President Franklin Roosevelt's 2nd New Deal speech 1936

No, they weren't. They morphed into something gross.

However, at the time a 1/3 of our workforce were tied up into family farms. Not only were farmers experiencing the GD, but were also recovering from the dustbowl--one of the biggest natural disasters known to man.

Remember, Americans had to eat. We were lining up for food.

However, modern day agricultural subsidies are a fucking abomination. Hardly any of the money goes to small families (there are a few left). Most go to large agribusiness making over $200K a year.

Don't tell me Americans had to eat in support of the 1933 AAA. Please click on the link I provided:

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (Triple A) (Pub.L. 73-10, 48 Stat. 31, enacted May 12, 1933) was a United States federal law of the New Deal era which restricted agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies not to plant part of their land (that is, to let a portion of their fields lie fallow) and to kill off excess livestock[1]. Its purpose was to reduce crop surplus and therefore effectively raise the value of crops

This was not a bill about feeding the people. Quite the opposite. And it was rightly declared unconstitutional in 1936.
Don't tell me Americans had to eat in support of the 1933 AAA. Please click on the link I provided:

"I see" said the blind man.

This was not a bill about feeding the people. Quite the opposite. And it was rightly declared unconstitutional in 1936.

Then did FDR try to stack the courts....or was that before?
This is classic Roosevelt the libs will love it "Second bill of rights":eusa_eh:

It was a noble cause, albeit misguided. However, it is most unfortunate that Americans haven't "voluntary" achieved FDR's second BoR.

Sadly, instead of Americans having a right to good health care, good education, protection from old age and disability, free competition, and a decent job, we excel at imprisoning people, exporting weapons, and allowing the corporatists, bankers, and MIC to pillage our
republic via political favoritism and crony capitalism.

Bye, bye America.

First of all big government programs start off as a "Noble causes" those things listed are not rights, if you don't achieve these things on your own then the government should step in an make sure you have them? with liberty and free market capitalism all those things can be achieved, I agree on the "crony Capitalism" "MIC" your going out in liberal loonyville.
First of all big government programs start off as a "Noble causes" those things listed are not rights, if you don't achieve these things on your own then the government should step in an make sure you have them?

No. Because when they fail, that means that they receive more funding. Having ideals and centrally planning them are two different things.

with liberty and free market capitalism all those things can be achieved, I agree on the "crony Capitalism" "MIC" your going out in liberal loonyville.

I guarantee that I am one of the most free market liberals that you will ever meet. I like my markets, but where am I going out on liberal loonyville? On the "MIC"?
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That it will take Obama 4 terms and a World War to fix our economy?

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