President Trump On Roy Moore race— “we don’t need a liberal democrat in that seat.”

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Asked if he believes Moore's accusers, Trump expresses doubt: "40 years is a long time.
At least Trump is more honest that posters here. They'd rather have a child molester in the Senate than a dem. Just admit it. There's no law against being a cretin. Slick stayed in office after sexual harassment. It's harassment to have sex with an person whom you supervise and can hire/fire.
Will Trump campaign with or for Moore after Ivanka commented on the issue?

Ivanka Trump: There's a 'special place in hell for people who prey on children'

Or, will his daughter's thoughts even matter when partisan politics are at stake?
If you look close you will notice that Ivanka's statement is very carefully crafted to not specifically implicate Moore. She was speaking generally about people who prey on children. Like her father, does with many of his outrageous statements, she left herself an out.
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At least Trump is more honest that posters here. They'd rather have a child molester in the Senate than a dem. Just admit it. There's no law against being a cretin. Slick stayed in office after sexual harassment. It's harassment to have sex with an person whom you supervise and can hire/fire.

YOU would rather have Creepy Al Franken in the Senate than Muslim Keith Ellison
Let's be honest. Trump has been accused of doing the very same thing. Of course he doesn't find anything wrong with it. He's scum, just like anyone who supports and defends him.
President Trump On Roy Moore race— “we don’t need a liberal democrat in that seat.”

Considering the source - it's not surprising that Trump would prefer a NaziCon child molester over a Liberal Democrat who has a very honorable record. Not a surprise...

At least Trump is more honest that posters here. They'd rather have a child molester in the Senate than a dem. Just admit it. There's no law against being a cretin. Slick stayed in office after sexual harassment. It's harassment to have sex with an person whom you supervise and can hire/fire.
Thats exactly right. And thats why the polls are going to be completely off and why Moore is going to win by a large margin. We saw the same thing happen with the presidential election. People don't care about a persons personal life as much as they care about how they are going to help or hurt their life and political agenda.

If you had the choice between a mediocre lawyer that was a good guy or a savage asshole that has never lost a case to represent you... Who are you going to choose? This is reality, just wish more people would be honest about it instead of making petty excuses trying to stick up for the dirtbag.
President Trump On Roy Moore race— “we don’t need a liberal democrat in that seat.”

Considering the source - it's not surprising that Trump would prefer a NaziCon child molester over a Liberal Democrat who has a very honorable record. Not a surprise...
They have a matching set of zero morals.
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So in Summary:

The Republican Party is defending a pedophile so that they can pass a tax plan that will take money away from sick kids so that rich people can get a write off on their private jets.

Remind me again what this party stands for?
Let's be honest. Trump has been accused of doing the very same thing. Of course he doesn't find anything wrong with it. He's scum, just like anyone who supports and defends him.
Well it was hard to see that as a reason not to vote for him when Hill was married to Bill. LOL

I voted for pot smoker.

Hell of a choice in that election. LOL
So in Summary:

The Republican Party is defending a pedophile so that they can pass a tax plan that will take money away from sick kids so that rich people can get a write off on their private jets.

Remind me again what this party stands for?
They are the party of the 1%. And the trumpbots fell for it hook line and sinker.
At least Trump is more honest that posters here. They'd rather have a child molester in the Senate than a dem. Just admit it. There's no law against being a cretin. Slick stayed in office after sexual harassment. It's harassment to have sex with an person whom you supervise and can hire/fire.

YOU would rather have Creepy Al Franken in the Senate than Muslim Keith Ellison
Bendog ain't got nothing gainst no Muslim. (-: And I'm not totally convinced Franken's a slime. If a pattern of women come out and say "he groped me," that's another story, imo.
Trump supporters are dangerous. A friend of ours had a Hillary sign in her front yard during the 2016 campaign season - and someone shot a hole in it.
Are Evangelicals really Christians? How could any "true" Christian vote for a child molester like Roy Moore? How could any decent person vote for Moore?

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