Prepping for Impeachment trial


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

On page 7 of the memorandum, the Trump legal team confirms that law enforcement received reports of a potential attack on the Capitol well before Trump’s January 6th speech…throwing out the possibility of a sudden “incitement” by the 45th President’s speech.

“Despite going to great lengths to include irrelevant information regarding Mr. Trump’s comments dating back to August 2020 and various postings on social media, the House Managers are silent on one very chilling fact.The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed that the breach at the Capitol was planned several days in advance of the rally, and therefore had nothing to do with the President’s speech on January 6th at the Ellipse,” they said.

“According to investigative reports all released after January 6, 2021, “the Capitol Police, the NYPD and the FBI all had prior warning there was going to be an attack on the Capitol…”Embarrassingly enough, even members of the Democratic leadership themselves have admitted on the record, albeit subsequent to January 6, 2021, that they believed the riots were pre-planned, with some, including Representative James C. Clyburn, the House Democratic Whip, going so far as to accuse fellow House Members of coordinating and planning the attack in advance as co-conspirators,” the Trump team added.

This will interesting to see how it all pans out.

On page 7 of the memorandum, the Trump legal team confirms that law enforcement received reports of a potential attack on the Capitol well before Trump’s January 6th speech…throwing out the possibility of a sudden “incitement” by the 45th President’s speech.

“Despite going to great lengths to include irrelevant information regarding Mr. Trump’s comments dating back to August 2020 and various postings on social media, the House Managers are silent on one very chilling fact.The Federal Bureau of Investigation has confirmed that the breach at the Capitol was planned several days in advance of the rally, and therefore had nothing to do with the President’s speech on January 6th at the Ellipse,” they said.

“According to investigative reports all released after January 6, 2021, “the Capitol Police, the NYPD and the FBI all had prior warning there was going to be an attack on the Capitol…”Embarrassingly enough, even members of the Democratic leadership themselves have admitted on the record, albeit subsequent to January 6, 2021, that they believed the riots were pre-planned, with some, including Representative James C. Clyburn, the House Democratic Whip, going so far as to accuse fellow House Members of coordinating and planning the attack in advance as co-conspirators,” the Trump team added.

This will interesting to see how it all pans out.
Prez Trump slapping 'em senseless, one lefty @ a time!
I am prepped for the impeachment trial. I have beer, popcorn. Ought to be fun. Stick around.
Should be good. I hope every Republican senator starts receiving a flood of emails from home. C'mon Democrats and Independents! Pressure! Don't threaten them, though.
Looks like the LOTUS's defence depends on denying the validity of the word 'sudden'. But is it even in the articles of impeachment?
I am prepped for the impeachment trial. I have beer, popcorn. Ought to be fun. Stick around.
Your Idea of fun is watching politicians bloviating for hours about nothing? Leftism is a sad existence.

Oh and they will bloviate. Each striving to out do the other. Should be interesting if anyone decides to watch it. What a waste of time and tax dollars.
Wrong. It’s about punishing bad behavior.
There was no bad behavior, the President does not instruct anything but a peaceful march, if that is wrong then you have to impeach Obama and Biden and over half of congress and take most of the TV host anchors off air. This is just a bunch of 5 year olds kicking down the sand castle they couldn't build if their lives depended on it.
By the way To give you something to ponder of a lesson I will tell you of such an incident that actually happened to me: During vacation I went to the beach, while relaxing I built a Spanish temple pyramid out of the sand, I GO FOR A WALK AND AS. I Come back to my towel some kid purposely for no reason stomps on the pyramid to destroy it, so As I look at the surrounding people as to say did you see that WTH? The grandfather says the kid doesn't know any better. Why is this significant? Because what better time to teach the kid about building not destroying what others build then at that momement so your only excuse is not "he doesn't know any better". If you their own voter base does not tell your party to stop resisting this nation's building, nor to stop stomping on it & destroying it and instead work with those fixing & building the nation then when are they ever gonna know any better? Nows the time to set them straight, otherwise like that kid they will grow up destructive not constructive.
Face facts, Hillary single handedly was a wrecking ball, her ego and Obamas destroyed the fabric of this nation. After the election the attack ads are supposed to stop, but she couldn't let it go.
I am prepped for the impeachment trial. I have beer, popcorn. Ought to be fun. Stick around.
Your Idea of fun is watching politicians bloviating for hours about nothing? Leftism is a sad existence.
I want to watch what used to be republicans twist the trump actions of the last 2 1/2 months since election, constantly whipping up his nut balls and try to prove he did not do it or it is good for a president to do it, or it was not bad for the country, or he did not know it was having this effect so to stupid to be held accountable and perfectly OK for a democrat president or any president to do it in the future. It will guarantee Democrat rule in democratic representative democracy for a generation or more, no matter how it turns out. They will never be trusted to try to take away our vote, threaten congress with violence or death. The death of the once republican upward political careers will save the country. You guys are fucked. Americans that believe in the constitution, free elections where the votes decide the outcome and representative democracy win not matter the result, because we still love our country as defined by our laws and constitution and have decided to keep it. Tough shit for the trumpists.
I am prepped for the impeachment trial. I have beer, popcorn. Ought to be fun. Stick around.
Your Idea of fun is watching politicians bloviating for hours about nothing? Leftism is a sad existence.
I want to watch what used to be republicans twist the trump actions of the last 2 1/2 months since election, constantly whipping up his nut balls and try to prove he did not do it or it is good for a president to do it, or it was not bad for the country, or he did not know it was having this effect so to stupid to be held accountable and perfectly OK for a democrat president or any president to do it in the future. It will guarantee Democrat rule in democratic representative democracy for a generation or more, no matter how it turns out. They will never be trusted to try to take away our vote, threaten congress with violence or death. The death of the once republican upward political careers will save the country. You guys are fucked. Americans that believe in the constitution, free elections where the votes decide the outcome and representative democracy win not matter the result, because we still love our country as defined by our laws and constitution and have decided to keep it. Tough shit for the trumpists.

There is so much media driven delusion in your post there's no point in responding. Please seek help.
Does the fact that OTHERS were also planning on attacking the Capitol , absolve Trump of inciting an attack AS WELL?

Absolutely not
And...another laugher from Richard. My iggie list grows by leaps and bounds.
There was no bad behavior, the President does not instruct anything but a peaceful march,
Not exactly. Some time back someone posted a video of the insurrection as it was happening. You can clearly hear one of them saying that they were carrying out Trumps wishes.
Could be, but That's what a sabotager would say Jesse. Never assume anything, nor label a group of people for the actions of a few
othwerwise you have a bunch of liberals running around liberal cities beating and robbing Chinese people and businesses and you'd have accuse all Democrats as being Xenophobic and racist.
Does the fact that OTHERS were also planning on attacking the Capitol , absolve Trump of inciting an attack AS WELL?

Absolutely not
Hey dummy, one can not incite a pre-planned event. Most of us learned that in grade school.
I think the House impeachers prepped for their performance by taking acid every day for a week. How else could they get this fucked up. Timothy Leary Schumer gets more wacked out every time I see him. Ditto for Nancy.

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