President Franklin Roosevelt's 2nd New Deal speech 1936

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
This speech could have just as easily been given yesterday:

For nearly four years you have had an Administration which instead of twirling its thumbs has rolled up its sleeves. We will keep our sleeves rolled up.

We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me--and I welcome their hatred.

I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum - Our Documents

Agree or disagree?
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I agree with his sentiments. I disagree with many of his specific policies.

Righteous indignation does not alone produce good governance.
It's amusing to listen to the guy who ran an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean years talking about things. Wasn't so funny at the time, the same way people 70 years from now will read Obama, and Say, "God! What an asshole!!"
That the Repubs are claiming we should be outta this ditch in under 2 years is laughable if not downright deceitful to the electorate.
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It's more amusing that you dumbfucks blame Booooosh while ignoring Barry's fuckups...

Two unfinished/mismanaged/unpaid-for wars and a trillion $ Rx plan (unpaid-for too ;-). Yeah. 43 had nothing to do w/ the boat we're in. :rolleyes: You should do stand-up LOL:clap2:

I am not an FDR fan, but I love that speech. It showed that he had balls and conviction to tackle a real threat.

It would be awesome to see Obama have balls: to welcome hatred of the ruling class that just pillaged us and sent us into a severe economic crisis in which they mostly benefited from.

Unfortunately, Obama rather placate people, engage in wishy-washy pragmatism, and compromise with one of the most wretched and vile GOP known to American history.
This speech could have just as easily been given yesterday:

For nearly four years you have had an Administration which instead of twirling its thumbs has rolled up its sleeves. We will keep our sleeves rolled up.

We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me--and I welcome their hatred.

I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum - Our Documents

Agree or disagree?
Speaking of war-profiteering, anyone know who was invested in the Carlyle Group?

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I am not an FDR fan, but I love that speech. It showed that he had balls and conviction to tackle a real threat.

It would be awesome to see Obama have balls: to welcome hatred of the ruling class that just pillaged us and sent us into a severe economic crisis in which they mostly benefited from.

Unfortunately, Obama rather placate people, engage in wishy-washy pragmatism, and compromise with one of the most wretched and vile GOP known to American history.

The wealthy have never been doing better.
The wealthy have never been doing better.

I know. Don't you love modern day liberal policies. They benefit the corporatists, bankers, and the MIC.

It is most amusing to watch rw kooks rail against this and call it socialism. This is what their policies actually create; a plutocratic, decaying empire rather than a healthy and vibrant republic.

Lw kooks are also a disgrace who defend these practices. I have never seen liberals try to emulate movement and neo conservatives so much. They are a disgrace and beyond pathetic. Are these people even human?
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This is classic Roosevelt the libs will love it "Second bill of rights":eusa_eh:

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This is classic Roosevelt the libs will love it "Second bill of rights":eusa_eh:

It was a noble cause, albeit misguided. However, it is most unfortunate that Americans haven't "voluntary" achieved FDR's second BoR.

Sadly, instead of Americans having a right to good health care, good education, protection from old age and disability, free competition, and a decent job, we excel at imprisoning people, exporting weapons, and allowing the corporatists, bankers, and MIC to pillage our republic via political favoritism and crony capitalism.

Bye, bye America.
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This is classic Roosevelt the libs will love it "Second bill of rights":eusa_eh:

It was a noble cause, albeit misguided. However, it is most unfortunate that Americans haven't "voluntary" achieved FDR's second BoR.

Sadly, instead of American having a right to good health care, good education, protection from old age and disability, free competition, and a decent job, we excel at imprisoning people, exporting weapons, and allowing the corporatists, bankers, and MIC to pillage our republic via political favoritism and crony capitalism.

Yeah.. utopia, the federal government dictating and running everything.
Yeah.. utopia, the federal government dictating and running everything.

Are you literate? I said it was misguided.

FDR was a statist prick who thought lovingly of both Mussolini and Stalin. However, that shouldn't stop America from "voluntarily" seeking those goals. Unfortunately, we don't have voluntary association in America. We are a plutocracy. Heck, we are turning into the Soviets; with a privileged statist class closely tied to industry and "fuck you" to everyone else.

What was your point again? I know you are stabbing and trying to make one.
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This is slightly off-topic but it's my thread so:


Yet, Obama continues to escalate us into an unwinnable quagmire - all while contemplating cutting SS and Medicare.

Yeah, some fucking victory.

Plus, OBL is still achieving his goals, even in the afterlife. His goal was to bleed us dry like the mujaheddin bleed the Soviets dry during the 80's when Dems funded this Islamist terrorist (re: Brzezinski and Carter).

We are hemorrhaging, yet Dems continue to escalate these endless and inane wars, all while calling it a victory.
I am not an FDR fan, but I love that speech. It showed that he had balls and conviction to tackle a real threat.

It would be awesome to see Obama have balls: to welcome hatred of the ruling class that just pillaged us and sent us into a severe economic crisis in which they mostly benefited from.

Unfortunately, Obama rather placate people, engage in wishy-washy pragmatism, and compromise with one of the most wretched and vile GOP known to American history.

^ This.

I applaud FDR's Pecora Commission and very strong Wall Street reforms. But both Agricultural Adjustment Acts were gross. The CCC established in the 1938 version of the AAA still operates and speculates on commodities to keep farm prices low! The TVA was just massive government enterprise.

And of course nobody should forget the Judicial Reorganization Bill, the court-packing plan which caused a rebellion among many Democrats.

No, they weren't. They morphed into something gross.

However, at the time a 1/3 of our workforce were tied up into family farms. Not only were farmers experiencing the GD, but were also recovering from the dustbowl--one of the biggest natural disasters known to man.

Remember, Americans had to eat. We were lining up for food.

However, modern day agricultural subsidies are a fucking abomination. Hardly any of the money goes to small families (there are a few left). Most go to large agribusiness making over $200K a year.

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