it’s only because of this first-ever audit that we’re just beginning to understand the massive problems there are. This blogger calls for 3 things;

Civilian employee reform – not as easy as it seems because it requires a massive overhaul of the Civil Service system – that isn’t going to happen in the 116th Congress.

Acquisition Reform – there might be a dent in that with Executive Orders and regulation changes. But, don’t hold your breath as a lot of it is controlled by pressure from politicians.

Individual Augmentation – I’m really unsure what this blogger wants done here. It’s a manpower problem that can only be met by acquiring more military personnel.

As for the audit, here are the results from

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s first-ever audit discovered major flaws in how it handles IT processes and challenges with its internal tracking databases, but did not discover any major cases of fraud or abuse.

The audit — long sought by Congress and good-government groups — was unveiled Thursday evening. The effort covered $2.7 trillion in DoD assets. Calling it a single audit isn’t strictly right, as the effort, led by the Department of Defense’s inspector general, in collaboration with the comptroller’s office, was actually 21 different audits done by a collection of auditing teams.

Over 1,000 auditors from outside firms, as well as 150 from DoD OIG, visited over 600 DoD locations, requested over 40,000 documents, and tested over 90,000 sample items, per a department fact sheet.

The effort overall is considered a “failed” audit in the strict term, as only 5 of the 21 individual audits checked received a fully passing grade, with two more receiving an ok grade. But department officials were quick to note that was no expectation that the audit would be clean, given the size and scope of the project.

The original blog is @ President Trump, please fix the Pentagon
How can some so-called president tRump fix the Pentagon, when he is Putin's bitch?

It isn’t as if he isn’t trying, Tech Guy. But there’s only so much he and Secretary Mattis can do. This has been simmering for decades and it’s only because of this first-ever audit that we’re just beginning to understand the massive problems there are. This blogger calls for 3 things;

Civilian employee reform – not as easy as it seems because it requires a massive overhaul of the Civil Service system – that isn’t going to happen in the 116th Congress.

Acquisition Reform – there might be a dent in that with Executive Orders and regulation changes. But, don’t hold your breath as a lot of it is controlled by pressure from politicians.

Individual Augmentation – I’m really unsure what this blogger wants done here. It’s a manpower problem that can only be met by acquiring more military personnel.

As for the audit, here are the results from

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s first-ever audit discovered major flaws in how it handles IT processes and challenges with its internal tracking databases, but did not discover any major cases of fraud or abuse.

The audit — long sought by Congress and good-government groups — was unveiled Thursday evening. The effort covered $2.7 trillion in DoD assets. Calling it a single audit isn’t strictly right, as the effort, led by the Department of Defense’s inspector general, in collaboration with the comptroller’s office, was actually 21 different audits done by a collection of auditing teams.

Over 1,000 auditors from outside firms, as well as 150 from DoD OIG, visited over 600 DoD locations, requested over 40,000 documents, and tested over 90,000 sample items, per a department fact sheet.

The effort overall is considered a “failed” audit in the strict term, as only 5 of the 21 individual audits checked received a fully passing grade, with two more receiving an ok grade. But department officials were quick to note that was no expectation that the audit would be clean, given the size and scope of the project.

The original blog is @ President Trump, please fix the Pentagon
How can some so-called president tRump fix the Pentagon, when he is Putin's bitch. Any good answers?

It isn’t as if he isn’t trying, Tech Guy. But there’s only so much he and Secretary Mattis can do. This has been simmering for decades and it’s only because of this first-ever audit that we’re just beginning to understand the massive problems there are. This blogger calls for 3 things;

Civilian employee reform – not as easy as it seems because it requires a massive overhaul of the Civil Service system – that isn’t going to happen in the 116th Congress.

Acquisition Reform – there might be a dent in that with Executive Orders and regulation changes. But, don’t hold your breath as a lot of it is controlled by pressure from politicians.

