Pregnant, on meth and busted - again


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
On top of violating the conditions of her community control in two previous cases, Young pleaded guilty to two new drug charges Monday, including possession of meth and possession of drug abuse instruments. Young's other child, a 4-month-old, was in the car with her when she was pulled over for having a headlight out on Linden Avenue. Litle said responding officers noticed indications Young was on meth, and proceeded to find a loaded needle in the car.

Judge Mark Fleegle said that over the past three years, Young's done "little to nothing" to stop using. Young will serve 11 months in prison for the latest felony meth charge, which will run concurrent with an 11-month sentence stemming from her 2018 charges, now that her probation has been revoked.
Pregnant, on meth and busted - again

Drug treatment failure for those that have difficulty with the concept.
Since I teach the children of these mothers, I really wish we could have court orders to inject them with Depo-provera for a certain length of time until they're clean. Yes, even against their will. I don't know if you have the implicit right to bring children into the world when you're poisoning their brains and setting them up for a lifetime of disability.
Bah! Drug use only hurts the person using. 'Sides it's a nonviolent crime.............

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