President Trump and the New World Disorder

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
As the president continues shaking up the deep state which surrounds him, and
the mainstream media attempts to demonize him at every turn, thanks largely to Mr Trump, a growing majority of people distrust them so they have a huge problem. They cried wolf too many times and nobody's listening to their lies and propaganda anymore. Their control is slipping as more and more people get their news from alt media and it scares the piss out of them.

This short speech from 1/4/19 really shines a light on some
of the behind the curtain shenanigans going on that most Americans
otherwise will never know about.

Alex Newman is an international journalist, educator, and author, currently serving as foreign correspondent for The New American. He holds a B.S. degree in journalism with an emphasis on economics and international relations, as well as an A.A. degree in foreign languages. His work has been cited by major media outlets around the world. He is a frequent guest on radio shows, TV programs, and at conferences. His family currently splits their time between Europe and the U.S.

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, pass. We've got Alex Jones for this shit.
We are living this and half of this country is to dense to know it. They just plod along... As long as the UN has us playing Repub vs Dem. there is no time for us to focus on NWO vs Patriotism. If you never read another book, The Day the Dollar Dies, by Willard Cantelon may be the most important knowledge you will ever possess. It will give you the understanding necessary to identify what is happening.
The ultimate goal:

We are Hemisphere 1, and we will belong to everyone on earth.

Sadly we won't prevent it. Most Americans are blindly voting it into power. Repub. and Dem. alike. Trump was a burp in their plans. They will undo every patriotic thing he's done so far. If he wins again they will kill him. They have come to far to let anyone stop their progress.

It is not Nancy Pelosi that insists on not having a sovereign wall of protection. It is Nancy Pelosi and George Soros. It is not NY that wants to celebrate the aborting of as many children as possible. It has nothing to do with woman's rights. It is population control via the NWO. Soros and friends are paying for it all. Black Lives Matter only when Soros' checkbook says it matters. Kneeling to show a lack of patriotism toward our flag? Soros/NFL connection.
Follow the money trail to the likes of Kasich, McCain, Romney and see who they are/were working on behalf of before you cast your next ballot.
Start to educate yourselves or lose this nation:
Tools for the Fools of the New World Order (NWO) – Survey | NEW.EURO-MED.DK
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This Gov. Cuomo celebrating Abortion rights bill was very sad and immoral.What is the world coming to when we celebrate murder of an unborn fetus.?

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