Individual Augmentation – I’m really unsure what this blogger wants done here. It’s a manpower problem that can only be met by acquiring more military personnel.

As for the audit, here are the results from

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s first-ever audit discovered major flaws in how it handles IT processes and challenges with its internal tracking databases, but did not discover any major cases of fraud or abuse.

The audit — long sought by Congress and good-government groups — was unveiled Thursday evening. The effort covered $2.7 trillion in DoD assets. Calling it a single audit isn’t strictly right, as the effort, led by the Department of Defense’s inspector general, in collaboration with the comptroller’s office, was actually 21 different audits done by a collection of auditing teams.

Over 1,000 auditors from outside firms, as well as 150 from DoD OIG, visited over 600 DoD locations, requested over 40,000 documents, and tested over 90,000 sample items, per a department fact sheet.

The effort overall is considered a “failed” audit in the strict term, as only 5 of the 21 individual audits checked received a fully passing grade, with two more receiving an ok grade. But department officials were quick to note that was no expectation that the audit would be clean, given the size and scope of the project.

The original blog is @ President Trump, please fix the Pentagon
You are dreaming. Trump increased the war department’s budget and this was after BO massively increased it.

It isn’t as if he isn’t trying, Tech Guy. But there’s only so much he and Secretary Mattis can do. This has been simmering for decades and it’s only because of this first-ever audit that we’re just beginning to understand the massive problems there are. This blogger calls for 3 things;

Civilian employee reform – not as easy as it seems because it requires a massive overhaul of the Civil Service system – that isn’t going to happen in the 116th Congress.

Acquisition Reform – there might be a dent in that with Executive Orders and regulation changes. But, don’t hold your breath as a lot of it is controlled by pressure from politicians.

Individual Augmentation – I’m really unsure what this blogger wants done here. It’s a manpower problem that can only be met by acquiring more military personnel.

As for the audit, here are the results from

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s first-ever audit discovered major flaws in how it handles IT processes and challenges with its internal tracking databases, but did not discover any major cases of fraud or abuse.

The audit — long sought by Congress and good-government groups — was unveiled Thursday evening. The effort covered $2.7 trillion in DoD assets. Calling it a single audit isn’t strictly right, as the effort, led by the Department of Defense’s inspector general, in collaboration with the comptroller’s office, was actually 21 different audits done by a collection of auditing teams.

Over 1,000 auditors from outside firms, as well as 150 from DoD OIG, visited over 600 DoD locations, requested over 40,000 documents, and tested over 90,000 sample items, per a department fact sheet.

The effort overall is considered a “failed” audit in the strict term, as only 5 of the 21 individual audits checked received a fully passing grade, with two more receiving an ok grade. But department officials were quick to note that was no expectation that the audit would be clean, given the size and scope of the project.

The original blog is @ President Trump, please fix the Pentagon
How can some so-called president tRump fix the Pentagon, when he is Putin's bitch?
It’s taken 28 years for the Pentagon to tell us what we already knew: They have no idea where the mass amounts of money they get actually goes. All they know is they need more of it.
It’s taken 28 years for the Pentagon to tell us what we already knew: They have no idea where the mass amounts of money they get actually goes. All they know is they need more of it.

While this centers on DOD, I know there isn't a chance in Hades that the executive branch could ever have a successful audit! Hell, they don't even know how many and what kind of EB entities there are.

So, why expect anything better from DOD?
It’s taken 28 years for the Pentagon to tell us what we already knew: They have no idea where the mass amounts of money they get actually goes. All they know is they need more of it.

While this centers on DOD, I know there isn't a chance in Hades that the executive branch could ever have a successful audit! Hell, they don't even know how many and what kind of EB entities there are.

So, why expect anything better from DOD?

I would expect it to take less than a generation to perform. Can imagine any other department in the government allowing that to occur without a Congressional shit storm? Their oversight is a cocktail party joke.
The results of the audit are completely irrelevant. The Pentagon's budget will only grow, grow, grow.

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